
Clay and Buck

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Breakthrough Cases Pile Up: What’s Really Going On?

9 Sep 2021

BUCK: Teresa in Salt Lake City, Utah, what’s going on?

CALLER: Hey, so I have a point to make, and then I just want to throw something at you. Okay, I’m a painter by trade, and we wear N95s, except during covid where we had to wear stupid masks. And the thing about the N95 is they have to be changed every four hours, and even after you’re done spraying, you take it off and you still look like you’ve done a ton of cocaine, okay?

CLAY: (chuckling)

CALLER: That’s just the truth. They do not help. Secondly, I just wanted to get your thoughts on this, how there’s so many breakthrough cases right now. Has anybody thought about the fact that because the efficacy of this drug has just hit rock bottom, that maybe it is turning your immune system against you?

BUCK: Okay, Teresa, first of all, great comments, great comments.

CLAY: She’s eavesdropping on us!

BUCK: Yeah. So Clay and I have been talking about this. Here’s the thing. Teresa, excellent. Thank you so much, and we’ll address this in a moment here. I’ve been talking to doctors, and so has Clay. Some of our… We have our respective MD brain trusts of people that we can go to who we cannot… We cannot have them on the show. We cannot because they will lose their license, or they will get death threats or whatever.

CLAY: All those things, yes.

BUCK: And I want to keep good doctors who aren’t crazy in the hospital system, thank you very much. I want to keep doctors who don’t worship Fauci in the medical profession.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: But we’ve been talking to them, and there are some theories out there about how we’re at this level of cases right now. I will say they make sense, and they are very bad for the Biden administration vax policy situation. But I think we got… Clay, right? I don’t want to start rolling. It’s a little early.

CLAY: We will say this. Buck and I, off the air — and that’s why I think it was, Teresa, such a smart question. And I said, like, “Hey, are you eavesdropping on us?”

BUCK: We were just talking about this.

CLAY: We literally during a commercial break were sharing data back and forth. And we were saying look. And this is what science is, right? Not that we are scientists, certainly. But you look at observable data, the facts, and you try and reverse-engineer, “Why would that be occurring?” For instance, in the last break we were looking at the data in Scotland, and Scotland has over a 90% vax rate, and yet they are setting — every single day — new records of cases, infections, hospitalizations.

BUCK: And hospitalizations, which is the point that they’ve been clinging on, “Oh, no, you won’t get that sick.” That’s turning out to not be as true as they’ve been saying as well.

CLAY: So what is happening there? Why is that data telling us a story, and what is that data’s relationship with vaccination and covid? And the question we started off today’s show with, which hardly anybody’s discussing: If you compare the number of people that are hospitalized right now on this exact date compared to last year when we had no vaccine, we had no treatment that was widely available, right, and free?

BUCK: Right, 300%. This is how we started out the show.

CLAY: That’s how we started off the show.

BUCK: And there’s no explanation forthcoming from the Fauciites.

CLAY: At all.

BUCK: I will say this. I will admit this unlike Fauci and the rest, I’m not a doctor, I’m not a scientist; neither is Clay. But we have this and reading about it but we have scientists and doctors who are reaching out to us all the time. I mean, you start reaching out doing research not just on the numbering but on different things that do exist like antibody-dependent enhancement, things like that. You Google that and you start to say, “We need answers here from Fauci and the rest. We need to know what the heck is really going on,” because, Clay, it just doesn’t make sense.

CLAY: It doesn’t add up.

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