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Adams Fires Lawyer Mom Who Stood Up to Him on Masks

5 Apr 2022

BUCK: In New York City, we still have a mask mandate in place for toddlers — or a renewed mask mandate, I should say, for toddlers. Now, Eric Adams said he was gonna unmask the kids. But apparently, he didn’t mean all the kids. He said he would initially last month — the new mayor of New York City, who is Democrat, of course, said he would — lift the mandate for under 5-year-olds on April 4th going forward.

On April 1st he announced a delay because of an increase in covid cases, you know, here in New York or worldwide or whatever, combination thereof. An attorney for New York City’s law department, Daniela Jampel, confronted Eric Adams at a press conference about this and she asked some very… Isn’t it fascinating? An enraged private citizen has to actually do the job of the press because the local New York press are a bunch of straight-up commies. I mean, they’re even to the left of the New York Times.

CLAY: I would rather have to answer questions from the media than mad moms. Because I’ll tell you this right now. The mama bear universe out there when their kids are not being treated fairly, they will tear these politicians limb from limb. And this is why I say with the midterms coming up, we’ve got a lot of women listening to this show right now.

There’s still a lot of women out there that aren’t necessarily aware of all the data surrounding masking. We gotta have moms talking to moms. If you have more conversations about what’s going on. But listen to this audio, because I think it’s going to make a lot of moms out there furious because this woman loses her job.

BUCK: So this is Daniela Jampel asking Eric Adams during a press conference — she just showed up and asked questions. This is how it went.

JAMPEL: Ten days ago, you stood right here, and you said that the masks would come off on April 4th. That has not happened. You reneged on your promise and not only did you renege on your promise, you had your lawyers race to court on Friday night to overturn a state court ruling.

ADAMS: No, no, no, no. Let her finish ’cause you let her start. Go ahead and finish, ma’am. Okay?

JAMPEL: You had your lawyers race to court on Friday night arguing that there would be irreparable harm if children under five were allowed to take off their masks today, along with their older siblings in school. So my questions are, “What is the irreparable harm to children aged 2 to 4 taking off their masks just as they do in Long Island, just as they do in Westchester? And when will you unmask our toddlers?”

BUCK: That’s checkmate right there. She’s got him. He is in the corner and there is no escape from this one. It takes a woman — as you say, an angry mama bear here whose kid is gonna have to go through the abuse of stupid masking all day — to finally push him on this. Clay, it’s all true. A judge on Staten Island vacated this and Adams immediately sent his lawyers in on a Friday night to bring it to an appellate judge to get it stayed so they could keep masking up kids, like a psycho.

CLAY: For people who are not familiar necessarily with the geography of New York City, first of all, that mom did a fantastic job with that question. Bravo to her. Okay? Second, Buck, you know the New York City area really well. Long Island and Westchester, the two areas that she cited, are basically rich suburban areas, by and large, right? There are all sorts of different communities there, but Westchester is very wealthy, Long Island as well.

BUCK: Huge commuter populations in both.

CLAY: All of the kids there don’t have to wear masks.

BUCK: Yep.

CLAY: Right? So she is pointing out wherever you live, if you live in suburban area of a city, the idea that the kids in New York City are being held to a different standard than kids just a little bit away in the suburbs is absurd. It doesn’t make any scientific sense at all. But that’s what she’s citing. Like, if you live in L.A., Orange County having a different rule within; if you live where I live in Nashville, Franklin, Brentwood, having a different rule. This is going on all over the country and so props to her.

BUCK: She got in a few good shots, and the one that you just mentioned but also the notion that the lawyers presented in court of irreparable harm.

CLAY: I know.

BUCK: Oh, my gosh. If we don’t mask up those kids on Monday who are age 2 to 5 and no other kids, by the way, and no adults being masked up and nowhere else in life are they masked, there will be irreparable harm?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: These people who make these arguments are power mad lunatics or they’re so emotionally crippled by Fauciism that they cannot be involved in any decision-making of any kind going forward. Here is mayor Eric Adams trying to respond to Daniela Jampel. Play clip 4.

ADAMS: As I stated, as you indicated, I made the announcement that we were looking to announce today, which is Monday, to take the mask off to two to four years old, but I also stated if we see an uptick, we will come back and make the announcement of what we’re going to do. We’re going to pivot and shift as covid is pivot and shifted. There’s a new variant. The numbers are increasing. We’re going to move at the right pace, and that’s the role I must do. That’s what I stated. I’m living up to my promises.

