BUCK: We have right now Joe Biden actually speaking. We may pick up some of this live as it happens here in a moment, but you have Biden, first off, telling everybody how the economy is great. It’s not, but he’s gonna go with that ’cause what else is he gonna say? “I’m bad at my job”? But it’s really supposed to be about signing executive orders, this speech which is going on as I’m talking to you right now, to protect abortion, although it’s so interesting.
They always call it “abortion access” or “abortion rights” or “reproductive rights.” Why not just say “abortion” if there’s no problem with abortion? We all know why. But an executive order they’re talking about here to try to give more ease of abortion all across the country, at least do whatever they can at the federal level. We’ll discuss that. We’ve also got the shocking and really sad announcement of the assassination of Japan’s former prime minister Shinzo Abe.
He was killed early Friday morning in western Japan. He was on the campaign trail for other candidates in Japan. Somebody who did a lot of great things for his country. Some of the media reaction to this, of course, shows you how politicized and insane NPR and other news outlets actually have become. This isn’t new, but they’ve been for a while. We will have Senator Hagerty joining us at the bottom of the hour who is a the former ambassador to Japan to talk about the legacy of Shinzo Abe and what this means, what can we take away from this.
Anytime there’s an assassination of a figure of this magnitude, globally known, there will be reverberations. There’s a shock wave that goes through the psyche of certainly all of our allies and all of the rest of the world along with it. Oh, and we have an update for you to the bodega worker who was being held in prison here in New York City for what it seems to be on video a clear case of self-defense. We’ve got that story for you. But as Biden is addressing the nation right now — actually, you know what? We’re just gonna pick this up for one second. Here’s the president talking right now.
BUCK: You get the idea. Clay, it’s like the legal analysis of an ignorant, spoiled child, and he’s the president of the United States. Doesn’t even address, first of all, the undermining of the Supreme Court from the White House itself is deeply troubling. We’ll talk about Kavanaugh, who was just chased out of a restaurant last night in D.C. because of lib fanatics, and here’s Joe Biden. I thought he was supposed to unite the country!
CLAY: Well, 75% of people, Buck, in a recent Harvard-Harris poll, said they do not believe that the Supreme Court should be deciding abortion. What I would say in general about the way I believe this should be talked about is first, if you truly believe in democracy — which is what we are constantly be lectured surrounding January 6th: Our Democrats is under attack, our sacred institutions are no longer able to represent the people — this is the very fruition of democracy:
Returning Roe v. Wade to the states and saying, “Hey, we have 50 state laboratories. Let’s allow this debate to actually be engaged in the political process” is the very fundamental essence of democracy, which is why I think 75% of the American public in a Harvard-Harris poll is saying the Supreme Court shouldn’t be making this decision. Second part of this — and I think, Buck, you elucidated this well when the initial leaked opinion came down — what this does is turn the conversation from, “Should Roe v. Wade be the law of the land?” in the Supreme Court, to:
“What should the rules and regulations and laws look like as it pertains to abortion?” Not, “Hey, we’re ending this conversation,” because the Supreme Court has said in Roe v. Wade this is a constitutional right but instead of putting it back to the states and saying, “Let’s have some difficult conversations. When should abortion be legal? When should it not be legal?” And what we’ve seen, Buck, is Democrats, in the space of 25 years, have gone from, “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare,” which was what Joe Biden used to argue, certainly what Bill Clinton said, to now trying to codify nine-month abortions where, if you decide two days before you’re scheduled to give delivery that instead you want to have an abortion, you can do it in many of these states.
BUCK: They have codified it, by the way. In Colorado, for example, they recently made sure that the law explicitly says all nine months of a pregnancy, anytime you want. It’s clear in the text of the law that it’s for any time, any reason.
CLAY: Ninety percent of Americans believe that that should not be permissible, and a substantial majority believe nine-month abortion is murder. I agree with them, and that’s why I believe that even people like Tim Ryan who are running for Senate in Ohio and Stacey Abrams down in Georgia and certainly the Reverend Raphael Warnock running against Herschel Walker, these guys and girls who are running on the Democrat platform should have to answer the question: Do you believe nine-month abortion should be legal? Do you believe that should be the case? Because the vast majority of the American public in every state and all over the country does not believe that.
BUCK: Right.
CLAY: The conversation has to happen.
BUCK: I can tell you what they will say, and you know what they will say, and everyone here has heard what they will say, which is, “I will be it should be a woman’s choice.” It’s as though they’re part of a cult and this is the slogan that they know they’re just supposed to say. You’re being asked a policy question, right, to your point, Clay, “Do you think it should be legal at nine months?” That is the question. They will not say, “Yes, I think it should be legal.” They’ll never say it.
BUCK: Oh, okay. He did.
CLAY: He did. He was with Bret Baier and he got destroyed for it.
BUCK: He got destroyed for it. Right. But I’m saying, the smarter ones will say, “Well, I believe it should be a woman’s choice,” which is another way of saying, “Yes, it should be legal.” Joe Biden playing this game, it’s really… It’s hard to listen to these people, even some of them, people that went to, you know, Harvard Law School and they’re supposed to know so much about the law. They act like because it was decided, that decision can never change, even though that is actually the history of the Supreme Court itself. Put that aside, what do they think of Dred Scott? What do they think of Plessy, right?
