
As Odds Swing to Youngkin, McAuliffe Runs Against Trump

BIDEN: Polls are gonna go up and down and up and down. They were high early, then they got medium, then they went back up, now they’re low. Well, look, this is… (sputtering) Look — look — look at every other president. The same thing has happened. That’s not why I ran. I didn’t ran — run to determine how well I’m gonna do in the polls. I ran to make sure that I followed through what I said I will do as president of the United States.

BUCK: Well, if that’s the case, he’s doing nothing, folks.

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: Welcome back to Clay and Buck show. He’s not following through. He’s not getting the left-wing agenda through; he’s not getting the Biden agenda through. It’s at a logjam right now. We want to just bring you up with the latest on this one. Joe Manchin coming out saying they’re holding infrastructure hostage to their spending bill. They’re tying these things together. That’s been the game all along. But, Clay, they don’t have an agreement on the overall spending package. So this thing could just keep getting dragged out and dragged out. Democrats can’t shoot straight.

CLAY: No doubt. And, Buck, we talked about this earlier as it pertains to the Glenn Youngkin and Terry McAuliffe race in Virginia. For those of you out there who are like, “Oh, I don’t care what happens in a Virginia governor’s race,” you should because I think on Tuesday, tomorrow, if Youngkin wins as he is now favored to win based on polls and based on betting markets…

And I hope he gets it done, because it will be a seismic, earthquake-like event for Joe Biden to lose effectively a state that he won by 10 points in this governor’s race. Terry McAuliffe started with all the advantages, and we told you this mom revolution… We started talking about this months ago on the show.

BUCK: The Lululemon Brigades.

CLAY: The Lululemon Brigade, all of that. I said, “Man, the moms are not happy.” I saw it myself. I’m speaking at an event on Tuesday in my county, Williamson County right outside of Tennessee, and this is going to be the first shot fired in the revolution, by the way. Metaphorical revolution, ’cause somebody is gonna be like, “Clay Travis is advocating for…” No. The first metaphorical shot fired in terms of taking back the country from the insanity that the Democrats have wrought. I really do believe that.


CLAY: We’re gonna play you a couple clips of McAuliffe just in the last couple of hours and what he is saying. But this is significant because my buddy Dub here, who is a big gambling aficionado, along with me… It’s interesting to watch and look at what the gambling markets overseas are telling us. And for those of you who don’t know, you can go put money down in England on basically any American race legally.

Last week when we started updating you on this, Terry McAuliffe was about a 2-to-1 favorite. It has completely flipped and now Glenn Youngkin is a 2-to-1 favorite. We’re talking, guys — and why this is so significant — about a 13, 12- or 13-point swing in terms of the overall vote totals in the state of Virginia. Biden won in 2020 by 10 points.

And now it’s looking like Glenn Youngkin may win by two or three points, a monster 13-point swing. And the only thing McAuliffe can do to try to stop this red tide from sweeping him out is to try and argue about Donald Trump. Listen. This is his closing argument. It’s not even about Glenn Youngkin. It’s all about Donald Trump.

MCAULIFFE: We’ve gotta get enthusiasm up and, you know, Donald Trump is coming tonight and doing the final rally for Glenn Youngkin. And we went through the hatred and division four years of Donald Trump. So I think people don’t want to see this. Trump said the other day that he will control Glenn Youngkin when he’s governor, and we know what that means, with the Trump Supreme Court will roll back a woman’s right to choose. It’s very dangerous. Look what’s happened in Texas. Women’s lives are at risk, doctors being threatened with jail time. I worry that, and I was a brick wall to protect women’s rights the last time I was governor. I want to know all my 16 women’s clinics open. So people want to go forward.

BUCK: Clay, can we just…? This is where if you were near Terry McAuliffe, you’d want to just look at him and say, “Are you okay, buddy?”

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: This whole Trump obsession is so pathetic, it’s so transparent, and it’s because he knows, speaking to the issue now, he carved out where he is. Terry McAuliffe is the parents should sit down, shut up, and not have a say in their kids’ education. Terry McAuliffe lies about CRT existing in the Virginia as well as other states school systems.

