
Clay and Buck

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Bo Snerdley: It’s Psychotic to Say America’s Past Makes It Terrible

6 Jul 2021

BUCK: I think one thing, Clay, that we do a good job of here — among many things, if I may say so. One thing that we do well is just calling it out for what it is, and that’s really one of our mandates, right? To say what’s really happening. And within this country and certainly within the political environment we’re in.

Mr. Snerdley, James Golden, is a longtime friend of ours, and he’s been calling it like it is for years now and is certainly well known, Mr. Snerdley — he’s well known to this audience — and, like I said, he’s a friend and adviser. And here he is just on pointing out how truly crazy it is when the Democrat left talks about what an awful nation it is today.

JAMES: Between Stalin and Mao, 50 million dead. Add World War II Germany, another 50 to 80 million dead! Today, all of these countries are looking forward. We’re here in America, the nation that fought for more freedom than any other country on the face of the earth, and what are our leftists doing? They’re trying to drag our past back and throw it in our face and say, “We are a terrible nation now because of what happened in the past.” This is psychotic! It makes no sense. Why are they doing this? That’s my question.

BUCK: Excellent questions from Mr. Snerdley, Clay. But I would answer them in this way: They’re doing this to undermine and you noticed to destabilize and divide us, and it’s successful. The reason why they’re so upset, the reason why the Democrats don’t like shows of unity like we saw on Independence Day, the reason why they’re pushing back furiously against the counterrevolution with CRT, right — pushing back on the pushback, essentially — is because they know that the stuff they’re doing is powerful, and they don’t want us to understand the power of what they’re doing.

CLAY: Nations are defined by story, Buck, and the story that you believe… Religions are defined by story. Humanity is defined by story. If you are in a courtroom, the lawyer who tells the best story wins the case. Everything else is external to story, and the story of the Democratic Party right now — which is so incredibly destructive, and it is aided by Big Tech and it is built more powerful by social media and all of the fear engendered by social media — is that America’s an evil place.

And that clip is perfectly illustrated. We are being dragged back into the depths of our history as opposed to celebrating the greatest moments of our history. Buck, let me give you an example. A few years ago, my wife… It was the best event that she has ever set up for our family. We spent the day walking the beaches of Normandy. Kids today love to call people who disagree with them “Nazis.”

I would challenge every American to go to the beaches of Normandy, walk around those pillboxes. You can still see those weapons that are there. Many of the landscapes, Buck, are the exact same today as they were 75 years ago when our kids stepped off onto those beaches into hails of bullets being fired by actual Nazis. If you see those clips, if you walk through the Normandy battlefield, I am sorry, but the argument that America represents anything other than truth, justice, and the greatest force for good in the history of mankind is lost.

Do we have in our past moments that we are not happy with? Yes. Is our union, and has it always been, imperfect? Yes. But what America has represented — Ronald Reagan got it right — is a shining city on the hill. And the idea that you’re going to constantly be dredging up the worst moments of America, as if all these countries out there, many of them, don’t have actual moments that are worse right now — is, I think, the fundamental failure of the Democratic Party.

I saw a stat that was really disappointing to me, Buck, and I’m gonna hit you with it again in a moment. But the only age of Americans… This probably won’t surprise you. What age of Americans do you think are the only age of Americans not to be proud to be from America right now?

BUCK: Under 30.

CLAY: Eighteen-to-24 years old.

BUCK: Yep.

CLAY: They are, as a group, not proud to be Americans. Everybody over the age of 24 is proud to be American.

BUCK: If you are seeking to transform our society —

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: — you want people to —

CLAY: That’s exactly right.

BUCK: — be ashamed of the society.

CLAY: And you’d want the youngest to be ashamed as opposed to the oldest, because the youngest are going to be living for much longer. And that’s what’s going on. We are allowing in our society right now — and the crazy thing about this, Buck, is the 18-to-24-year-olds, they’ve lived in the safest America, in the richest America, in the fairest America — for the most part — in their 25-year existence. No one in the history of the world has lived in a safer or richer country than kids today who are under 25 years old.


CLAY: (chuckling)

BUCK: We have I think a recognition that the Democrats aren’t uniting the country. I think we have a recognition that the Biden administration, which ran on normalcy and unity, was in that sense a fraud, and this presents an opportunity. This is the beginnings of people recognizing that — as we said yesterday — if you hate America, if you have a disdain for America, you’re a Democrat. Now, that doesn’t mean all Democrats hate America.

But there is a clear correlation here that anybody could see that played out over the Independence Day weekend. And so now what do we have that would be more inspirational and unifying? What do we have that is rooted in — oh, I don’t know — a sense of American greatness, the sense of a future we can all go toward together? This is where Republicans have to step up and step in.

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