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Fact Check of the Fact Check: Yes, Biden Looked at His Watch

3 Sep 2021

FORMER CONGRESSMAN AND AFGHAN VET MAX ROSE: In a word, yes, he did. And, look, we’ve spoken about this before. I’ve got the scars of this war, on my body, on my soul. I’ve seen people who I absolutely love get hurt in Afghanistan. And so this is personal. And the last month has been in a way triggering. But I won’t let that emotion cloud my reasoning here. President Biden did the absolute right thing and we’re all safer as a result. You know, we have basically three different groups or camps right now. We have those who supported this decision, those who previously supported Donald Trump in his vision of leaving Afghanistan and now they flip flop. Those people are frauds.

BUCK: I told you they would be saying this. I thought they would wait a few days maybe. But they went to it right away. Joe Biden should be beyond criticism for the withdrawal now. I know. I know. We can all be angry about this technology. Welcome back to the Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. We can all see this for what it is. But now it is that Joe Biden did a great job.

The propaganda machinery is in full swing already. We are safer because of Joe Biden. The world sees us now as an even stronger partner because of Biden. This is key to the kind of authoritarian control that Democrats seek so much in our society. It’s not enough to say things that are debatable and to misrepresent them. It’s not enough to lie to you. They insist on ramming the lies down your throat, on forcing them in front of your eyes so often, that you start to question what the heck is really going on.

How could it be possible, for them to lie so aggressively about something so obvious? Ah. Okay. Because this is the plan. This is how it was always going to work. Biden can just send everybody to lifeboats. And then pretend that he’s not the one that steered us into the iceberg of this evacuation. I know the withdrawal decision is something that is bipartisan overall. Largely. I know that Trump set up a timeline, but Trump did not preside over this disastrous withdrawal situation.

A withdrawal, by the way, that not only looked chaotic, and — and ridiculous from the respect of lack of planning, but also tragically cost the lives of 13 of our best. Marines, navy Corp men. And brings they then to the Biden — you know I said Biden said the same stuff. He’s had the same routines over and over, for decade, you know. He’s just got… It’s like he’s playing a character, and the character is Good Old Joe Biden, the guy down the street with the rolled-up sleeves.

And you can count on good old Joe. And he rides the choo-choo to work, and the whole thing. During the transfer ceremony, there was a little bit of back and forth over whether Joe Biden was actually looking at his watch. Because people thought, “Hold on a second. You’re the commander-in-chief. You’re supposed to be representing the American people here in the most solemn of acts, paying respects to our heroes.” And they said, “Oh, no. Biden would never do that!”

A fellow named — by the way, the fact-checkers in the media business are the dumbest and most dishonest people you’ll ever come across, which is saying a lot — Daniel Funke. Funke. Funke. I don’t know. “New fact check: A viral photo makes it look like President Biden checked his watch during a ceremony honoring U.S. service members killed in Kabul. But that’s misleading.” That was the fact-check. It was from USA Today.

Oh, but they had to do a little update on this one late last night. “Fact-check: Biden honored service members killed in Kabul, checked watch during ceremony.” Yeah. They tried to tell you that your lying eyes were lying to you. “Of course, he didn’t check his watch! That’s not what you saw.” And then the fact-checkers realized, “Hold on. There’s only so much propaganda. He was checking his watch. He did have somewhere better to be, in his own mind, apparently in that moment.”

I’m not letting this go, folks.

I’m not letting it go at all.

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