Airline Pilots Sue CDC to Get Rid of Mask Mandate

BUCK: JetBlue, American, and Southwest pilots are suing the CDC to try to get rid of the federal transportation mask mandate. Ten commercial airline pilots argue the CDC issued an order without providing public notice or soliciting comments. Pilots are asking the court to vacate worldwide the federal transportation mask mandate, calling the move illegal and unconstitutional exercise of executive authority.

Clay, they’re essentially challenging it on procedural grounds, which I don’t know whether this is likely to work or not, you know, where is the case gonna be — you know, which judge is gonna hear it.

But I love that they’re trying because it should just be a reminder to everybody of the abject stupidity of Fauciism and the CDC and cowardice of Democrats who — I think, Clay, at some level now they’re the people that are still terrified walking around with three masks on and it’s embarrassing and I feel sorry that they’re, you know, emotionally so compromised as a result of covid.

I also think there’s a degree of spite, that there are Democrats that, it doesn’t matter that we were right this whole time. They’re like, yeah? We’re gonna make you do it anyway.

CLAY: Well, and to our point earlier, the mandate originally went into effect — the TSA’s mask mandate February 1st, the 2021, according to this, and was set to expire on May 11th of 2021. It has continued over and over and over again.

What I have found that there are a lot of flight attendants who disagree with this. Obviously these 10 different pilots from JetBlue, American, and Southwest disagree with this, and they hate the mandate oftentimes as much as many of their fliers do.

What I noticed fly back from Florida yesterday — I’m about to hop on a flight to go to Las Vegas, so we’ll see how exactly things go on that trip. I’m glad that Las Vegas is back open for business because the last time I was in Las Vegas they had reinstituted a mask mandate too.

But I noticed inside the airport almost nobody was wearing their mask. And so here’s what I would encourage everybody who listens to Clay and Buck to do. If you want to do one of those ridiculous things where you have the mask kind of strapped around your ears, pull it down below your mouth, do it where you’re basically not wearing it. Obviously you can go buy a drink, walk around and be sipping on that. That allows you to be out of the mix.

But the number of people that I saw waking around in the airport in Florida not even worrying to wear a mask at all with no employees following around hectoring them saying you have to put a mask on, you gotta make sure that you’re wearing it, was encouraging. And on the airplane itself — and I fly Southwest almost everywhere — it feels as if the Southwest Airline attendants, by and large, are done with being the police in charge of being the police in charge of making sure people are wearing their mask.

BUCK: I’ve been saying this for a long time. The people that are in charge of enforcing this idiocy should nullify it by just not enforcing it. It’s very straightforward. And Freddie says, oh, but that’s not the spirit of — the, what, the spirit of the federal bureaucracy’s executive orders that we’re supposed to obey on the whims of a bunch of bureaucrats? It’s absurd.

They don’t enforce immigration in this country under the Biden regime but all of a sudden you’re supposed to say the law is the law when it comes to masks? Absolutely not. I’ll tell you,the people that have been mask shamers and the mask enforcers, they’re kind of the worst, Clay, they’re kind of the worst. I’m just saying. You don’t have to do it. You don’t have to be a part of the madness for anybody out there. I know 99.99% of our audience would never do that, but for anybody listening, don’t be a mask shamer.

CLAY: Well, there’s no doubt. And plus, honestly, it makes their job a little harder. I mean, if you’re a flight attendant and you’re in charge of managing the flight in general and getting drinks out — and Southwest has got alcohol back, which I felt like was a big sign of normalcy. I’m not sure how many other airlines have re-instituted beer and wine and liquor on their flights; but when the alcohol came back, it feels like things are very much more back to normalcy.

Given the fact that people are sitting there sipping their drinks or doing whatever, eating whatever devices they might have that they brought on, it feels like a lot of flight attendants personally, just based on what I’m seeing, have just said, I’m over this. I’m not gonna be policing whether or not people are wearing their mask accurately.

BUCK: And they are taking a stand for freedom while passing out peanuts and delicious beverages.

CLAY: Amen. Not peanuts anymore ’cause of peanut allergies, Buck. It’s now a medley of snacks.

BUCK: There’s a little bit of gluten discrimination that goes on here ’cause now on these planes I was good with the peanuts, but now they’re always handing out pretzels and crackers. Are they trying to, you know, knock off the Buckster here? need a GF option, folks. Unfair.

CLAY: You’re gonna be done for, I guess, ’cause I don’t think peanuts are ever coming back. I think they’re gone forever. I used to like some of those peanuts —

BUCK: They are pretty calorie dense, but you know, when they’re salted, I gotta say, I’m a fan, although —

CLAY: I like roasted ones.

BUCK: I like indoor scarves. So I’m kind of a pistachio guy, Clay, if we’re gonna —

CLAY: You also have a scooter with a not very masculine —

BUCK: Have you seen the price of gas, Clay?

CLAY: Do you wear it with the scarf on?


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