
Clay and Buck

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Fauci Wants You Thinking Covid’s Delta Variant Is Like the Predator

6 Jul 2021

BUCK: Covid is not over. Now, you may be saying, “Buck, the pandemic is effectively over,” but, no, no! The covid lockdowns and the madness around it have not ceased. We still have rules in place. Airports and different cities have different regulations, some private companies. And they’re trying to get you scared because they’re talking about… Clay, did you see this? The Delta variant is the one that for the last two weeks, the Delta variant is coming for us.

CLAY: (chuckling)

BUCK: You know, it’s like the movie Predator: The Delta variant can see through all the trees, and it’s got camouflage and it’s coming for us, and now the Lambda variant they’re talking about too! So there’s a whole… You know, we’re gonna get new variants every few weeks, and the reason for this… We saw this. Clay pointed this out to me during the break. They want to send — they’re going to send, the Biden administration — door-to-door. I mean, Clay, before we had Jen Psaki explain this, did you ever think they’d actually talk about Strike Force Vaccine Groups?

CLAY: I saw this clip during one of our commercial breaks, and I said, “This cannot be real, that they are going to do this. First of all, you know what this requires, Buck? This requires some sort of larger scale knowledge of who exactly has been vaccinated for them to be able to target the unvaccinated, right? I mean, this is pretty crazy. Listen to what Jen Psaki said just about 30 minutes ago during her White House briefing.

PSAKI: The president will outline five areas his team is focused on to get more Americans vaccinated. One, uh, targeted community-by-community, door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.

BUCK: I mean, this is something that if we… Just to put this in context, if a year ago to the day — if in July of 2020, Clay — I had tell you, “We’re gonna have a vaccine that is very effective and that basically half the country gets, but that won’t be enough, and the Biden administration is going to be deploying people door-to-door to try to coax people…”

Let’s be honest about this, right? They’re gonna try to convince you, you know, this is gonna be like some group that’s selling you products you don’t want except in this case, they want to stick a needle in your arm. I mean, look, some people may want to. I’m not saying that. But for the folks who do, at this point, who hasn’t gotten vaccinated that wants to get vaccinated? (chuckles) This is the part that it seems the Biden administration refuses to accept.

CLAY: Yeah. Look. There is a choice factor at play here, and the goal, as we’ve said from the moment we started this show is to be as transparent and honest as we possibly can. I have not been vaccinated, right? I made that choice because I’ve had covid; I still have covid antibodies. So much like Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky who said, “Wait a minute.

“Why would I get a covid vaccine when effectively the covid vaccine is designed to give me antibodies that I already have,” I’ve made the choice myself not to get vaccinated because I already had covid. I did not have — fortunate — no major issues associated with covid. And what we’re seeing now, which is even scarier than adults making decisions, Buck, is a lot of parents are having to make choices.

And I’ve got a 13-year-old, I’ve got a 10-year-old, and I’ve got a 6-year-old. There’s no way, Buck Sexton, that I am taking my 13-year-old, God forbid my 10 and 6-year-old — and, by the way, I’m not anti-vax. Okay? I am not opposed to vaccinations. My kids got measles, mumps, rubella. I get all of that. Diseases that are a danger for young children.

And, by the way, and I’ll just reiterate this, if you are over 65 years old — if you have comorbidities, if you are unhealthy — I do think it makes sense for you to get vaccinated. But people who are young and healthy, relatively speaking, and certainly children, there’s no reason whatsoever to get a kid vaccinated when they’re not in danger from covid.

BUCK: (impression) Well, Clay, Dr. Fauci clearly disagrees with, and the CDC wants you to take the extra mile. Remember that? Go the extra mile. Why two masks when you could have three? Why three masks when you could have four?” And that’s why I think we should all be very clear, they’re actually specifically going after now… They want to vaccinate your 12-year-old.

Clay: Yes.

BUCK: Here’s Jen Psaki from the White House. Play it.

PSAKI: Dr. Fauci has addressed this a number of times and has conveyed that herd immunity is kind of an outdated term. Uh, we had, uh, set a goal of reaching 70% of adults, uh, by July 4th. Uh, we reached, uh, that goal of adults 27 and older by that date, and we’re continuing to press to reach it, and we will and the next couple of weeks, uhh, for adults over the age of 18.

But our work doesn’t stop there, and we are going to continue to press to get 12 to 18 years olds vaccinated, to continue to, uhhh, work, uh, with communities where there’s lower vaccination rates. That’s one of the reasons we initiated these, um — th-th-these, uh — these strike forces to go into communities and work with them to determine what they need, to take a localized, specific approach that works with elected officials and communities. But I don’t have a new goal to set for you.

BUCK: A strike force for vaccinations? (laughs) I mean, can she hear herself? Can the little authoritarian mouthpiece of the Biden administration hear the words that she is sharing with the whole country? What happens, by the way…? What happens if you tell the strike force to leave you alone?

CLAY: The vaccine strike force is striking children who have a 0% risk. That’s not a rounding error; that is the truth: 0%. If you look at all the statistical data, a 0% rate of death or serious injury from covid, 0%. They are not primary conduits. Many kids have already had it. The best thing you can say about covid, ’cause I will say, Buck, if we flip this: If covid had had the impact on kids under 10 that it did for adults over 80, I would have never left my house.

BUCK: That was one of the terrifying things about the Spanish influenza was that in the second wave —

CLAY: Yes. That’s right.

BUCK: — and they’ve never really been able to get to why this happened. It particularly targeted 20 to 40 years old.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: Went after this tranche of society you usually think of as being health and they don’t really understand even all the mechanisms behind that. But I just want to note that once again we see, “It’s just two weeks, it’s just two months, it’s just a mask, it’s just until this number, it’s just until that number.”

CLAY: It doesn’t end.

BUCK: The incremental authoritarianism around covid-19 has been a lesson in why sometimes you have to extend a solitary finger in the direction of government.

CLAY: (laughing) And keep it up, by the way. And I gotta say, I mean, this is just… You asked a question, Buck — and I think it was a really good one — earlier in the show. You said what is the accomplishment of the Biden administration? I think they are desperate to find a reason for being, a raison d’etre, so to speak. And covid is the entire campaign Biden ran, right? He hid out in his basement, walked around in masks. I think that what is going on here is they’re looking for a reason of existence.

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