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Some Updates on Critical Race Theory

8 Nov 2021

BUCK: So, we have some updates here to critical race theory. Clay, it turns out — this is fascinating — all the parents who think they’ve heard critical race theory being taught to their kids on Zoom instruction or all the people who think you can go online and read about this stuff and believe the Department of Education website in the state of Virginia when it says that they’re trying to infuse the curriculum with critical race theory, at least principles if not official lesson planning?

They’re all confused, according to CNN. It’s such a shock, folks. See, it’s not that the left has been caught and parents are rising up against it. It’s that we all just don’t know what we’re talking about. That’s what they want you to believe. Here is a perfect example of it. A little propagandist mouthpiece over at CNN, they all do whatever Zucker wants them to over there. It’s a left-wing propaganda outfit. Here is CNN, though, and Senator Scott of Florida, in fact, talking about critical race theory. You need to hear this thing.

SCOTT: I think what Democrats need to continue to do is talk about Donald Trump. I think Republicans are gonna continue to talk about issues. Glenn Youngkin won his race because he talked about issues, and I think that’s what’s gonna happen. We’re gonna see it’s just like this Virginia. Terry McAuliffe wanted to say, “Oh, there was nothing about critical race theory!” We know it’s true. Parents know their kids are being indoctrinated with critical race theory in Virginia, and the Democrats want to deny it and so —

KEILAR: It’s not in the curriculum.

SCOTT: Parents showed up ’cause they don’t like —

KEILAR: Just to be, clear it’s not… It’s not in the curriculum in Virginia. Just — just to be —

SCOTT: Here let me just read you a few things. In 2015 while Terry McAuliffe was governor, the Virginia Department of Education promoting incorporating a critical race theory lesson in education. You can still find it on the Department of Education’s website. Still there. In February 2019 —

KEILAR: It’s not part of the —

SCOTT: — Department of Education promoting critical race theory and the idea of white fragility.

KEILAR: It’s not… it’s not part of the curriculum.

SCOTT: I read it yesterday.

BUCK: So, Clay, this is the talking points they fall back on. It’s actually embarrassing at this point because the parents who are upset hear and see and know what they’re upset about when it comes to their children’s instruction. But instead of engaging on this the journos out there, the media apparatus of Democrat Party is still clinging to either “it’s so complicated; you can’t understand it” or “it’s not actually happening,” which is what we just heard, or “if you don’t like it, you’re racist.” Those are the only options.

CLAY: Isn’t it amazing how many people in our industry are just absolute imbeciles?

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: He is directly contradicting her live on the air, which is hard to do on a television interview. To his credit, Senator Scott, it appears he was well prepped. His staff probably said, “Hey, she’s going to say this is not a real thing. Here are several examples that you can directly cite on air,” ’cause, Buck, you do a lot of television too. It’s hard to have time to look down at documents and contradict somebody live on television.

Television is primarily an opinion-based medium when it comes to interviews. You share your opinion; I’ll share mine. She’s saying that his argument is not rooted in fact because there’s no legitimate critical race theory being taught in Virginia. And he was on the ball enough to have the information directly in front of him to specifically cite why she’s wrong. But what’s going on here, Buck, is part of a larger issue. And certainly, CNN and MSNBC and a lot of places out there in the sort of left-wing resistance media, they bought into things that are not true.

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