America’s Back? Joe and Dr. Jill’s Totally Spontaneous Call to Al Roker
26 Nov 2021
BUCK: We have Biden now trying the usual stuff, the usual grin and I’ve got this and don’t worry and everything is great. The economy, you don’t know if the economy is bad, America, that’s what he wants to tell you. Things feel more expensive, that’s not, you just don’t know how good things are. You’re ignorant of how much better Biden has made your life. That’s the real problem. That’s what they’re going to be going for soon.
Trust me on this one. It’s never that they stink at their job. It’s always you just don’t know how good they are. When things get really bad that’s what they’ll turn to; you just don’t realize how amazing it is. It’s like Biden is the American economy and just our republic’s abuser: you don’t know how good I am to you. Oh, really?
Well, they called in, Joe and Jill, during the Macy’s Day Parade to say things are awesome America’s back.
AL ROKER: Look at who is calling. Hello? Hello, Mr. President?
BIDEN: Hello, Al. How are you doing, pal?
AL ROKER: Happy Thanksgiving. Oh Dr. Biden and Mr. President, thank you so much. Happy Thanksgiving to you.
BIDEN: New York firefighter!
AL ROKER: We had a New York firefighter here. It’s so good for you calling. We thank you so much. What’s your message to the American folks on this Thanksgiving day?
BIDEN: My message is after two years you’re back, America’s back. There’s nothing we’re unable to overcome, Al. And you’re one of the reasons for that.
AL ROKER: How did he get my phone number? Well, he’s the President of the United States. I guess he can do that.
Didn’t happen with Trump, I’m guessing….
Joe and Jill Biden call Al Roker during the Macy’s Parade on NBC. Smooch!
“My message is, after two years, you’re back, America is back there’s nothing we’re unable to overcome, Al, and you’re one of the reasons for that, pal!”
— Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) November 25, 2021
BUCK: Well, it was all just so spontaneous and not preplanned there. Oh, oh, look at my phone. What happens to be a President of the United States is calling in. What a surprise to me as that is happening right now, because the producer set it up that way. It’s pretty funny. Oh, look. Look. It’s President Biden. I love how he offers, “Doctor” Biden, gotta say that. Oh, man, if you’re at a Christmas, I’m sorry, a Thanksgiving table, I’ve got Christmas on the mind these days, if you’re at a Thanksgiving dinner and you’re full of, you’re at a table full of people who announce their pronouns and want to say, not a prayer, my gosh, before Thanksgiving dinner? That’s what those crazy right-wing Trump people do, to say an apology really for eating on the stolen land that we’re all eating on now, if you’re with people like that and you don’t say Dr. Biden who has a Ph.D. in education, I believe, from the University of Delaware, maybe, I think it was like a correspondence kind of a class situation, anyway, they get very upset at you.
“Doctor” Biden. Anybody who gets upset at not being called “doctor”, you can assume is not really a doctor. Because if you tell an MD, I don’t like calling you doctor, they are, well, I’m still a doctor. I’m actually still a doctor. You can say whatever you want; it doesn’t change the reality. I thought that was pretty funny. But America’s back. Does it feel like it to you? Does it feel like we’re back? We still have all these restrictions in place. We have the supply chain issue. We have the possibility here of that getting much worse if this variant — I don’t know, I don’t know how bad is this variant going to be? I don’t pretend to be able to predict the future on all these things. They do.
And they say they have the answers. But could be heading into a very difficult winter here. Just remember the standard that Joe Biden set up. All those people who died under Trump. It was all Trump’s fault. Why isn’t it Biden’s fault that we have all these problems with covid and with the economy and everything else going on right now? Oh, and inflation, too.
BUCK: Biggest one-day drop in the Dow of 2021 right now. Down over 900 points and everyone’s just pointing to the obvious here, that it is concern over the omicron. They’re saying it’s the Nu variant, now it’s the omicron variant, according to the WHO of covid-19. So America’s back, but oh, my gosh, everybody, this could be really, really bad. But, listen to us; we’ve got it under control. But if we don’t have everybody getting boosters we’re going to have a really bad covid winter. Which one is it?
Thanks for being here with me on the Clay and Buck show. Buck here alone in NYC. If you haven’t, please subscribe, Clay is back on Monday; he’s just on vacation today with his family, much-deserved time off. If you haven’t, please subscribe to the Buck Sexton podcast, which is available wherever you listen to podcasts. We do about a 20-, 30-minute rundown of the events of the day first thing before we get on air. So check it out.
