
Biden Spreads Big Lies at Press Conference

BUCK: Biden spoke this morning. I think the biggest news item that’s gonna affect all of us has to with the booster shots and the vaccines. Here is what he says as of about 10 a.m. Eastern or so today.

BIDEN: Listen to the voices of the unvaccinated Americans who are lying in hospital beds taking their final breath, saying — and literally we’ve seen this on television — “If only I’d gotten vaccinated. If only. If only.” They’re leaving behind husbands and wives, small children, people who adore them, people who are dying and will die who don’t have to die. It is not hyperbole to suggest it’s really a tragedy. Please don’t let this become your tragedy. Get vaccinated.

BUCK: Clay, we are talking now about getting vaccinated this morning. Getting vaccinated again is actually what the speech is about. It was about boosters. His own CDC is overruling last week’s panel.

CLAY: Yeah, and it happened after midnight, Buck. Imagine what the reaction would have been — and this is the party that claims that they care about science. Joe Biden’s entire campaign was I’m gonna restore normalcy and decency to the White House, and I think that’s one reason why his approval ratings are plummeting like they are.

But, Buck, we’re gonna talk to Alex Berenson in the third hour, and we talked with Ron Johnson earlier this week, senator from Wisconsin. And the big flaw — and there are many flaws in terms of the arguments based on science that the White House is making pertaining to covid. But the big flaw is the idea that if everybody were vaccinated, covid wouldn’t exist.

This is just not true. The data out of England, what is it, 76% most recently — Ron Johnson told us — of the people that are dying have been vaccinated. So this is not… This idea that they’re selling which is, “Hey, if everybody were vaccinated, covid wouldn’t exist anymore,” it’s just not true. It’s not remotely true.

BUCK: Well, and the data that you’re citing, Clay, out of the U.K. — and we will talk to Berenson about this later on. He’s also got a new book coming out so we’ll talk to him about what we can expect there. But the line right now from the Fauciites is: The vaccine keeps you from getting super sick and dying. So, it’s not even just a question. They’ve had to abandon the “You won’t get covid.” That’s clearly gone.

CLAY: Yes. That was their initial pitch.

BUCK: Right. That’s clearly not true, and discuss what the percentages are. The percentages appear to be much higher of breakthrough cases in the last 30 days even in the U.S. than what we have been told. Remember, the data always lags, right? There’s always these reporting lags. But the breakthrough cases are certainly higher than the unvaccinated. Biden keeps saying, “You have a one-in-5,000 chance of a breakthrough case on any given day,” which is really a bastardized statistic.

CLAY: He doesn’t say “on any given day.” That’s when Alex got him on. He says, “One in 5,000,” period. But it’s actually one in 5,000 every day, which is an infinitely higher percentage.

BUCK: It is every day, but he says one in 5,000. Nonetheless, what you’re talking about, though, when we’re discussing 70% of people in the U.K. dying who get vaccinated, that means the final readout, if you will — the final bastion of “Fauci has credibility and is right on something” (he’s been wrong on so many things — falls away.

That’s why they’re trying to get ahead of this right now with the boosters. Remember last week you and I were discussing on Friday — everyone heard it — they said, “Oh, but the boosters! We don’t need them right now, only for those are particularly high risk.” As of today, Clay, it’s for those 65 and older, adults are underlying conditions, and in high-risk working and institutional he settings — i.e., anyone who’s gonna be around human beings for their jobs.

CLAY: Well, with particular teachers which this continues to be a giveaway to the teachers union, this idea that they’re actually in unique danger — and, Buck, I was reading the New York Times yesterday. I try to read the Times every day just to see what their stories are. They had a story centered in Nashville, where I live, still talking about the school board meeting that I went to, probably a 2,000-word piece, talking with a parent who’s saying:

“Every day, I struggle with whether or not I should send my kid to school ’cause it’s so dangerous because everybody’s not wearing masks here.” These are lies, right? Yesterday we talked about the fact that you’re more likely to be shot in Chicago if you’re a kid than to die with covid. The amount of lies I don’t know has ever been higher in the history of this country than right now what is being spread surrounding covid and by the Biden administration for virtually everything, which is ironic because he promised that he was gonna be the adult in the room, and he failed.

