
Clay and Buck

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Absurd COP26 Summit Worships Greta Blah, Blah

2 Nov 2021

BUCK: I’m not letting it go with all the climate change stuff, Clay.

CLAY: I just pretend it doesn’t exist.

BUCK: Here’s the thing. I want to do the same thing. I want to just completely act like these are people, they’re crazy. They’re like the cults — again, the cults in Parks and Recreation, The Reasonabilists who believe the world is gonna end every year — and every year at the last second, they’re like, “No, the special alien communication device tells us next year the world will end,” and this is what they do.

They gather together and it’s like they have a party for the end of the world. That’s a little bit like the climate change people, except they want to ruin the global economy and run your life and harass you endlessly, right? So I don’t want to do the unilateral surrender thing of letting them just be crazy because Joe Biden’s involved in this stuff, folks.

Jeff Bezos is showing up in his private jet. Leo DiCaprio did fly commercial. A lot of press on that one. Gee, Leo. But here. If you want to get a sense of this stuff, you know, Greta Thunberg, who is a Thunberg in my side, as they say, constantly annoying me. She is out there saying stuff like — hold on a second — like this.

THUNBERG: We say, “No more blah, blah, blah!” No more exploitation of people and nature and the planet. No more exploitation! No more blah, blah, blah. No more whatever the (bleep) they’re doing inside there!


THUNBERG: We’re sick and tired of it, and we are gonna make the change whether they like it or not!

BUCK: Okay. I just want to be clear here, Clay. She’s as this Glasgow COP26, Conference of Parties. That’s what COP stands for. This big climate change thing. They’re gonna regulate methane now, which is cow farts as well as other things, and I believe that she could come out… She kind of did a little bit there…

She’s an 18-year-old who knows nothing and adults cheer for her and think she’s changing the world she could come out and just go blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I mean, literally do that and people would think that she was a genius because she is a little child god to them. It doesn’t matter what she says. She is the climate change idol that they are worshiping. It is absurd.

CLAY: It’s funny also that she’s angry at all the people at the climate change conference.

BUCK: Not good enough.

CLAY: She isn’t even being in any way endorsed by them, right? She’s going after them, which is why I think the whole thing is just absurd. It’s a little bit like the woke culture. You aren’t in favor of climate change being addressed ever enough, right, there’s no moderation when you are an absolutist.

These people have bought into the idea that the world is going to end as we know it in the next decade because of climate change. I think they’re wrong and I’m pretty comfortable they’re wrong. I’m building a place on the beach. If I thought that thought in my lifetime that I wasn’t gonna be able to have a — be able to go to the beach I wouldn’t be building a house there.

BUCK: Narrative versus reality. Clay, when these rich libs will offer me a… I’d even take a 50% discount on one of their beachfront in Malibu, for example, which is unfortunate totally Democrat dominated, one of the more beautiful places in America, though, just saying. There are people houses right on the beach. They get really close to the water. When they want to give me a 50% discount and sell me their house for however many millions of dollars — a beach house at 50% off then I’ll believe they’re serious about climate change. Until then —

CLAY: These are fairly smart people spending a lot of money on beachfront homes, all whom are telling you that climate change is going to destroy the world, yet not actually making the change in their own life that would reflect a truly believe that serious ’cause if they did they wouldn’t be spending $20 million on beachfront mansions in Malibu.

BUCK: You know what’s also really fun? At these conferences, there’s inevitably this moment when they realize, ’cause someone will come forward and say, “Hey, guys, hold on a second. Even if we do all these things,” ’cause it’s always about these countries “pledging.” We pledge… The pledge isn’t worth squat. We all know that.

CLAY: Right.

BUCK: “We pledge to do all this emissions,” and they’re all sitting there worshiping little Greta. She’s going blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, F-bomb, blah, blah, like this is somehow intelligent. Even if they do all the things they say they’re going to do, without China’s acquiescence entirely and without India going on board entirely, we’re gonna hit all these numbers they say brings about the extinction of humanity no matter what. So whatever are we even doing? It doesn’t make any sense. It’s a globalist religion for people who think they’re too smart for religion. The whole thing is absurd, and I don’t know what else to say about it.

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