So here we have the market dropping down Biden trying to tell us everything’s back and then they also have to come up with an explanation for — I thought he was going to Build Back Better. I thought good old Scranton Joe was going to roll up his sleeves and fix the economy and all that stuff. That’s what they told us. Anybody who has known Joe Biden in American politics for the 40-some odd years he’s been doing it knows this guy has a third tier IQ and a second tier politician at best, but they have to come up with something that the American people will believe.
Here is CNN, which is an atrocious, make-believe news network. It’s a propaganda organ. They’re not all full of propaganda. They might as well just say that they’re Team Democrat, that they lie a lot and they don’t care. And their audience still labors under this delusion as they watch these boring shows of CNN that what they’re being given is news. But here’s CNN saying, look, inflation is not Biden’s fault.
CATHERINE RAMPELL: Inflation is up not because of any particular thing that the President did. It’s because there are all of these supply chain disruptions throughout the world caused by the pandemic. Demand is up. That is partly driven by some fiscal policy decisions that Congress and this President and the previous president made, giving people more stimulus checks and things like that.
But it is also that people had a lot of savings from last year. They have money in the bank. That money is burning a hole in their pocket, so to speak. They want to spend it and they are trying to buy more stuff even than they were pre-pandemic, they’re shifting more of their spending to goods, at the same time that goods are difficult to get through the supply chain. All of that is driving inflation up. And that’s happening worldwide to some extent. It’s not Biden’s fault.
BUCK: It’s not Biden’s fault. Notice that’s what we end on there. It’s not Biden’s fault. It’s all these other things. You’ll see this on a whole lot of issues. We’ll actually get into it’s a lot of factors. We can never hone in on one major or primary factor, one that involves decision-making or agency or an individual or an entity’s choice. We can’t do that. It’s just so complicated. You can never really know. You can never really come to a conclusion about, where did inflation really come from? It’s so many things.
Actually, inflation is a pretty straightforward thing. It’s too much money chasing too few goods. And the primary factor in this is government printing money, so to speak, putting money out into the economy. Spending money on, allegedly, on behalf of the American people, creating larger obligations for future generations to pay off those spending decisions. She said there, some decisions. Notice there’s a little “some decisions by the Congress,” they spend $1.9 trillion earlier this year as if it was nothing.
The entire Obama stimulus package of 2009 and into 2010 was like 900 billion. We’ve been paying people to stay home as a function of government policy. We’ve been sending people checks, stimulus checks, right? We’ve essentially engaged in a pandemic style of not just modern monetary theory, but really universal basic income as an experiment, at least for a while, that people are just getting checks, getting checks. Stay home, it will help with the virus. Did it help with the virus? A lot of people were essential employees and had to keep doing stuff anyway.
So what really changed as a result of all that? But back to the monetary issue. The most important thing is it’s not Biden’s fault. That’s really all they want their audience to hear, that’s all they care, it’s not decisions made by Democrats. I’m here to tell you decisions made by democrats are in fact the primary driver of the inflation surge that we’re seeing. Was inflation happening under Trump over four years? Did we have an inflation problem? We did not. Suddenly you get Biden, you get crazy spending, we got inflation problem. But don’t associate it with him because they know it’s a presidency ender, politically speaking.
If it keeps getting worse, which it’s likely to, their only hope is to lie to you like this. Of course, there’s a lot of factors in everything. You could always play this game. And they’re doing it, since I brought this up before, they’re doing this as well with Waukesha. We can never really know the motive. This is the most dishonest thing.
And I used to deal with this. I used to fight with CNN anchors. I remember I verbally slapped around Brian Stelter at CNN, on his own show, once because I actually understood the history and reality of counterterrorism work and the Jihadist ideology behind many of the attacks that were occurring under the Obama Administration. And Stelter did an interview with me on this, tried to assault me with the whole, verbally, “come here, I’m going to put you in a headlock” — but, no, tried to come at me, ambush me on his own show. They never aired the segment to give you a sense of what a massacre that was. Which if I were him, it was dirty I would have done the same thing because he looked like an absolute moron.
“Why do you think this is terrorism?” Because it was, because everyone knows that it was. Because the ideology, the motivation the target set, the tactics, it’s all Jihadist terrorism. “How do you know it’s not” — but they’re playing the game they always play which is to suppress or even to avoid covering entirely stories that do not fit what they want people to be thinking about.
We often talk about the narrative. What do we mean by the narrative? Well, what’s the first reaction that somebody has when they hear a story with a specific fact pattern? Do they think to themselves, this is, wow, that’s random? That never happens. Or do they think, oh, my gosh, yet another time that this event occurs. We need an urgent national conversation about this. We have to talk about this right away. That’s how narrative affects our perception. It also affects the way people vote and what they think is important, who they think should be in power. This is not a minor thing.
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