
Big Bird Pushes Vax on Kids Who Don’t Need It

CLAY: Five-year-old vaccines. That’s where everything is headed, and CNN as the official government propaganda arm — I can’t believe this is real, but some of you may have seen these clips — interviewed on CNN Big Bird, and I think it was Big Bird’s mom, about needing to get the vaccine and how excited they are. This is Dr. Sanjay Gupta talking with Big Bird. I think this is during a town hall this weekend on CNN. Sesame Street characters are explaining the fact that they are getting the covid vaccine. Listen.

GUPTA: Have you decided if Big Bird’s gonna getting the vaccine?

GRANNY BIRD: Yes, I did! I asked my questions, and I got my answers. And I’ve scheduled an appointment for my grandson. And we’re leaving in a few minutes. Now, I just need to get one last thing before we go to your appointment, Big Bird. I’ll be right back.

BIG BIRD: All right. Uh, I have a question. Uh, uh, I’m a little scared to get the shot ’cause I don’t like needles. W-w-ill it hurt?

CLAY: Uh, I mean, Buck. They also had Elmo. Now, what’s crazy about this is so many people out there criticize people who listen to this show, and they’re like, “How would you trust Clay Travis and Buck Sexton to share covid opinions with you? They’re not doctors.” Yet, CNN has got all of this propaganda that they are bringing to bear on the idea of 5- to 11-year-olds getting the vaccine. And, as we pointed out, the city of San Francisco is requiring 5-year-olds to be vaccinated and have their vaccine passports in order to go inside and get some Chicken McNuggets. Craziness.

BUCK: It’s completely insane. And if you really just look at the numbers, if you look at the data sets that we already have let’s just assume for a second… I would note that this is obviously unscientific poll but even among the followers of actress/activist/idiot Alyssa Milano, who I had the misfortune of interviewing some years ago.

She actually thought that it would get her far to have her PR people complain to my then boss — not on radio, but on TV — that I was too abrupt or something. She’s absolutely horrible. But she did a poll, “Will you get your kids vaccinated?” and the numbers were overwhelming from her followers. She’s a left-wing activist. People say, “No, I’m not gonna get my kid vaccinated.”

Let’s assume we look at the numbers for a second. We look at the numbers and we find out that it’s very unlikely let’s say that you’re gonna have some adverse reaction as a kid it’s low risk but look at how low the risk is of a child being hospitalized or dying from covid? Which one is actually going to end up being more risky? When you’re talking about a one-in-a-million mortality rate from the virus, what’s the mortality rate going to be?

Remember we had that case confirmed in Oregon, woman got the shot, had a heart issue, died. Okay? What…? Now, I understand it’s very rare. But what is the confirmed number going to be or what’s the number gonna end up being of children that have a really severe adverse reaction to the shot versus those who have a really severe covid infection? I mean, one in a million is, when you start to look at it, this is considered safe in most contexts for drugs that people take and things they do. One in a million isn’t something worry about, Clay. So what happens when we line these two things up?

CLAY: No doubt. And, by the way, we never actually said, “Hey, you need to get a flu vaccine or a flu shot for young kids.” Never occurred. Yet right now when you think about it there is far more risk to kids, young kids, from the seasonal flu than there is from covid. And so this idea that so many parents out there are just gonna meekly acquiesce to this request is, to me, terrifying.

And I hope there’s enough parents out there to fight because I believe that this vaccine mandate for children — as controversial as the federal vaccine mandate is for adults, the fact that we have got kids — potentially here is going to be a battle the likes of which we’ve never really seen.

BUCK: The next two phases of their incrementalism are going to be mandates for kids for schools. That’s already in some states they’re gonna push it in more places, depending obviously house the court battles all play out. And also what about companies with less than a hundred employees? Here’s the Surgeon General.

SURGEON GENERAL: That thing is off the table at this moment. But the focus right now is on implementing the current rule that, uh, OSHA put out and finally let me just emphasize that these rules actually work. What we’ve seen in a report issued recently was that on average businesses that put these requirements in place you had 20% increase in vaccination rates and boosting them into the nineties. So if we realize as we have over the past year that vaccination is our — one of our key pathways out of this pandemic, these requirements will do a lot to get us toward the finish line.

BUCK: I always start to flip out, Clay, when they say this thing of, “Yeah, if we’re gonna sue you or fine you into oblivion or cost you your job, more people will get the shot.” Yes. This is true of all different forms of tyrannical policy. If you threaten people with things, some people will do it. They act like this is some revelation.

CLAY: If you hold a gun in front of me and say “give me your wallet.

BUCK: I will give you my wallet. That’s not because I want to give you my wallet or because it’s a particularly good decision.

BUCK: Imagine if I interviewed your armed robber who was like, “Yes, but my mandate for Clay to give me his wallet was so effective.” That’s not the point.

This is gonna be a lot of different employers out there. The standard for fully vaccinated is going to continue to move. Are you gonna have to get a booster every six months for the rest of your life in order to be considered fully vaccinated from covid? Is this really where we’re headed? I think the answer, unfortunately, is yes.


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