BUCK: How many boosters are we supposed to get?

CLAY: And how long?

BUCK: That was the next question.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: How long do the boosters last? How many side effects…? I’ll tell you this. From the very beginning, right, when I had covid back in March, right, of this year and confirmed and I was wrecked, right? I actually got really sick. I had covid back in March. I remember when I got better, I talked to my personal doctor, and he just said, “Look the…” ‘Cause I got hit right when people started to get the vaccines, right; so it was like I was the last man to go down in my own mind before I had the opportunity of the vaccine.

CLAY: Did you think, “By the way, if I die, people are gonna celebrate”?

BUCK: Oh, yeah.

CLAY: When you got covid you started to feel bad?

BUCK: Sure.

CLAY: That was in your head?

BUCK: I didn’t think I was gonna die, but if I got really sick and I went to the hospital I knew that that was going to be part of it, even though, Clay, I had been forced to wear masks.

CLAY: You’d done everything they said to do.

BUCK: I did all this crap that they make you do. It does nothing, as we know, and somehow, I lasted a year plus without getting it but, anyway, point here being, I remember my doctor before this all got politicized saying, “Look. Wait until you get the shot.” Even Fauci he was a little bit, in the early days, saying, “If you’ve had covid because your body spikes the antibody level…”

The initial CDC guidance was to wait 90 days because they recognize that having elevated antibodies in your system and that having this artificial stimulus of antibody production could be weird, could throw your body out of whack, right? Could cause maybe more severe side effects. So now we’re getting boosters.

We’re getting boosters, and they’re just guessing at the antibody levels that different people have. They’re guessing have you been infected, have you not been infected, you got the shot, you’re getting a booster. Clay, they can’t keep up with all this, which is why… The fact that last week they’re telling you, “The experts say we don’t need the widespread boosters.” This week —

CLAY: Overwhelmingly.

BUCK: Overwhelmingly. This week they’re saying, “Actually we think you should, pretty much all adults reasonably speaking,” and when I say, “reasonably,” what’s gonna happen here is everyone who’s terrified, all the people who think who are 35, they have a 50% chance of going to the hospital? They’re gonna get the booster.

CLAY: One of the questions Biden got, Buck, when he actually took a couple of questions — he was reading names off a list again. But it was, what would you tell the people who are going to get boosters on their own who aren’t technically following the guidance, right? ‘Cause to your point there are people out there in their twenties and thirties terrified, convinced that they’re gonna die of covid.

They’re getting aware that their antibodies are declining because the vaccine has waning efficiency that have been going on their own to get their own booster shot. Which is next-level psychotic. And again, one of the big things and lessons I think we’ve learned from covid is we allowed people with anxiety disorders — who, by the way, I think are far more likely to be active on social media —

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: — sitting around on their phones, terrified all day long; far more likely I think over index to be journalists, to be people who are Blue Checkmark Brigade members. We allowed their fear to curtail all the freedoms of the normal people out there. And it’s still going on.

BUCK: That’s actually what the data reflects now.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: That’s actually true. When you see people walking around as I do in New York, I’d say in Midtown Manhattan where I spend most of my time ’cause I don’t like having any privacy or space. I spend all my time in the most densely populated region of the entire country, and about 20% of people I’d say on the streets right now are masked.

CLAY: What’s your primary reaction when you see somebody with a mask outside, your first emotion? Is it anger, or do you feel sorry for them?

BUCK: Great question. It used to be disdain because I really thought that it just came from that, “Oh, I take it seriously. I’m one of the good people,” and there certainly is some of that. Now I actually have a sadness that these are mostly —

CLAY: That’s where I’ve moved too.

BUCK: Some of them are Americans. There’s also a lot of visitors here still in New York from other countries. But people I see, I’m thinking, assuming this is an American, I feel a pretty deep sadness. You know how your parents would say, “I expected more of you”?

CLAY: And that hit so much harder than them being angry.

BUCK: Oh, yeah, you get grounded. You’re like, ” I’m gonna sneak the video games in my room when you’re not paying attention.” When your parents are like “I thought more highly of you.”