Every time he says, “There is no CRT,” someone comes out with another school that has CRT in the curriculum, another county where they’re indoctrinating kids with this stuff. And then he switches (depending on the day) to, “Well, if you think this is CRT, then you’re racist! It’s racist parents, the racist dog whistle.”

This guy is just floundering because what does he really offer? He’s just at this point stand-in Democrat candidate. He could be basically any mainstream DNC hack anywhere in the country. He has no charm, he has no charisma, he has no vision, but he’s hoping that Democrat the advantage as you point out 10 points in the last election will push him over the edge.

And what have you here is a guy who recognizes he could be the crack in the dam of the red wave that will be coming. This could be the beginning of that counterrevolution, if you will, against the Democrats for 2020. And it’s all, really… We bring it back to. It’s about parents showing up, speaking out, wanting to have a greater say in their children’s future. And Terry McAuliffe, being the snide lib that we know is representative of Democrat elite view inside the Beltway and around it, which is where Loudoun County is. That’s what we’re seeing.

CLAY: And Loudoun County I believe is the wealthiest county in the entire United States. I was reading, $125,000, I think, average income.

BUCK: It’s one of them. Having lived… I worked in Northern Virginia for a while, lived in D.C. on two separate occasions in my life, I think three or four of the top 10 counties per capita income happen to be, Clay, all around Washington, D.C., which tells you something. There’s something going on there, folks, almost like the piggies are feeding at the trough.

CLAY: And the point here on pointing that out is they want to make this look like a response of the uneducated. That’s how they want to stereotype this. Same thing happened in Williamson County where I live now. The parents who are speaking out are highly educated. They’re looking at the facts. And, Buck, I want you to hear this clip too.

This is Terry McAuliffe saying if Glenn Youngkin wins, they’re not even gonna require vaccines for kids — ’cause, by the way, McAuliffe has said that he will require kids be vaccinated in order to go to school. This is why this matters for many of you out there in many parts of the country, but particularly if you’re listening to us in Virginia.

You need to go vote, and you need to go vote to send a message. Listen to McAuliffe continuing. This is his closing argument, now: Glenn Youngkin’s gonna allow people who are unvaccinated to be able to go to school, and he’s not even gonna require every teacher to wear a mask!

MCAULIFFE: With Glenn Youngkin’s education plan, he said day one masks come off and no teachers required to be vaccinated. That is very dangerous to send your first grader to a school and the teacher’s not vaccinated and not wearing a mask. We’ve already seen 1,142 of our children in hospital with covid. We just lost two 11-year-olds. So he’s an anti-vaxxer. I’m not. I believe everybody, doctors, nurses, uh, teachers ought to be vaccinated. I think that’s common sense. Your job as governor is to keep your citizens safe. I built a robust, great economy before, I’ll do it again. So, you know, I got more energy today than the day I was born. I am excited to get back in and do this job again. Make Virginia number one in all these different categories.

BUCK: Remember in The Princess Bride the guy keeps saying, “I do not think that word means what you think it means”? I do not think that the response of a lot of Virginia voters to Terry McAuliffe will be what he thinks it will be when he says things like, “We need to have kids masked up in schools and we need to have,” interesting, teachers need to be vaccinated.

You’ve noticed they’ve been very slow with that in other states because of very powerful teachers unions all of a sudden the science from the left doesn’t really matter. But, Clay, this is a guy who doesn’t even I think read the room well with where Virginia is right now. This should have his race to win. Everyone needs to understand this: If he doesn’t win it is like a calamity for the Democrats. If he squeaks one out it still looks really bad for the Democrats going into the midterm year because this should have been an easy W for them and you can hear ’em the guy’s panicking.

CLAY: Not only is he panicking, he’s lying. And this is what’s so insulting to so many parents out there. This idea that your kids are in danger of covid is just not true. He’s trying to sneak in anecdotal stories about kids who died with covid. Remember, the seasonal flu kills more young kids every year. Your kids are more likely to be murdered than they are to day of covid. Your kids are more likely to drown.

They’re more likely to die of the seasonal flu. They’re more likely to die in car accidents. Okay? All of those things are true. As a parent, I understand what they’re trying to do here because my kids matter more to me than anything, like all of you in the same way. They’re trying to scare you with lies into voting for Democrats based on covid. That’s how they did it in 2020 and he’s running the same game plan now.


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