
A Leftist Insurrection Against SCOTUS Ignored by Media

CLAY: I want to hit you with this. Yesterday, we talked about a lot of the attempted assassination of the Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. And one of the conversations that we had — and I think Karol Markowicz said in the first hour with us, and she broke a lot of the news here — was she said, I really hope I’m wrong — and I’m paraphrasing her — but I really doubt whether the media will even cover this as a legitimate news story.

So, we just refresh. Because there are tens of millions of people. Not you guys. Because you’re thankfully listening to people who speak truthfully to you every day. There are tens of millions of Americans that will never know that Brett Kavanaugh — that there was an attempted assassination of him by a left-wing lunatic who wanted to kill Brett Kavanaugh, so that the Roe v. Wade opinion, draft opinion, never became law. Here I’m reading from the Wall Street Journal. This guy, showed up at Brett Kavanaugh’s house, dressed in black, after midnight — 1:45 — had a suitcase, a backpack, a Glock 17, two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, a tactical knife, hammer, screwdriver, crow bar, zip ties, and duct tape.

Said he wanted to assassinate a Supreme Court justice. This has never happened before in modern American history, that we’ve even had a situation like this arise. Buck, I went and I looked. This morning, and some of you can say, why in the world do you still get the newspaper? This is one of the reasons, because I try to arm myself with whatever the news is. The Brett Kavanaugh attempted assassination was on the twentieth page of the New York Times. The twentieth page. It was the twenty-sixth story last night on CNN.com. That is, there were 25 other stories, according to CNN, that were more important than the potential assassination of the Supreme Court justice.

The Washington Post buried it on their own website, even though this is in their city, and they treated it, as the equivalent of Washington defense coordinator Jack Del Rio’s opinion on January 6th. They are doing a rig job here, Buck, of all rig jobs, ad this is important because there are tens of millions of people — maybe even over 100 million people — who will never know that this story ever existed, who will never be aware. When you hear all this talk about domestic right-wing extremism and white supremacy and everything else, they’ll never know that a left-wing crazy person tried to assassinate a sitting Supreme Court justice to avoid his opinion becoming law in this country, and also to allow Joe Biden to appoint his replacement. This is to me, one of the biggest stories in judicial history and it’s being completely buried.

BUCK: One of the most powerful tools of propaganda that the Democrat-aligned corporate media has is — as we often discuss — what to cover, what not to cover, which is what you’re getting into now. But as a subset of that, as a secondary component of that decision, also when does the coverage indicate collective guilt or blame, and when is it just an aberrant person? When is it a one-off? Or, this isn’t something you need to look at too closely. You say this all the time.

There’s a shooting incident. Before we have to have a national conversation about the motivations of the individual, the Democrat media — the Washington Post, CNN, New York Times, all the rest of them — wants to know, “Who were the victims? Who was the shooter?” and we know that there’s a very clear media playbook in terms of their coverage that they go to with this. And if it is, let’s say, a white shooter and there are indications. That there may be — whether it’s racial animus or political animus, then it very quickly turns into, “This is representative of a much larger trend in the Republican Party, and basically as different levels, everybody who just voted for Republican in the last election, there’s some bit of guilt from this!

“Your vote for Trump in the last election is tied to this heinous event,” and, of course, on the other hand. When it’s something that it doesn’t fit the Democrat narrative, they either cover it very seldom. They cover it in a very sterile false. “Yeah. This thing happened. It was a person.” I mean, look at the coverage of the shooter in New York City on the subway system for example.

CLAY: It’s gone.

BUCK: We, still, to this day… I’m a New Yorker. I’ve never seen a breakdown. Who o are the victims? Was there any specific targeting that went on in that subway? And people might say, “Oh, Buck, well, here it is.” Yeah. But I read the news every day, all day long, and I didn’t see that. So if it exists somewhere, clearly they didn’t decide that that was something we needed to know. This is so interesting, I think right now because with January 6th happening.

What is one of the biggest takeaways we’re supposed to have for January 6? Why do left-wing zealots, Clay, get so fired up about January 6? Well, for one, it creates this false moral high ground for them. Right? “We’re just defending our democracy. If we have to silence you, if we have to shut you down on social media….

“If we have to lock you up in solitary confinement for non-violent crimes, we’re just defending our democracy, man.” That’s one part of it. But another is that they want the perception to be. And certainly, they’re fostering this among Democrats. The entire Republican Party is guilty of whatever happened. Of everything that happened on that day, which is why they lied, of course, about five police officers dying from it, at the very beginning of it, why they continue to push this.