CLAY: “I’m really disappointed.” It’s a great line I’ve stolen for my kids too.

BUCK: It works?

CLAY: Oh, it works so well. I remember working like, “I’m not mad at you, I’m just really disappointed” is just a gut punch.

BUCK: Gut punch. That’s how I feel seeing Americans in the biggest city in the country walking around with masks outside. I just thought we were braver and smarter than this as Americans. I’m actually sad because I know now, Clay, a lot of them actually are worried.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: They really do think — and I’m talking about guys who are younger than me, gals who are younger than me out there. They really think that if they don’t have that mask on… By the way, N95s outside now I’m seeing pretty frequently in New York which are really uncomfortable, by the way.

CLAY: I feel super sad. I walk my kids to school, and there are still some people who are choosing to put their kids in masks. I’m not angry about it. Image feel sorry for the kids because they’re being told and taught something that is not true. I saw one of the blue checks bragging about her kid’s reaction to the vaccine being available now.

BUCK: I saw that.

CLAY: Did you see that? The kid’s like between 5 and 11 and the kid is crying with joy, and she was like, “Oh, this is so amazing! I want to share this with everybody,” and the only thing I could think is, “It is child abuse to have convinced young children that they’re in danger of dying of covid when the data doesn’t support it at all,” and yet on social media, that’s the kind of thing that gets cheered. It’s just tough to see in general, Buck. It just really is.

BUCK: Clay, I want to get to the biggest lie Biden told today when we come back. The biggest lie in the speech, an appalling lie, and we’ll get to that in just a moment.


CLAY: Biden’s approval rating’s most recent Gallup poll, Buck, down to 43%. He was at 57% according to Gallup in January when he was inaugurated. He’s plummeted as people have gotten more and more used the president that we have in office right now and his failures across the board on virtually every front. But one of the things he ran on was competence, was bringing adulthood back to the White House, and by arguing that he was gonna be honest and trustworthy and not lie.

And he spoke earlier this morning, Buck. And listen to what he said about these Border Patrol agents on horseback. He suggested that they are strapping people, basically whipping people, when that is 100% not the truth. Listen to Joe Biden lying to the American public, dividing us further. Here he is this morning.

BIDEN: Of course I take responsibility! I’m president. But it’s horrible what you see — as you see, to see people treated like they did, horses really running over, people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay. They will be… There will be an investigation underway now, and there will be consequences. There will be consequences. It’s an embarrassment. It’s beyond an embarrassment. It’s dangerous. It’s wrong. It sends the wrong message around the world. It sends the wrong message at home. It’s simply not who we are.

BUCK: It’s beyond embarrassing that Joe Biden lies about this —

CLAY: Multiple days after this happened.

BUCK: — and then makes it worse! This is the leader of the free world, this is the commander-in-chief, who’s essentially threatening Border Patrol members with consequences to be determined for a thing that no person believes actually happened.

CLAY: Not only do we not believe that it happened, the photographer who took the photo, Buck, says of the Border Patrol agents in Del Rio — I imagine most of you have at least seen this story in some way. He says he and his colleagues never saw agents whipping anyone, and the photos are being misconstrued. So literally —

BUCK: That’s a nice way of saying “lied about.” They’re lying about it.

CLAY: Yeah, but the people who took the photo themselves are saying this is an inaccurate representation of what actually happened, and the president’s lying about it. By the way, Buck, you know what’s gonna end up happening, right? Whoever took this photo’s gonna win the Pulitzer Prize, and they’re gonna say, “Oh, my God. This is such an important photo that was taken, because it showed how Draconian and unfair our treatment was of illegal immigrants at the border.

BUCK: At the border, Clay, this is also a window into the Democrat leftist mind. Because even events that don’t happen that they then can fit into a narrative that is pleasing to them to believe or that makes them feel righteous or gives them power, that’s what they will go forward with. It doesn’t matter if it happened or not. What matters is that they can convince some people that it happened and it’s useful. It feels very Soviet, folks, you know, Joe Biden’s supposed to be (impression), “Mr. Truth-Teller! Yeah, sure, you know, no joke.”


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