
Clay and Buck

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Clay Says What You’re Not Allowed to Say About Kamala

13 Jul 2021

CLAY: Here is my theory, Buck. And I understand your argument of “don’t presume that they’re even capable of playing chess right now.” I think they’re trying to distract, the Democratic Party is, right now. They are in the throes of a major budgetary battle. Bernie Sanders wants a $6 trillion budget, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. Moderates in the Senate are saying they might only go for two and a half or three trillion. That’s a massive difference. And as all of this is taking place right now in D.C., suddenly Biden travels out of D.C. to go to Philadelphia to give a speech uniting the overall Democratic game plan of “everything is racist” to try to distract from what is becoming a pretty readily apparent Democratic civil war over budgetary issues, over crime, over, really, all of Joe Biden’s theoretical game plan here. There are massive battles, not external, but internal in the Democratic Party.

And I think they’re trying to rally the troops by just once more saying, “Hey, remember, remember how racist the Republicans are” and hope that nobody’s noticing what’s going on with the budget right now.

BUCK: But the budget is gonna be something we only know about if the media covers it, and they’re not gonna cover it in a way that makes it seem like there’s some importance. I mean, you’re right. It’s a mess, right? What you’re saying is true, what you’re saying about the budget being a back-and-forth between Democrats, but they know the media’s never gonna make it look like it’s, as you said, a civil war or anything else. So maybe there’s just disjointed messaging right now because the Democrats are flailing because the first six months of the Biden administration is a mess. That’s an alternative explanation. And as you and I both agree, they view “Republicans are racist” as the one — that is the one great uniter, and that then translates into voting right issues, into crime issues, everything else.

CLAY: That’s their entire game plan, and it’s going to get even worse with Kamala Harris being the nominee because, if she’s not the nominee, guess what? She’s gonna be able to say that the Democratic Party is racist and sexist ’cause they didn’t pick a black woman to be their nominee. This is assuming that they can’t Weekend at Bernie’s-style drag Biden out as the nominee again.

BUCK: I’m thinking it’s gonna be Weekend at Bernie’s Part 3.

CLAY: You think part 2?

BUCK: I think they already made it 2. Did they make —

CLAY: Yeah. Well, yeah.

BUCK: I think they made a sequel, which —

CLAY: So this is part 3, 4, whatever?

BUCK: Yeah. If you saw the original, there should have been no sequel. But, yeah, I do believe that they’re so worried at this point about Kamala’s — look, they used to talk about the lack of likability with Hillary Clinton, but with her whole thing was extreme competence and executive — which I know was, you know, nonsense. But the point is that was the story, that was the narrative. With Kamala pol, you’ve got doesn’t seem particularly likable on a political level, doesn’t have that charisma, those retail political skills. And exactly what has gone well that’s been in her portfolio so far. I mean, we don’t even talk about the border anymore, which is the worst it’s ever been, and that was her issue until she realized this is a mess and I can’t fix it.

CLAY: These also awful on her feet, which is a massive story. And I still understand people are like, “Oh, you can’t talk about this.” The fact that she was the side chick of Willie Brown in San Francisco, that everybody just is, like, not even talking about, I mean, how is that — she was the girlfriend of a married man. And everybody just like, if she’s gonna be the front facing candidate in 2024, I mean, how is that not a major story if the Democrats are gonna try to trot her out? I think everyone’s like. Oh, my God. You can’t say — that’s like a big part of her resume in California. She was the girlfriend of a married man. I think that’s kind of significant.

Now, Trump, maybe, but it may not be a great angle for Trump to be playing ’cause not lake his past history is, in his private life, stellar, necessarily, but I think that’s kind of a big deal. She’s not good on her feet. She, you know, like has not had really a very storied and accomplished career. And she managed in California to initially rise to power by being the side chick of the mayor and it’s like people won’t even mention it. Like, to me she’s utterly incompetent.

BUCK: Well, Democrats certainly weren’t fond of her during the primary, which was obvious, despite her —

CLAY: She got crushed.

BUCK: — despite her saying, “It’s clear I’m a top-tier candidate,” which was not clear from the actual voters. I remember she said that early on. Remember the Democrats had those double debates that were going on two, you know, went back-to-back and she came out and said it’s clear I’m a top candidate. She’s a top candidate in the greenroom of CNN. She’s a top candidate if you were to poll the New York Times editorial page, maybe but for the rest I don’t think so. So I do believe Biden is probably gonna be the person they put forward. But that’s a ways off.

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