You, me, everyone who listened to this, voting for Trump, according to the Democrat narrative, is partially responsible for what happened on January 6th. I bring that up in the context of what you’re discussing here with this attempt — they arrested him for attempted murder. So that means, to me, this must be considered an attempted assassination of a Supreme Court justice. They are dropping the firewall here, with, “Oh, all of our…” You know, Chuck Schumer and Pelosi, and Biden and the White House and all the things they said, about fundamental assault of women’s rights. And the enslavement of women’s wounds, and all this stuff? None of that contributed to this situation. So they are free, of the environment that can cause violence. And any violence that can be associated with the right, every single one of us is supposed to be held guilty for. This is one of their primary tools of political propaganda.

CLAY: They protested, again, outside of Brett Kavanaugh’s house last night, which is, to me, even further evidence of the patent absurdity. First of all, this is a crime. It’s a federal crime to try to intimidate a justice. Everyone who protests, in my opinion, outside of a Supreme Court justice’s home — by the way, right or left wing, depending on what people want to protest — should be arrested and not allowed to do so. But to have protesters show up outside of Brett Kavanaugh’s house, the very night after they arrested someone trying to assassinate him the previous night, shows the depth of depravity that is at stake here.

To me, given the fact that we’re going to have this dog and pony show going on tonight on the January 6th 18 months after January 6th. Let’s be clear about what this attempt was by this guy on Brett Kavanaugh. This was an insurrection against the Supreme Court. If you want to use the term “insurrection”? This guy’s exact goal was to kill Brett Kavanaugh, thereby changing the outcome of the Supreme Court opinion — ad not only changing the outcome of the Supreme Court opinion, but also then allowing the current party in power, the Democrats — who control the Senate as well through Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote —

— to not only kill Brett Kavanaugh and destroy whatever opinions he may have signed on to, that are due to come out, in the next several weeks — certainly, including, we think Roe v. Wade being sent back to the states — but then to allow the sitting power in power, to replace him with someone whose opinion better fits their own view of the judicial world. Buck, I am… Even, I think, the Wall Street Journal’s of the world, where it was on page three, and they had the editorial on it are underselling this. This is a situation without precedent, one of the biggest stores in American judicial history, in my opinion. This is crazy. This is a monster, big issue.

BUCK: Well, let’s go into the context of what’s happening last night, where there’s this hour’s long big Democrat spectacle extravaganza about how they’re the defenders of our democracy.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Well, it feels a lot tougher to make that case when, one, you have zealots from your side who are being arrested for being a would-be assassin of a Supreme Court justice, and also having mainstream Democrat politicians — or mainstream within the Democrat Party — talk about court packing. Talking about getting rid of the electoral college, trying to rig the system and rig the game, in every way that they can. But on the Supreme Court side of things, how are you the defenders of our democracy if you actually have no fundamental respect for the Supreme Court, which is there to prevent essentially mob rule, ochlocracy, right?

The rule by mob. If you just have people voting and they can get anything they want, there’s no constitutional anchor. There’s no constitutional interpretation from the Supreme Court. What do we have? We have mob rule. Democrats, inherently, I think would like mob rule. They would prefer the idea of mob rule, because they always think if the collective gets their way, we get closer to utopia. But they’re talking about being the defenders of democracy tonight. That’s the whole thing. “We’re the good guys.” Now, that’s what they’re telling themselves with this whole thing. You know, so anybody who voted for Trump or supports Trump is a bad guy or is supporting a bad guy or supporting a bad guy, a combination of those two things.

Are they really defenders of democracy, when they’re the ones that have put — and it was a leftist that leaked that Supreme Court decision, it’s a leftist, that’s now been arrested for building a would-be assassin for a Supreme Court justice. It’s Democrat politicians who have had to apologize for wildly over-the-line rhetoric about justices like Kavanaugh and others? They’re the defenders of our democracy? These people are delusional. But, you know, Clay, it’s a version of Joe Biden walking out last night on Kimmel — I saw you pointing this out — with a mask on, until he is shaking hands, and then they take it off. These people are fighting against the rationality and hysteria with these libs, all the time.

CLAY: We should also mention — yeah, and I will talk about that Biden situation on the interview last night on Jimmy Kimmel. Of course, he fell going up the steps to fly to L.A. again. I mean, just truly incompetent on every level. But remember, the House is having this hearing tonight on January 6th. They still haven’t had the time to vote to allow additional protection to Supreme Court justices. So, Nancy Pelosi’s House can have prime-time hearings on an 18-month-old event.

A riot, one of hundreds of riots that took place surrounding the 2020 presidential election year and the George Floyd incident, and yet they still can’t pass a bill they passed unanimously in the Senate, to allow Supreme Court justices to be completely protected, even in the wake of an attempted assassination, attempt on Justice Kavanaugh yesterday? It’s just, it’s a level of depravity and dishonesty, that, frankly, I’m not sure most of us out there, right now, have ever seen in our lives.


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