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Biden Promises Worldwide Food Shortages

25 Mar 2022

BUCK: From Build Back Better to go broke filling up your gas tank, and let’s hope Moscow doesn’t fire nukes at us in about a year. That’s how quickly that transition happened. Welcome back to Clay and Buck. Oh, in case that’s not enough, now you also have to consider… Let’s remember what we were promised here. Let’s remember what Joe Biden came into office saying he would get, he would do, and where we are now, and throw in the mix, “Folks, there are probably going to be worldwide food shortages.” Oh, I’m serious.

BUCK: Clay, food is about to get a whole lot more expensive. Russia and Ukraine are enormous exporters of wheat, and guess where the wheat crop is? Not actually being harvested, planted, et cetera, obviously, in the midst of the conflict zone. Everything is going to get more expensive. Food shortages could get really ugly.

CLAY: Well, and what’s difficult about this situation with the food shortage is — as you well know, Buck — the expectation of food shortages often can create food shortages. We saw this happen back in March of 2020 when suddenly you couldn’t buy toilet paper anywhere, not because there was actually a toilet paper shortage, but because there was a run on toilet paper, because people were afraid it wasn’t going to exist. So there’s still somebody out there that has eight years of toilet paper stacked up in your closets.

BUCK: Yeah. People who bought for days felt that they made a great investment.

CLAY: There you go: 200-square feet of Buck’s 600-square-feet apartment is just toilet paper still.

BUCK: There you go.

CLAY: You were on the ball. Making sure you had it.

BUCK: Ready to rock.

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