CLAY: Plessy v. Ferguson.
BUCK: “Oh, it was decided”? Their argument is decided, and they know it. But even someone like Joe Biden. He says, “Oh, we’ve all settled this. We all know.” We can play video of him 10, 15 years ago saying, “Well, an abortion’s a tragedy. We want as few of these as possible.” Now it’s “abortion’s health care.” It’s like having your tonsils looked at. They want the power, they want to achieve the power through lying about this to continue to make us all live under lies about this, and we just have to fight. We have to fight them on this, because when people know what’s really going on, the Democrats lose on this. They lose.
CLAY: Well, and I think that’s why the debate over the specific details of abortion is now occurring in a way that it was not occurring when the argument is, “Should Roe v. Wade be law?” And that’s why I think Republicans, far from running from this, should focus on the fact that this is being sent back to the states and then on the nine-month abortion on the third trimester abortion where, if you’re like me and you have been fortunate to have kids, I will tell you, Buck — and I hope one day you get to experience this as well.
When you go through having kids and you get to find out the sex and you get to see the heartbeat through the sonogram and everything else, it changes it from a philosophical debate for many people which I think a lot of people out there — if you’re young, you’re in your teens, you’re in your twenties and you’re listening to us talk about issues like these. Until you actually go through the process of having a baby and hopefully get to go through the process of having a baby multiple times — and by “having a baby,” I mean the person that you’re with has the baby.
All I did was stand and watch the delivery three different times. But I got to be in that hospital room when the baby is being born. It’s such a miraculous experience that it’s hard to even explain if you haven’t been through it. Getting to go in, finding the sex out, being so concerned about all the testing that is being done to make sure that your baby is healthy, and that the mom is healthy all throughout that process. It will change you.
BUCK: I think the Democrat leadership is monstrous on this issue. Honestly, the morally monstrous.
CLAY: Well, they’ve moved really wildly in their position.
BUCK: I’m talking about where they are now, where they are today.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: What will Joe Biden say on this? When will Kamala Harris, what do they say? What are they saying right now? What does Elizabeth say, what does Chuck Schumer say, what does Nancy Pelosi say? These people on the issue of life in the womb are moral monsters. We just have to face up to that, folks. Elizabeth Warren thinks that Crisis Pregnancy Centers wish women harm.
CLAY: Yeah, I saw that.
BUCK: Like a psychopath.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: This is what the Democrat Party — and I know it’s hard for people to process this, to think about this. We’ve only got two major political parties in this country. Sorry, Libertarians. How can people actually process that one political party has been so monstrously, morally in the wrong on this issue for decades and in recent years just to the point where like it’s psychopathy on display.
Well, now we finally have a chance to fight back against this and to change the law, to at least reflect what you’re talking about, which is a basic sanity, right? It may not be life protected everywhere always, as the pro-life movement, by the way, wants it to be, but at least it will be a lot closer to something where there can be some discussion about this. There’s no discussion about whether a baby that has a heart and fingers and a heartbeat and a brain is a baby. We gotta get past that.
CLAY: Third trimester is, to me, not a real debate that should exist. And that’s why I take it outside of abortion because it’s so charged. And yesterday I think I used the analogy, Buck.
BUCK: The baby that gets shot in the womb and they treat that as homicide.
CLAY: You have to treat that as a murder. I don’t understand how you wouldn’t, and a double murder if the mom and the baby who would otherwise survive are killed. And that becomes a really difficult, I think, argument for Democrats to make.
BUCK: There’s an incongruity with the way they talk about this as just a “health care procedure” that’s no big deal. If somebody were to slip a woman an abortion drug — this has been something that has come up before — against her wishes, I do believe there are jurisdictions that will prosecute that as manslaughter. Right? You think about it.
CLAY: You are the mom, and you are the dad who are sitting around, I can just tell you how devastating it is if you… I’ll give you an example, Buck. When I was in the delivery room for my second kid, everything was going smooth and suddenly the obstetrician there who was delivering the baby said, “His heart rate is starting to drop. We think the cord might be caught around his neck,” and they said, “We need all the NICU people rushed in here.”
We were fortunate because everything ended up being fine. Our obstetrician handled it, he came out, he’s a hundred percent healthy. Everything is great. But to have that moment from, “Everything is fantastic,” to, “Oh, my goodness, this baby’s life might be in danger. This might be a really fraught delivery where the NICU is involved,” it’s terrifying on a level that you can’t even comprehend until you suddenly find yourself in the middle of it. I just… I can’t conceive of anybody who’s gone through a pregnancy in the third trimester in any way being able to believe that’s something other than a baby.
