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Newsom Compares Unvaccinated Americans to Drunk Drivers

27 Jul 2021

NEWSOM: Look, we don’t even have to have that debate after we can just get everybody vaccinated that’s not vaccinated, that’s refusing to getting vaccinated, that’s living, uhh, vaccine free and impacting the rest of us. It’s like drunk drivers. You don’t have the right to go out and drink and drive and put everybody else at risk including your own life at risk. California’s one of the highest vaccination rates in America, but yet we’re still seeing an increase because so many people — 25% in California — uh, are refusing to get vaccinated so we’re really trying to focus on ending this pandemic once and for all.

CLAY: Welcome back. That’s California Governor Gavin Newsom talking about the unvaccinated, and we’re talking about the CDC reportedly going back to a mask requirement indoors even for vaccinated people and also everyone kindergarten through twelfth grade needing to wear masks inside of schools. And, Buck, where I’m saying we’re a month or two months ahead of the media is this.

The vaccine is not a cure-all. This is not a vaccine for measles, mumps, rubella, for polio, for smallpox where — as soon as people are vaccinated — those diseases can be eradicated. That’s the way that everybody is talking about this vaccine, as if it’s going to lead to Covid Zero. But the data doesn’t reflect that that’s true at all.

Best-case scenario, this would protect and limit the number of people who might die who are elderly, akin in many ways to what a flu shot can do. So I think that there is — and I don’t know whether… It’s a good debate. I was having this discussion with my wife, whether most people who are media and politicians are not actually looking at the data.

And they’re just trotting out the, “If everybody’s got the vaccine, covid would go away” talking points which are not accurate or true, or whether this is symptomatic of a larger goal in mind. I don’t know. I tend to think that people are just dumb, and they don’t look at the data. What about you?

BUCK: You have to add into this the “it’s just” construct. “It’s just two weeks. It’s just for a while. It’s just a few months ago. It’s just a mask.”

CLAY: It’s just a mask.

BUCK: “It’s just two masks. It’s just avoiding a big crowd of people. It’s just not going out to eat. You can still order in food. It’s just working from home,” all the way through, and then finally it was, “It’s just one vaccine or two shots of the vaccine, but it’s just one time for the vaccine.” Even that now, they’re breaking with this.

“Well, we might need boosters and we’re gonna force you.” (chuckling) You’re gonna get to a point here where they’re gonna make life as miserable as possible for anybody who doesn’t get the vaccine. Do you think that they’ll have any moment of sorrow or sadness or remorse when it comes out that natural immunity…? Which I would place a bet that we’re gonna find that natural immunity is stronger. ‘Cause remember we talked to Dr. Rand Paul about this. That’s almost always the case.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: There are some rare exceptions when a vaccine is better than naturally acquired immunity. But this now is looking like it’s a vaccine that fades, it’s a vaccine that you’re gonna need boosters for. Fauci’s already said that. And it’s just this incrementalism from the lockdowners. They never learn. If there was good data about masks preventing the spread of this stuff, it would be everywhere on the internet.

If the charts that showed mask-mandated counties and states versus those without it were inverse of what they are, there would be a CNN link on the front page. There’d be a New York Times ticker every day with, “Look at how great the masks work, all you anti-mask idiots.” Instead, our side of it was right they’ll never admitted and so what do they do they go right back to the same stuff they were saying in the beginning.

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