BUCK: No. I’m sorry, no. We’re gonna pivot and shift and pivot and shift. How about come to the obvious recognition that all the data actually shows if you look at it that none of the stupid crap that they did in New York, in L.A., in Chicago, in name a city — name anyplace, name any town that did any of this stuff — it never worked. It never did a thing, they’ve never shown even the slightest bit of statistical improvement as a result of these policies.

I don’t know… I don’t know if Eric Adams is just, if he’s a coward, if he doesn’t know any better, if he’s just not good at his job. A lot of these things, people are probably saying maybe all of the above. But what is wrong with people? There’s no good-faith argument you should only be masking…

That’s three years of a possible, you know, hundred of a person’s life span, roughly, or, you know, 77 or whatever the age — you know, the average age life span is. Three years they mask and that’s it? And they’re the least at risk? I mean, Clay, it’s so stupid that it almost defies belief.

CLAY: Amen on all that. And I just to want reemphasize and I want to praise this mom, Daniela Jampel, she was fired. You had the question that she asked. Respectful, laced with facts and data, certainty. Everything she laid out is actually what a journalist should be doing. This woman has two little kids, two daughters, and she is just fired up about the mask mandate and how little sense it makes.

She was fired less than an hour after that question that we just played for you. Think about that. And, by the way, we have reached out — and I hope she’s gonna say yes. Our staff reached out to her and invited her to come on this radio program. She is as you can well imagine overwhelmed by the fact that she was fired within an hour of asking that question, probably sitting around trying to figure out what to do.

She’s a mom of two who is fighting for all of your kids, if you live in New York City, to not have to wear masks ’cause it makes no sense. And so she did a phenomenal job on this question. We want to make sure that she is praised. If you are a mom or a dad out there, I think you all have to stand up for each other regardless even if you disagree with her, Buck. That’s a very legitimate question to ask the mayor of New York City. She’s doing what concerned citizens should be doing.

BUCK: So can I also point out that this all occurred at a press conference the mayor of in New York City — which is still a mess, and he hasn’t improved at all. But the mayor of New York City called a press conference about how they’re running a campaign that the, you know, LGBTQ community. We gotta come up with a faster way of saying this, by the way. Can we just…? Whatever the…

Anyway, it’s that they can say anything in New York. “Come to New York where you can say anything,” Clay, is the actual pitch that was being made at this press conference by the mayor. It turns out no you actually can’t say anything in New York. You can’t ask the mayor an obvious question about why he’s being an idiot. You certainly can’t show up in New York and say there — hat tip my friend Ann Coulter — are only two genders. Not allowed to say that in New York. You get in a lot of trouble.

CLAY: By the way, she has three kids. I misspoke there, three young children, and she said that she’s gonna be exploring litigation which is maybe one reason why she doesn’t want to speak to us. I would just say this. You have the law and, more important, actual decency on your side. I think you need to speak out as widely and loudly as you possibly can.

She, I hope, will come on this show. But if she doesn’t, she needs to talk to as many different media sources as possible because, Buck, you go to a lot of press conferences; you hear a lot of questions. Where does that question that she asked of Mayor Adams… If you just rank it in terms of questions that have been asked to a politician, 99.9 percentile in terms of the quality of question, the data backing up behind it? That’s way better… If you listen to White House press conference briefings and everything else, this is way better than the vast majority of questions that are ever asked to politicians.

BUCK: And yet she’s asking something that is really obvious. But any of the other people — except, I mean, there are probably some New York Post people there, there are few people that, you know, from the conservative or right leaning media that would be willing to ask a real question of the Democrat mayor. But if you work for NY1 — which is the local news channel here in New York, only does local stuff.

It’s all about unionization of this school somewhere or whatever. Anyway, it’s not a huge ratings draw. If you work for any of the local papers and you question the mayor about masking kids, you’re gonna go back to your newsroom, you’re gonna go back to your office and you’re gonna get people staring at you, stink-eyeing you, and maybe even suffer professional consequences. That’s the reality of journalism in New York and in Democrat precincts all across the country.

CLAY: Fired within an hour, mom of three, for asking why her young kids have to be wearing masks. If you are a mom and you are listening to us right now, how in the world can you support politically the party that would lead to a mom getting fired for asking a scientific-based question about why her young children have to be the only people wearing masks?

Just think about that. Just think about that, and I want that to be feeding your thoughts, and I want to you to be sharing these kind of clips and these kind of discussions with other moms as we move closer toward the midterm and you are out there fighting for your kids and their freedom.

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