Biden Says He Wasn’t Told About the Baby Formula Shortage Until April

CLAY: We’re gonna get into the baby formula mess and how it is emblematic of Joe Biden’s absolute inability to know anything that is going on in the country and even in his own White House. Here is Biden’s attempted strained explanation for when he actually learned that there was actually a baby formula crisis. This is from yesterday. Listen.

CLAY: Buck, how bad of an issue is it when they can’t even inform the president about the shortage of maybe the most important food in all of America? They just don’t trust him? They don’t give him any information? Assuming he’s telling the truth, who’s the actual president?

BUCK: He’s a figurehead, and he was all along. He was what the Democrats used to convince people that they were going to have a very different regime. It’s why we call it the Biden regime. Obviously, it’s meant to be a little bit of a thumb in the eye, but also because it’s really not just about Joe Biden. It’s about the people that were immediately around him, because you look at this guy and you can recognize, he’s not calling all the shots, right?

You say what you will about Obama — and I said a lot — the fact of the matter is that guy had a vision that he was pursuing. I opposed it, I thought it was a bad idea, but nobody was overriding Obama in the Obama White House. A lot of people are overriding — or really, to your point, ignoring — Biden. “We’ll just handle this.” You know, “Put the blanket over the old man’s knees and we will take care of the rest.” The country’s seeing what that looks like. It’s not good.


BUCK: It’s a good question from Tapper over at CNN. Let’s all be clear on that. He’s asking, “You’re saying ‘a whole-of-government’ approach, but somehow that doesn’t include the president.” We just saw the headline up on Fox — Clay and I are talking about it on our brief commercial break there — where baby formula shortage is getting worse. And this is turning into… I hate when we make it… We talk about in terms of politics in the hope that people will remember this and there will be political consequences for the ineptitude, but this is a disaster, Clay.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: The more we dig into this, the more you see, there is so much government ineptitude. And I can’t help but think, the same Biden regime that has the border kicked wide open, that has no idea about how to bring crime down, that has rampant inflation, that has an economy that looks like it’s about to go into recession, really just couldn’t figure out — with months and months and months of warning — that this was going to be a problem? Tapper mentioned Karine Jean-Pierre and her answer. Here she is when asked about, “Okay, if you’re telling us Biden was on it, when was he on it, when was Biden told about the baby formula issue?”

BUCK: Okay. Maybe he understands it now, Clay, but why didn’t he understand it then and when was he told? And she doesn’t answer.

CLAY: And also, how is it that we’re more aware of the baby formula shortage on this show than the White House is?

BUCK: Mmm.

CLAY: It’s not like we’re getting briefings taught me. It’s not like we have a huge cadre of people who are being paid to make sure that they monitor everything. The one thing you cannot have shortages of is baby formula. As we’ve talked about before, there are a lot of things that can be substituted — and, unfortunately, I think in the fall and the winter a lot of shoppers are gonna have to do that.

Not only because inflation is so high, maybe you go generic brand as opposed to name brand, but also because I think you’re going to increasingly go to grocery stores and even restaurants and order something, and it’s not gonna be available, because they haven’t been able to get it. Buck, I think we kind of hinted at this yesterday. We’re about to have a national popcorn shortage. This is not a joke. I’m not…

Everybody’s going out to watch Top Gun Maverick. There’s a front-page article yesterday in the Wall Street Journal talking about how it’s almost impossible for there to be popcorn. Not only popcorn, they can’t get the canisters to put the popcorn in, and if you’re going out to movie theaters now, they’re buying up whatever movie theaters closed down old popcorn holders ’cause they can’t get those.

And again, this is the emblematic of an incompetent level of president that I don’t know we’ve seen. I know the comparison has been made to Jimmy Carter, Buck. This is the worst president since Herbert Hoover. I think you have to go all the way back a hundred years to the overall days of the Great Depression. Herbert Hoover was such a bad president. Sorry, Herbert.

Herbert Hoover’s descendants didn’t expect for somebody to come off the top rope on him here. But a hundred years ago he was the worst president. Biden right now is the worst American president since Herbert Hoover. It’s not even fair to put him in the same category at Jimmy Carter. He’s much worse than Jimmy Carter was.

CLAY: And I don’t want to be conspiratorial here, but let’s just look at some of the things that we line up. There are these problems of shortage, supply chain issue, rising prices, gas prices. I think it’s $8 a gallon in some places in California.

CLAY: It’s gone over $8 some places in California.

BUCK: It’s $8 a gallon in our largest state by population. So that’s pretty significant. Of course, it’s worse in California than other places because of their idiotic environmental regulations. But you’re seeing that there is the likelihood now of skyrocketing food prices globally. There is likely to be some degree of starvation, of famine in some of the poorer countries of the world, which is horrific.

It’s human suffering on a scale that it’s hard to even wrap your mind around. These are experts who are saying this, by the way. These are Democrat experts even who are saying it. I’m not making any news. This is you speak to the World Food Bank, you speak to people involved in the U.N. and the IMF and all these different international bodies.

They’re kind of raising the alarm about, “Hold on, we’re heading for a global food shortage issue.” On the other hand… I’m not necessarily saying these things are necessarily linked but it is a little weird. You see this story a few days about how scientists are hoping to start feeding primary schoolchildren edible insects?


BUCK: And you have Bill Gates, who is a huge internationalist, globalist, and authoritarian. He’s just an authoritarian with with not even a dad bod. It’s some other body. He’s just kind of like a nerdy authoritarian. And he’s saying that we need to switch from meat to eating insects or a totally plant-based diet. And in California now they’re looking at the worst… What is it? The worst drought they’ve had…

I don’t want to say in how long because I don’t want to get it wrong, but in a very long time. Here’s CNN, who’s hoping… This is another example of it, right? “Oh, we’re gonna have a global food shortage? Maybe people should start eating bugs or start stocking up on lentils!” Oh, California’s running out of water? Maybe just replace the grass on your lawn with fake grass, Clay, this is actually what we’re advocating for people.

REPORTER: Governor Gavin Newsom has called on residents and businesses to voluntarily cut their water usage by 15%. But in March, urban water usage rose by 19% from the same month in 2020, spurring Newsom to pressure the state’s largest urban water suppliers to beef up their water conservation efforts or potentially face a significant reduction in water use statewide this summer. Most residential customers are actually using 50% of their water to irrigate outdoors! But there are things you can do like this with this fake turf, and also this bark here, and that is what they’re hoping many people decide to do during this drought is to move away from grass.

BUCK: Biden administration, Clay: Make your own baby formula, replace your lawn with fake grass, and feed bugs to your kids, peasants. That’s what we’re up against.

CLAY: The things that are going wrong are things you couldn’t even have thought up as going wrong. If Trump had come out during the debates and said, “If you vote for Joe Biden, there’s going to be a massive baby formula shortage, and gas is gonna be $8 a gallon; I guarantee it, “people would have lost their minds. The fact-finders, PoliFact, they would have tripped all over themselves to go write about how outlandish these predictions were from Trump.

I don’t know what you could predict, Buck, in terms of incompetence over the next two years plus of Joe Biden, theatrically, being president where I would say, “You know what? That’s not possible, that’s inconceivable to me.” That’s how bad things have gotten with Joe Biden so far in office and I think they’re only going to get worse. Hallelujah that we’re only five months away from the midterms. I can’t wait for people to be actually able to go out and vote. And it won’t be too long now ’til early voting will start all over the country.


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