CLAY: So Joe Biden spoke. He’s probably about to hop on a plane or helicopter or whatever and hop to the beach in Delaware would be my expectation, which is why they have him talking earlier in the day. Also ,earlier in the day, he’s not having to go to bed and get this. This is just embarrassing, Buck. I want to play these couple of cuts for you guys. First of all, we’ll play the short one. Joe Biden tries to say “District of Columbia and 50 states” reading off of a teleprompter — remember, they had the monster size teleprompter to make sure he can see it. This is what Joe Biden sounded like reading how many states we have and where he is located. Listen to this.
BIDEN: Right now, in all 50 states and the District of Combia. (sic)
CLAY: I mean, come on. Buck, I know that people misspeak. Certainly, everybody out there listening to us does. Can we play that one more time? I misspeak all the time, you misspeak all the time, aware on the air for three hours plus; we were doing Hannity last night together. But at least we were not dressed in the exact same outfit —
BUCK: I I’m always excited when I see that we have not shown up in our twin outfits.
CLAY: I chose a crazy colored jacket a little bit ’cause I was like, “There’s no way Buck’s gonna be wearing plum.” But let’s listen to this. Let’s listen to this one more time. Joe Biden talking about the country. Listen.
BIDEN: Right now, in all 50 states and the District of Combia.
CLAY: Only 30 more months. All right. So that’s ridiculous. He’s reading off of a teleprompter. You can’t even read. But now, Buck, we need to put together an unfortunate list after you will the different times he’s done this. He’s reading the commands that they are writing to him in the teleprompter!
BUCK: (laughing)
CLAY: Remember what he said at the end of his State of the Union? “Go get ’em,” and everybody’s like, why is that randomly there? Because I think it was a statement that somebody needed to go get him off of the rostrum there in the House of Representatives.
BUCK: In the news business where we do have to read off prompters sometimes or at least people who are anchors and do their shows on TV, we call this, “Going with the full Ron Burgundy” where he’ll just read whatever’s in front of you, you know?
CLAY: “You put in the prompter, Burgundy will read it,” which is really funny if you haven’t seen Anchorman, I don’t know what we’re talking about, but we found out, by the way, that Ron Burgundy podcast that they active sometimes during our show? They, Cowherd, and us are like the three most downloaded podcasts at iHeart, and evidently there’s a lot of you out there that love the Ron Burgundy voice. So here is Joe Biden reading… Listen careful. He is reading the instructions that they are giving him inside of the teleprompter. They want him to read what he just said again for emphasis. Listen.
BIDEN: It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so, end of quote. Repeat the line. Women are not without electoral and our political (sputters).
CLAY: All right. When you hear him say that, “end of quote,” which is weird in and of itself that he’s reading “end of quote,” right? That is a strange behavior. But then, let’s listen to that first like six seconds again. This is a sign — this dude, he’s gone full Ron Burgundy but at least Ron Burgundy in the Anchorman days was being played for laughs. He wasn’t the leader of the free world. Just the first, like, six or seven seconds again so you can clearly hear what he’s doing. He’s reading “end of quote” and then “repeat that line.” These are instructions to him.
CLAY: I mean, this is sad and embarrassing. I would think that he would have read this beforehand and they would have said, “Hey, we want to you emphasize what you just said.” Repeat the line. This is a quote.
BUCK: Clay, you know, there was a really good piece in the New York Post as well that I’m trying to track it down. Who’s our friend from Fox usually comes on to talk about all things Biden? It was a different author but it’s about how —
CLAY: Miranda Devine.
CLAY: Okay. Maybe so.
BUCK: But I read the piece this morning, and it was all about how the Biden family — very much like the Kennedy family — is an absolute mess —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: — of corruption and kind of really unethical, gross behavior and all. Joe Biden… You never hear that Joe Biden had a staffer when he was a senator — a person who worked for him, not a person who made believe that she saw him 50 years and had no contact with him whatsoever — accused him of sexual assault, never hear that anymore. You look all across the Biden family, Hunter Biden? Did you see this stuff yesterday about he’s in like a deprivation tank as part of his therapy, and he’s smoking crack in the deprivation tank, which is like the opposite… This is like going into rehab and bringing your crack pipe with you. And the media has no interest. He’s getting millions of dollars from China. Apparently, we sold oil to a company —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: — that is tied to —
CLAY: That’s affiliated with Hunter. Yeah.
BUCK: Tied to Hunter Biden and the company that he set up and billions of dollars.
CLAY: From our Strategic Reserve. And, Buck, we played that audio of Joe Biden calling and saying, “I think you’re in the clear.” How many times have you ever said to somebody who didn’t do anything wrong, “I think you’re in the clear”? But ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC, none of those networks even covered the Biden voice mail to Hunter Biden saying, “I think you’re in the clear.” It is almost as if the stories don’t exist — and if you’re a left-wing voter, you might not know that they exist. This is why our audience keeps growing ’cause at least we tell you what’s true.
BUCK: The president of the United States has a crackhead son who takes millions of dollars from our biggest global enemies under the pretense that he has business advice for them, and this is when he’s not impregnating strippers and pretending that he’s not the father!
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: Clay, we could go all day with this stuff, man. Media doesn’t care. Just go with the Biden mythology, just like they did with Camelot except this is seedier.
CLAY: How about we can’t even have Supreme Court justices get steak dinners!
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