
Biden Admits He Doesn’t Believe in Free Speech

CLAY: The Biden administration has effectively gone to war now with social media companies.

Joe Biden was asked — I believe this was on Friday as he walked out of the White House after we finished the show — what message he would have for Facebook over what the White House has termed “disinformation” that is being spread through Facebook’s platform. Here’s what Joe Biden said.

BIDEN: Let me tell you precisely what I said. I’m glad you asked me that question. One. I had just read that on Facebook — Facebook pointed out, it was pointed out that Facebook — of all the misinformation, 60% of the misinformation came from 12 individuals. That’s what the article said. So I was asked that question about what do I think is happening. Facebook isn’t killing people. These 12 people are out there giving misinformation. Anyone listening to it is getting hurt by it. It’s killing people. It’s bad information. My hope is that Facebook instead of taking it personally that somehow I’m saying Facebook is killing people, that they would do something about the misinformation, outrageous misinformation about vaccine. That’s what I meant.

BUCK: This is the Biden administration saying they do not actually believe in free speech. When the government is telling private entities that you can’t say things —that is actually the reason we have a First Amendment. You could say, “Oh, but it’s private action” If it’s collusion with the top of the federal government, Clay, it goes into a different place very quickly, which is what we are seeing.

CLAY: Which is the basis of Donald Trump’s lawsuit, Buck. Jen Psaki came out and said if you’re banned on one social media platform, you should be banned on the other one. And, by the way, Joe Biden said Facebook took this as him saying they were killing people. That’s what you said! I mean, you said Facebook is killing people on Friday, and Facebook fired back.

BUCK: That’s why they had those weird little lines, Joe, ’cause it was a quote. He said “Facebook is killing people,” but obviously this is supposed to be his clarification. Facebook says gotten rid of 18 million instances of information online since the pandemic. That’s in their official blog post. I want everyone to be very clear. That includes people who were supporters of a lab leak hypothesis. That includes people who were saying masking is stupid, just wait for double masking. By the way, I’m one of them.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: That includes people that have said that schools should be open.

CLAY: And herd immunity is potentially the better platform that we’re not talking about, this idea of herd immunity not allowed to be discussed. This goes to what we started the show with, Buck. So many people out there have forgotten their basic elementary school science studies. There are lots of hypotheses. And so that’s how the free market works. People have ideas, right? You can have the opinion that schools should be open, even though teachers are saying. “Oh, my God. I have to do a will; I’m gonna die.”

And look. I don’t agree with this, but this clip we’re gonna play you, Joe Biden said Facebook is killing people. We’re in the blame factory part of this covid discussion now. An ER physician appearing on CNN said not Facebook killing people; it’s actually Fox News that’s killing people. Play cut 6.

ANCHOR: Explain to us why you said what you did. You blame Fox.

EMERGENCY ROOM PHYSICIAN ROB DAVIDSON : Listen. I’ve seen several covid patients now every shift for the past week. And — and every single one of them has been unvaccinated. When I see other patients, you know, I offer them the vaccine. I try to talk to them about the vaccine. And so many of them are just shutting down the conversation. I had one patient tell me they’re afraid of ingredients in the vaccine. And I asked, “Well, which ingredients?” And they said, “Well, I don’t really know what’s in it.” And, you know, we’re in a highly Republican area. About 40% vaccination rate. About 70% voted for the former president. And when you see what’s being put out there on the airwaves with Fox and other organizations and then that is, you know, shared on Facebook and it just hits that echo chamber. It is undeniable that these messages are getting through to patients, and they’re avoiding something that can prevent them from getting extremely sick or potentially dying.

BUCK: Clay, this is just a lie they keep repeating over and over.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: That it’s Fox’s fault or it’s Trump’s fault. First of all, there is substantial vaccine hesitancy in Europe. So in France, for example, there are a lot of people, there are big protests over the weekend, a lot of people don’t want vaccine mandates in France. That Donald Trump’s fault? Is that Fox News’ fault? How can they make such a transparently weak, absurd, and dishonest, disingenuous argument? It’s because the propagandists become more desperate as their arguments become more obvious and the weaknesses are more apparent.

If you’re looking at this by demographic category, African-Americans in the United States who disproportionately, as we know, vote Democrat and our are Biden votes, — 90% in the last election plus — are one of the greatest pockets of vaccine hesitancy. So how can we blame Fox News or the right or anything? How is Fox to blame?

CLAY: No. And I think it’s a good point, too, about why black Americans are so hesitant about the vaccine. It’s because they’ve been lied to by public health officials before. That’s the truth, right? As a culture, there were experiments that were propagated upon black Americans — the Tuskegee Airmen, for example — and that conversation and discussion has limited overall public health confidence.

And I think this goes to a big part of this, Buck. All of the different guidelines that we’ve been given by “scientists” — and I’m putting that in quotation marks — and public health officials, they keep telling us so many different things that I believe there are a lot of people out there who just are overwhelmed by all of the contradictory information, and they’re sitting back and they might well be like you and me, Buck, who already are covid. You can’t talk about the fact that we have a huge amount of natural immunity out there. It gets blocked on Facebook to even discuss it.


BUCK: Here is the White House press secretary just saying, yeah, the White House is straight up in regular contact with the tech giants to censor them.

PSAKI: It shouldn’t come as any surprise that we’re in regular touch it social media platforms just in time we’re in regular touch with all of you and your media outlets about areas where we have concern.

BUCK: This is covid authoritarianism. This is outrageous. The White House has no business doing the things that it’s doing now. And on top of that the things they’re saying sometimes isn’t even true. There was an article on NPR over the weekend where the author made the claim about The Daily Wire, the conservative site, that even accurate facts, absent the necessary context around them, can be misinformation. So now does that mean that that gets censored by the social media giants, the absent context that the leftist commies want?

CLAY: We got censored for sharing links to the CDC at Outkick. We got misinformation violations. Very Orwellian. I’m sure you’ve seen these, too, where you get an email, and Facebook says our fact-checker — we have no idea who their fact-checkers are — have determined that a story you shared contains misinformation. You appeal. You never get a response. In the meantime, Facebook destroys your traffic. It vanishes for weeks or months on end. This is the world that we live in right now, Buck. And it’s the exact opposite of a free marketplace.

BUCK: I want to get us into the Biden effort to calm everybody down today, you know, good old Amtrack Joe mumbling and muttering up there at the podium about how the economy — don’t believe your lying eyes, don’t believe your lying bank account and inflation numbers, all the rest of it. Things are great. Biden’s doing a great job. That’s what he wants you to believe.

And then this Capitol rioter who’s been sentenced to eight months — remember there are hundreds of people facing those charges. Clay, they’ve had people in solitary confinement for nonviolent crimes for over six months now. That’s the America we’re living in — that also wants to censor Facebook posts.


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