
Clay and Buck

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Fauci Vows to Stay on Job, Threatens Return to Restrictions

21 Mar 2022

BUCK: Dr. Fauci almost two years ago to the day.

BUCK: Just kidding! That’s two days ago, because he says the same crap all the time, like nothing has changed, and he’s never ever going to let us out of the grip of his cold, little, tiny tyrannical fingers. (impression) “We may need to pivot again if there’s another surge.” He says he’s not going anywhere too, Clay. He’s promising us he’s staying around.

BUCK: This guy has been so awful and so wrong and such an impediment to the truth, Clay, for such a long time now. But there will be a part of me, without Fauci, I don’t know. It won’t be the same to talk about the madness of the covid loons.

CLAY: I’ll be ecstatic when Fauci is gone for any reason because they’re just going to keep trotting him out. This is where it’s important on Fauci. I really believe that Democrats will try to bring back masks as soon as the midterms are over. This mask… Taking it off, your kid’s not having to wear it, you don’t have to wear it around the cities. Look at the seasonal data.

Every fall the number of covid cases are going to go up just like with the flu and they’re going to be able to hit the panic button and accede to the wishes of all the left-wing lunatics. And that’s basically what Fauci is letting them know. that’s why they let him out of the basement to go do this interview is, “Hey, I’ve got your back, we’re going to bring all of these restrictions back as soon as we possibly can.”

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