
No Joke: Biden Tests Positive for Covid — Again!

BUCK: This was pretty amazing. Biden tested positive for covid a second time. Now, you’ve gotta say to yourself, if we are at a point now where shot four-plus Paxlovid can result in a rebound — and as I understand it, the rebound case is not some kind of testing error, means that the virus had a surge again after being reduced — I don’t know. Maybe one of the docs in our audience can explain how this actually works. He’s back in isolation. Gonna have that big mask on, of course, ’cause the mask has obviously worked incredibly well, considering that he got four vaccines and took Paxlovid and got covid again in a two-week period.

But this is just another data point that you have to add to the mountain of data that these policies that were put in place a year ago. Isn’t it remarkable? I feel like so much has changed. One year ago you had the — ’cause wow. It’s August 1st. Can’t believe it. We’re already at the end of the summer here. You had vaccine passports starting in places like New York City. And then it was in cities all over the country, a lot of cities, not all of them, but a lot of them. Los Angeles had this. All these places that instituted this. Chicago.

I mean, I can’t even remember every place that decided they’re gonna have it. And it was all premised on, “It’s not about what will protect you. You’re a risk to other people. If you don’t get the shot, you’re a bad person who is risking other people.” That was what they said. And Joe Biden was giving these angry speeches, not like he was trying to bring everybody together, and he’s going, “Get the shot! Get the shot! If you don’t get the shot, I mean, gosh darn it, get it, get it! Pandemic of the unvaccinated!”

You know, he’s doing that thing where he kind of stares and gets all loud, then he goes, “Shots work! They work. They work real good. No joke, friends, not a joke.” He starts yelling at you. First of all, why are you yelling? Second of all, what have they done to your eyes that they don’t really move for these long periods of time, they don’t blink? Seems a bit strange. And now also we know he was totally wrong about all of this. He was wrong about the vaccines as a defense against spread. They don’t even talk about that anymore.

And we could sit here and play all the clips, Rochelle Walensky and all the rest of them saying, you won’t get it, you won’t spread it. Lies. And they’d say, “Oh, but we didn’t know. That’s what the data said then.” Not according to Dr. Birx. She said she knew it wasn’t gonna stop the spread. And if we had had this technology available, why were we allowing 50,000 to a hundred thousand people every year to get, and die from, the flu, from influenza? Apparently, all we needed was a little bit of a kick in the pants and we could stop aerosolized virus in its tracks entirely?

Think about what a miracle they were effectively promising you and then mandating to you and then putting the bootheel on your neck: Get the shot or else. I have not forgotten, and I have not forgiven. There are tens of thousands of people who have been separated from the military, lost their military careers for this. Every Republican running for office should be on board with the full restoration of anyone in the federal government and specifically and most important the United States military who lost their job over their refusal to get a vaccine that they did not need and that did not defend people from infection.

It lines up with what we would have expected from dealing with the flu, as we’ve said so many times. Those who are at risk should get the shot even if it doesn’t last that long, a couple of months of protection in the winter may be worth it, and when I say should get it, should be able to choose to get it, right? The doctors have been telling people, look. I think if you’re over 65, you got emphysema or you got hypertension or whatever, maybe it’s good for you, we don’t want you in the hospital with the flu. But no one ever was holding you down basically saying, get the shot or else you’re a danger.

We’re all so scared if you don’t get the shot for the flu. And look what they did with covid. Look what they mandated all over the country. The federal government, the Biden administration, the fact that every sane person, in my opinion, isn’t voting straight party line Republican just based on the actions of the Democrats on covid is madness. It is madness. They were wrong about everything on something that was really important. They wasted trillions of dollars. They destroyed the mental health of tens of millions of people.

The highest rate of drug overdose, fatal overdose in our history, over a hundred thousand people died of drug overdoses over the period of the covid lockdowns that year. And have they been held accountable for any of this? No. They don’t want to write books now. The people in charge of this act like they’re heroes. There are still individuals walking around New York City with masks on. It’s completely insane. Joe Biden has gotten a covid rebound. I believe, did Fauci…? I think Fauci had a covid rebound too. Am I right about that?

I know that that was making… (interruption) Yeah. That’s right. He had a Paxlovid rebound. Okay. What does that mean? I understand they’re gonna try to tell you, I mean, I got a PhD and an MD and a blabbedy blah and all these complicated explanations. If I give you a pill that is supposed to defeat a virus that you have, now, you can tell me that maybe it had some effect, but if you then have a rebound of that virus, I think that pill is not as effective as we would like it to be. Right? You know, I think that’s a fair thing to say at that phase. You know, if I told you that I was going to cure your ear infection, “Take these antibiotics,” and then, “Ah, you got an antibiotic rebound,” that would be a matter of real concern, right?

