
Biden’s Incompetence Killed 13 Service Members in Afghanistan

BUCK: There’s another story that we will also continue to just bring up so we’re all aware of what’s going on, and that is that there are still Americans who were left behind by this Biden administration in Afghanistan. Do we know how many? Well, here’s the latest from The West Wing with Jen Psaki.

REPORTER: Do you have any update on Afghanistan and how many Americans are still there? And is this…? Does the president feel the Taliban’s cooperating still with efforts to get those remaining Americans home?

PSAKI: Uh, we, uh, remain, uh — through appropriate channels, of course — in touch with, uh, Taliban officials. Um, in terms of the specific numbers, I’d point you to State, and they have the most updated number on that given that they oversee that process.

BUCK: They oversee it, Clay, but it’s interesting because the buck stops with the White House.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: The White House is calling the shots on all of this. They don’t have the number. They won’t share the number. Now, if they want to say it’s for operational security reasons, I’d be happy to hear that. But then they’d be implying they know. I don’t even think this Biden team knows how many Americans are left behind, and I don’t think they care all that much. I think they want to focus more on the insurrectionist soccer moms.

CLAY: There’s no doubt about that, and we talked about this yesterday. How much discussion did you even see in the media, Buck, surrounding the information that the 13 American servicemen that we lost, we lost because of Biden administration incompetence. And we knew that. But specifically, the person who blew himself up was a prisoner that we allowed to be set free.

And within a few days, he was blowing himself up killing dozens of Afghans as well as 13 American servicemen. Every time we look at any of the details surrounding Afghanistan, Buck, things just get worse and worse for the Biden administration. Whether it’s killing an innocent man and seven young children while thinking he was an ISIS-K fighter, or letting an actual ISIS-K fighter out of our prison so he could go kill our soldiers.

BUCK: Somehow, Clay… I said this on Fox News after that horrible incident with 13 people, and they were asking me, “Buck, you were CIA. They say they’re gonna find these people,” and I said, “There’s no way we have the intel network on the ground, the real-time action to find who did this and to necessarily stop the next one. “We’re relying on the Taliban.” I knew that. But the Biden administration, yeah, they really thought they got ’em with that. They were doing a victory lap on that drone strike that killed 10 innocent people, seven children.

CLAY: No doubt. It’s awful.


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