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The Biden Regime Wanted High Gas Prices and Got It Done

9 Jun 2022

BUCK: Welcome back to Clay and Buck.

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: You got to give credit to this Biden administration. When they set their mind to something, they can really get it done, and they are now number one when it comes to super high gas prices that are making everybody really frustrated. They’re very good at helping to drive the price of gas way up — $5 national average gas right now — which means that in California, places in the Pacific Northwest, some other states, it’s got to be six, seven, maybe. I mean, have we seen proof yet of the $8 a gallon gas? Is that happening anywhere? I’ve seen six and seven. I know that’s real.

CLAY: The fact that we, first of all, have gotten to $5-a-gallon gas, even in places where gas is typically not as expensive like where I live here in Tennessee, in the state of Tennessee, in the Nashville area. It’s unbelievable — and, hey, we’re only in mid-June. This thing is going to continue to go up because a lot of people are out driving. The demand for gas is going to increase. I think we are going to get to $6- or $7-a-gallon gas by the time we get to Labor Day, and Biden’s sitting at 33, 35% approval ratings, the lowest of all time. This is, Buck, the number-one tangible reality for people when you get angry is when you stand there and watch that tank keep going and going and going.

BUCK: Trump said…

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Remember this in 2020? He said, “If you vote for Biden, you’re going to get $6 gas,” ad everybody in the media was like, “Oh, that’s never going to happen.” Actually, he looks like a prophet now. In retrospect, it looks low. Yeah, like it actually may go from May.

CLAY: That looks low. It’s gonna go to $7.

BUCK: Yeah. Because he said it would be $6. We’re at $5. Also, there were so many Republicans, who were saying we’re going to have inflation, we’re saying we’re going to have high gas prices. Everything, basically, we say comes true. And then the whole lib media game is to be like, “Oh, nobody could have seen this coming.”

CLAY: Or to blame Ukraine, even though the numbers have skyrocketed all before Ukraine to.

BUCK: Remember when we were going to have the crippling sanctions on Russia that were going to destroy Putin’s economy? Yeah. Now we’re worried about global food shortages for the rest of the world. So it’s interesting that the people that are in charge can’t seem to get anything right. But this is going to affect so much, Clay, the cost of gas here per gallon. It’s going to affect people’s travel plans. It’s going to affect airlines — car travel, obviously massively — food, so many industries, costs of everything going up.

CLAY: And here’s the thing: It’s not going to get better the disconnect — and I’m curious how much this is going to register with Democrats. The disconnect between having a hearing on January 6th, the day after the Kavanaugh attempted assassination. But when inflation numbers are going to come out tomorrow morning before hitting an all-time high for gas prices. Of all the things politicians could be focused on, you’re going back in time 18 months? It’s a desperate Hail Mary ploy by Democrats and their allies in the media who will cover it like a big deal.

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