Biden Takes Victory Lap, Seeks More Inflationary Spending
16 Nov 2021
SEN. RON JOHNSON: They’re open-border, radical leftist, socialist Marxists. That is who this administration is populated with, and it starts from the top. Again, this is what they want. They’re always talking about creating more government programs, more entitlements. We can’t afford the entitlements we have. We shouldn’t be producing more of them, but they keep adding more and more entitlements.
The game they’re playing right now is they’re not acknowledging the fact that once a government program’s created, you never end it. So they’re scoring it over a limited number of years, not the full 10-year budget window. That’s why when it was at $3.5 trillion, one group scored over $5.5 trillion. Now the supposed score is 1.75, and I heard just on your program the other day that they’re scoring it closer to four to $4.5 trillion. Those are the accurate numbers.
BUCK: The Biden administration is full of “open-border, radical Marxists who don’t care about inflation.” Senator Ron Johnson there en fuego, I have to say, and nailing it. And, Clay, when he talks about the spending that’s going on — ’cause I’ve been looking into this more and more ’cause we already have the inflation… (chuckles) I’m sorry, it should be called “the inflation bill.” The infrastructure bill is signed and done.
That’s going into the books. We’re having Pelosi saying they’re not going home for Thanksgiving without passing it, at least in the House side of the Build Back Better. But the numbers that they’re telling us aren’t the actual numbers. There’s a lot of assuming that there will be sunset provisions that are actually implemented instead of the continuation of the spending, that expanded programs will go back to pre-expansion levels of spending. Clay, that’s not gonna happen. So it’s even worse than they’re saying it’s gonna be from the inflationary perspective.
CLAY: There’s no doubt, and we’ll talk about it in a sec. But first of all, we need Ron Johnson to run for reelection in Wisconsin. You know, he’s gotta make a decision in the next month or so, I think next few days, even, potentially. He’s been invaluable in terms of his impact on covid, coming on this show, sharing data, fighting battles that matter.
His fearlessness in Wisconsin I think is really necessary going forward, considering the battles that are still out there, and so I know that he’s a fan of the show, and I know a lot of his staff listens as well, and certainly we’ve got a big audience all over the state of Wisconsin. You were just up in Milwaukee. We’re number one in the market.
BUCK: People are fired up and amazing.
CLAY: Yeah. We love you guys up there in Milwaukee where we’re number one in the market. Look, he needs to run, ’cause I think he’ll win again, and I think increasingly the data is validating him.
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