
Clay and Buck

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Biden DOJ Targets Parents Who Complain to School Boards

5 Oct 2021

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BUCK: The Department of Justice, by far… Well, in the covid era maybe you could say HHS, the CDC. But that stuff is also enforced by the DOJ when push comes to shove. They’re the ones that will prosecute you for the fake passports, fake covid passports, that kind of stuff. But DOJ and IRS are the letters that for an American citizen you gotta be on guard when you hear they’re coming after you, right?

That’s a major concern. DOJ has said that they’re looking — and this is from Merrick Garland, the attorney general. This is not some low-level person. The head of the DOJ is saying they’re looking at the threats against teachers. And here’s Ian Prior, who’s a former DOJ spokesperson who’s pointing out this morning on Fox News on America’s Newsroom, what the heck are they talking about?

PRIOR: We’re talking for the most part about parents that are going to school board meetings to petition the government for redress of their grievances. And now when you have the Department of Justice wielding the FBI saying that we’re gonna go after parents for threats and harassment. Like, obviously credible threats are certainly something that, you know, they should look into, or local law enforcement should look into.

But harassment? What is “harassment”? Is that “Hey, I’m gonna show up at a school board meeting and talk about what you’re doing and hold you accountable; I’m gonna show up at a board of supervisors meeting and ask why you’re not taking leadership roles to fix what is going on in these communities”? Is that harassment? Is that what Merrick Garland is going to after?

CLAY: Buck, I did this. We talked about this. I went and talked at my local school board. Am I gonna be investigated for harassing people by the FBI because I said masks made no sense?

BUCK: The FBI may show up on the Travis desk, but you can just start talking football with them; they’ll probably leave you alone.

CLAY: (laughing) I just don’t know how this is remotely something that needs to be in any way publicly acknowledged. Look. Let’s just be clear. If somebody threatens to kill a teacher, they should be investigated. That is a serious and credible, potentially, threat of violence. That should be investigated.

But if somebody is trying to hold a school board accountable for a disastrous decision as it pertains to masks or who is allowed to enroll or who is not, that’s democracy. And this is really a messy situation to try to define, which is why I think ultimately, Buck, what this is is just an effort to intimidate people who are trying to speak out in ways that the Biden administration doesn’t support.

Remember, Buck, Joe Biden himself from the White House discussed the Williamson County School Board meeting that I was a part of multiple times as being evidence of something that was wrong with the country. I’m sorry. I don’t think that any parent who is sharing their opinion about a school board that they are helping to fund in a school district that their tax dollars allow to open and to function… That is what we should want. And if you look at the data, the more involved parents are in the school, the better the school does and the better result is for children.

BUCK: Yes. The reason for this… Even if they don’t follow up on it, even if a bunch of guys with badges and guns don’t show up to speak to some soccer moms and say, “Hey! You said some rough stuff to the teachers union reps at the local school board meeting. Better watch yourself!” Even if that doesn’t happen — which I gotta say, I’m not convinced that it won’t happen. But even if that doesn’t happen, the point of this was is a brushback pitch, to use a baseball analogy.

CLAY: No doubt. There you go! Sports fan: Buck Sexton.

BUCK: That’s what I’m talking about. Guy goes to an SEC football game, now he’s ready to be in the press box.

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: But, no, I think this is meant to send a message to people to say, “We’re watching you.”

CLAY: I think you’re right.

BUCK: The DOJ is watching the little automatons of the Big Government in these teachers unions and in the teacher school board meetings — or the school board meetings, rather — and they want people to know, “You better watch yourself or else,” and that has what we would call a chilling effect, to go back to the speech stuff.

CLAY: There you go.

BUCK: That’s right, dropping all the knowledge today. It has a chilling effect on people’s willingness to not only confront on masks, but also the CRT, the critical race theory blowback that schools were just lying to people about this. “There is no CRT! You don’t know what CRT is. There is some CRT but it’s not that bad,” and now finally, “Yeah, shut up! We’ll teach your kids CRT or we’re gonna sic the DOJ on you.” That’s what’s going on.

CLAY: And this just continues to destroy… To the extent that anybody still needs to see it destroyed, but I think even for people who expected Joe Biden to be a disaster, this is more of a disaster than anybody could have anticipated. There is literally nothing that Biden and his administration is touching that isn’t becoming worse in short order in the ten months since he took over in January of 2021.

BUCK: It doesn’t look it’s gonna get any better any time soon, either.

CLAY: Well, we got one year until the election.

BUCK: When you see the way the left is reacting to all this stuff with the budget, by the way, and how that now they’re gonna get through a lot of the things that they want. They’re gonna be funding with the Green New Deal stuff. We’ll come back and talk more about the status of these agreements.

The reason, just so everyone knows, we’re not getting that deep into today is because they’re negotiating over the price of the huge socialist package. So we’ll try to pull pieces out of it here and there. But until we know the price and what’s actually in it, there are some limitations. But we know what the reality is of the Biden agenda.

They’re gonna give all this money. They’re gonna tax, harass, regulate, and shut down anybody stands in their way, and they’re gonna transfer as many trillions of dollars as possible to favored constituencies, to woke corporations and to the welfare state — and to illegal aliens, by the way, as well. That’s the whole point.

CLAY: And not only that, Buck, they’re trying to race it through because they know that they’re gonna reap a whirlwind in 2022, and effectively will be frozen in place for two years until we figure out who’s gonna win in 2024.

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