
Clay and Buck

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The World Is Wondering What’s Wrong with Joe Biden

1 Nov 2021

CLAY: It’s not only American media that are noticing what is going on. We’ve got people all around the world seeing Joe Biden and kind of throwing up their hands and saying, “What in the world is taking place here?” and Sky News host Rita Panahi had a pretty good take. Listen to this.

PANAHI: This man needs a retirement home and a warm bowl of soup, not access to the nuclear codes. The man is in need of a lie-down, a pudding, time with his grandchildren. He has no business being in the White House.

BUCK: It’s true, Clay. You know it. I know it. Everybody listening to us now across the country knows it. He’s President Sippy Cup, and it’s just reckless that this is what the Democrats did. But it was all very clear why they did this. They have a radical left-wing agenda. The American people don’t like it, so they have to present it as something other than that which it is.

The problem that Republicans run into in politics is that they sometimes lack the ability to follow through on their own convictions. They fight with themselves. Democrats have to actually hide what they want to do from the American people, right? Republicans can’t always get it across the goal line, but Democrats pretend that they are a party that is moderate. Joe Biden was central to this lie. He was. The term we… Did you use this? I’m sure you did.

CLAY: Weekend at Bernie’s. Yeah.

BUCK: Trojan horse. He is the Trojan horse president for a radical left agenda of socialism, authoritarianism in the era of covid, and pushing the country further and further left. That’s what he’s doing, and he’s doing it while he’s muttering into his apple sauce in front of us all the time. It’s weird.

CLAY: Weekend at Bernie’s president. They dragged him across the finish line like the old school 1980s movie about a guy who was dead that they pretended was still alive?

BUCK: Have you seen it, by the way? Doesn’t hold up very well.

CLAY: Yeah. I haven’t seen it in recent times. Biden certainly isn’t holding up very well either. Earlier today — you probably saw the clips already, too, Buck — at this climate change conference, it looked like Biden fell asleep during some of the opening remarks being made. There are a lot of people who when they travel get tired and everything else, I will point out.

There’s been hardly any criticism of this, but Biden said that he hadn’t had time to get to the border yet he’s got six days to go Europe and meet the pope and go to the climate change conference and all these things. Kind of easy to go to the border, in theory, and be back in your home at the White House or back at Delaware where you’re spending all your free time in the same day.

I don’t have a lot of sympathy for that argument and the fact that it’s not being pointed out on a regular basis. Plus, Buck, there’s also sorts of reports about a disastrous meeting with the pope and why it took so long, and all of it ultimately boils down to Joe Biden’s own incompetence. And that’s why we were just talking earlier this hour about the impact of the Virginia race.

I think it could change things in a big way and I think that’s why they put the artificial deadline in place of October 31st, because they wanted to get everybody on the record voting for infrastructure and also getting the votes in on the Biden agenda as it pertains to the budget, because I think there’s gonna be a lot of people running for the hills if Glenn Youngkin wins, and I had Dub doing research, and these odds have swung in a big way where Glenn Youngkin is now the favorite. We need everybody listening to us in Virginia to go vote. But this would be an earth-shattering result, I really do believe, in year one of the Biden administration.

BUCK: You mentioned what Biden has time for and what the focus is, and I do think… I worry that we, the reasonable — we, the reality based — are becoming numb to how insane the climate change stuff actually is and how crazy these people are. Wwhen I say “these people,” yeah, there’s Greta Thunberg which, yeah, this is like a primitive religion of millennia ago where they’re working for some child god.

It’s absurd from the very beginning. Anderson Cooper at CNN is such a serious journalist having Greta Thunberg on. At the time, Clay, she was a 16-year-old girl who knew nothing about anything but she kind of looks the part of some kind of a prophet, a child prophet of the future. It was bizarre. Joe Biden is at this COP26 climate change conference right now and if you’re somebody who is part of the climate change religion, you obviously think this is super important.

Tons of private jets of course everyone’s flying in their private jets. Just remember, everyone each time they do that they’re basically using more CO2 than you and your family will use in an entire year. But they’re important, very, very different. They’re in Glasgow, Scotland, for this right now, unfortunately just a little aside here:

People think of Scotland as like the land of Braveheart — my all-time favorite movie — and freedom and liberty. It’s actually the land of really bad weather lots of rain and tons of socialism so just be aware of that the applicants of Scotland are quite left-wing. But he said… I’m trying to find the exact quote. Biden is saying stuff like they’re ravaging the world, that climate change is ravaging the world. This is a religious believe with no credibility for the factual. None.

CLAY: We’ve talked about this before on the show, Buck. I lose… There are some debates out there where I’m like, “Okay, they’ve got an argument that I really care about.” I legitimately do not worry about climate change in any way at all. I lose no sleep over him the idea of climate change, and I think the vast majority of people are like me. It’s crazy.

BUCK: I’m totally with you. Just to say, here’s a quote from this conference. Remember the president, Joe Biden, flew here. He’s made his comment. Greta Thunberg is leading a protest. The whole thing is so weird. Here’s a quote from one of the big participants: “Sea level rise has doubled from 30 years ago! Oceans are hotter than ever! Parts of the Amazon…” This is the same crap we’ve been hearing for 30 years. When are they gonna give it up? The answer is never. This is a religion.

CLAY: Remember AOC said in 12 years the world is basically gonna end. I think that was two years.

BUCK: People are completely out of their minds.

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