FAUCI: What happened is that I gave an interview with a reporter and they said, you know, you’re gonna have to step down some time. You can’t be in this job forever. And I said you’re absolutely right. I can’t be in this job forever, and I don’t anticipate I’ll be in this job before the end — at the end of the first term of President Biden, which is January 2025. Somehow that got interpreted that it’s announcing my retirement. I just said that it is extremely unlikely — in fact, for sure — that I’m not gonna be here beyond January 2025. So sometime between now, Kate, and January 2025 you can guarantee I’ll step down.
BUCK: Well, I guess we can all be excited about that prospect. Welcome back to Clay and Buck.
Dr. Fauci. Wasn’t he initially hired by president Warren G. Harding? I mean, I think he has been in the job forever, as much as anyone could be in the job forever. Wasn’t Fauci, you know, around in the McKinley era? I mean, it’s been a long time that he’s had this job.
CLAY: He’s highest paid federal employee.
BUCK: Which is quite a feat, by the way. There are a lot of cunning bureaucrats looking to pad those OT stats. As somebody who used to work for the federal government, I saw a lot of this stuff, and Fauci is the highest paid — there are millions of federal government employees. Fauci’s the highest paid of all of them because he is such a chameleon and a bureaucrat who does exactly what he needs to do the moment.
But, Clay, I don’t know if he makes it to — in his role — if he makes it to end up of the Biden first term because if Republicans take back the House and the Senate and they do not have — I want Fauci under oath with people running the clock, you know, people actually setting the agenda in Congress who are saying, hold on a second. Why do you keep saying that masks work? Explain this data.
Explain Orange County versus Los Angeles County. Explain the Florida school system which they just pretend they didn’t actually keep good data. They did. Some schools it masks, some schools didn’t. Explain the entire Florida school system which shows that masking in school was not only unnecessary, it was actually harmful to children. Fauci won’t stick around for that. Without the media to totally carry all the water for ’em, I think he’s he’s gonna resign early next year.
And I believe what’s going to happen is, after he gets absolutely wrecked by questioning, he’s going to be forced out by the Biden White House because they’re not going to want to continue to try to hold Fauci up as they continue to sink further and further under the water. And so it’s going to look way worse now than if he just decided to slink away before the midterms.
And if he decided to slink away before the midterms, he could argue that his departure was not political in nature pap what he’s trying to do now is say, oh, I’m gonna leave before the end of the Biden administration in January of ’25 so he can try to argue, well, my decision on timing is not going to be impacted by politics because, as you well know, Buck, what Fauci always tries to say is, “I’m not a political person. I don’t know why I’d even be getting attacked at all.”
Well, yes. You are the most destructive bureaucrat in American history. You are, I think, probably should have faced criminal charges for some of the work that you did and helped facilitate which created — and I don’t know if we’re ever gonna get the full on accepted version of this as reality. But I believe American taxpayer dollars helped to facilitate the creation of the covid virus, which then was released out of a Chinese lab. That’s how I believe, based on all the evidence that I have seen, covid got out.
I think you agree with that as well, Buck. I think a huge percentage of our audience does. But there are lots of people fighting every day to try to keep that truth from coming out. And one of them, in my opinion, has been Fauci, based on the emails that he sent back in February of 2020, I think this guy has been engaged in a cover-up of how covid got out and how much American taxpayer dollars were involved in the creation of covid through gain-of-function research. I believe all of that the data is quite clear points to him. And I think he’s gonna skate on it, which is unfortunate, but I believe if we had a real media and we had a real government investigation that took place, Fauci would get caught up in this and potentially could face criminal charges.
BUCK: I also think that Fauci should be thought of as the biomedical equivalent of a war criminal, meaning that there should be real hearings into the damage that was done by his willingness to lie about what was so apparent in his role, the fact that he’s so evasive and so slimy and so he’s (impresion) , “Oh, we just looking at the science and the data and I am a scientist,” and he’s got this routine down where no one’s ever able to corner him on the fact that these were decisions pushed by him and Dr. Birx, by the way, who has a book out now. Some are saying she is actually worse.
I believe we had on Dr. Scott Atlas who was part of that task force who says Dr. Birx was worse than Fauci, which I — she just got out sooner because she realized that this is — it’s gonna get harder and harder to justify the madness that they inflicted on so many people. She seems to make the case that the “15 days to slow the spread” was always just a starting point, that was always a Trojan horse, which is appalling.
CLAY: Think back in time, Buck, I think this is such an interesting discussion, the 15 days, ’cause, you’re right, her book she basically is arguing, oh, we managed to get Trump to do that. What if we had never shut down at all? And I know, I understand the argument of, hey, we didn’t a hundred percent know what we were facing, but what if Rand Paul, let’s just say what if Rand Paul had been president at the time when covid happened? We had a highly trained medical physician in office, or we had had somebody other than Birx and Fauci, but let’s pretend, what if we had never shut down?
What if we had never “15 days to stop the spread,” we had just had somebody in the Oval Office who had said, hey, this guy is going to be here for a long time. We can’t stop it. The evidence is pretty clear. We’ve never been able to stop the spread of any virus, we are going to condition with our work. People who are in danger in older, elderly, you need to protect — if we basically just done what the Great Barrington Declaration suggested.
BUCK: We would obviously argue that based on the data, we would be in the exact same health position in effect, the same number of people would have gotten infected, the same number of actual fatalities on the virus would have occurred, but we wouldn’t have spent $6 trillion, we wouldn’t have roughly —
CLAY: Quit their jobs, right, and we wouldn’t have had that whole fallout — nonessential businesses.
And look, all over the world, who did it right? Show me the place where they — oh, people say, oh, look at Australia. Australia is an island that shut off all travel and even Australia eventually had it ripped through. And I am pooh say why did we have so many more fatalities? One, the fatality data is totally wrapped up in people that got with covid versus from covid so we have to —
CLAY: And the economic incentives that came with labeling covid deaths.
BUCK: Yeah. And also the biggest risk factor after age is obesity, and developed countries with really high levels of obesity did really poor — we have 10 times the obesity rate of jab and South Korea, literally 10X. So the fact that we had far worse covid outcomes is actually tied to the health of the population.
CLAY: And Australia doesn’t have herd immunity and they’re actually going through covid hell right now because they’ve opened back up, and a lot of these countries that have opened back up, the only place that’s really still, in terms of a major economy that’s even attempting the covid zero policies right now is China.
And it still remains to be seen, China’s growth rate — I’m sure you saw it over the weekend, Buck — is down to nearly negligible rates, which is crazy considering what the Chinese government has put out in the past.
BUCK: There’s so many things, Clay, we can — I was — this is also the original formation of Clay and Buck as a force for good, freedom, and the American way was over covid sanity, right?
CLAY: Yeah.
CLAY: No. And again, I think the Australian story of what is happening to them right now with covid has slid completely under the radar. New Zealand as well. They don’t really have herd immunity ’cause they were, to your point, island nations that shut down and just restricted all travel.
But what you’re seeing is, you can’t stop a virus forever. Eventually almost everyone has to get it.
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