Fauci got a rebound infection, Biden got a rebound infection. And yet you know that as we go into the covid season here, Biden’s gonna be saying, “We know it works, friends! We know it works. Shots five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, LMNOP, chipmunks on a branch!” You know, he’s gonna be yelling at you about, “We know what works! Mask up, get the shot, all this stuff.” It doesn’t work, friends. Doesn’t work. You could say, oh, but in one case for one individual, if it stops one covid case, it’s worth it. Well, that’s crazy. We don’t have that approach with anything else, and I do have to point out…

You notice, I haven’t spoken a lot about monkeypox here. And I think they’re trying to start with there’s a new name for it, but everyone’s calling it monkeypox. There’s this pushback on what you could call, if I were Fauci, commonplace monkeypox mitigation measures. There’s pushback those on the mitigation measures. They don’t like it when people start to say publicly that a good way to avoid monkeypox thus far, based upon the transmission of the virus, is to avoid group sex settings. Now, based on the data, that has been a primary source of spread up to this point.

If that changes, if everyone’s just getting it from, you know, going out to get lunch and they — you know, they — it’s aerosolized, which it’s not, by the way, but, you know, for some reason the data changes dramatically, fine, let’s talk about that. But you’ll notice that even in this moment, after they shut down your church, fired you from your job, made you mask up, masked up your children, made your children get shots, locked you in your homes, all of this to stop the covid virus, any effort to actually limit the monkeypox virus’s spread by looking at what’s actually going on with it we are told is unacceptable and in fact bigoted.

This is why nobody can trust public health experts, because they’re politicians. They’re politicians in lab coats. Fauci is the worst of them, but there are so many of them now in cities and states all over the country. You see it every time. You know, they’re supposed to be about keeping people healthy, giving smart advice and being right. Doesn’t matter the public health establishment they were completely wrong about vaccines. Have you noticed any contrition from them?

Have any of the people who have spent the last two years lecturing you about covid as a public health expert, whether on Twitter or on TV on wherever, has a single one of them come forward and said, “Wow. We got some stuff really wrong. Man, we messed this one up. We shouldn’t have made everybody do this. We shouldn’t have gone full tyrant on this one”? No, of course not. No. They just say the data changed, shut up, peasant. Now we know. They said they knew before, and they were wrong. They say they know now and we question, and they want to shut it down. They want to shut it down.

This is why there is no bigger fight for our individual and our societal freedom in this country right now than against the covided madness. I know the economy’s the number one concern of voters. I know that a lot of people — we’ll talk about immigration in just a moment here — illegal immigration, the border. There’s a lot of stuff going on right now that needs our focus. But I just…Please, even if you’re in a relatively free state from the covid madness, from Fauciism, remember that as long as the Biden administration, as long as you have these idiot libs in charge, they are not done harassing you.

You will have the mask mandate battle for planes against this winter. I think it’s a 50-50 shot they reintroduce the masks on planes when the cases go up again. They’re out of their minds. And they did so much damage, and there was no benefit from the damage they did. See, here’s the part of it they don’t tell you. Imagine. Think about this — and nowhere else have I heard this argument, and I think it’s so important. Instead of using force, instead of saying, “Do this or else we will block you from public life; we’ll fire you from your job,” what if they had said:

“Hey, guys, we think this vaccine is gonna be really good for folks, really good for a number of reasons, but we’re really gonna mostly encourage it for seniors because we’ve looked at the data and we know that the people who were at real risk from covid are 65 and up. So, we’re gonna focus our energy on getting it to those 65 and up, and we really want to encourage them to get it.” Do you think that there would have been such a different…? In fact, I think more seniors would have gotten the shot had they taken a collaborative, freedom-based approach instead of, “Let’s mandate it for high school kids.

“Let’s mandate it for 5-year-olds to be able to go to school,” ‘cause reasonable people saw that action, saw that heavy-handed lunacy by the government, whether they were 75 or 25, reasonable people saw that and said, “I can’t trust these lunatics.” And that impulse was right. They can’t trust them. So, they damaged the credibility, they damaged the believability of the people pushing these shots in irreparable ways. So, as I’ve said, they made it all worse. And they just want to get away with it. And I say no.


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