Breed, Gottlieb, Emmys Expose the Truth on Masks, Distancing
20 Sep 2021
BUCK: Some anti-vax mandate protests here in New York City. Clay, I actually walked through one without evening knowing it was happening until I saw it marching down Broadway. A very diverse crowd, I might add, opposed to the vaccine mandate here in New York City.
CLAY: Was it a “sophisticated, educated” crowd?
BUCK: No, it wasn’t sophisticated and educated. That’s —
CLAY: CNN, I think.
BUCK: You need to work at CNN to know that by just looking at a huge mass of people, but definitely a diverse crowd, which I thought was of interest. But we are in a period of madness. That’s what I want to start out with today, because there’s two things that are happening simultaneously. The fights over vaccines and mandates and now boosters, and then also really the reinstitution of the sacred relic.
The sacred object of the mask, which is the gateway drug for all the covid madness that we see, the beginning of the bending of the knee to everything else that comes. And it is now thoroughly impossible to not see what the people in charge do about all of this, how they conduct themselves time and again. It’s actually getting tedious to list all the times when the mayor of Washington, D.C., or Gavin Newsom, the governor of California — or go down the list.
Clay mentioned the sophisticated, vaccinated crowd at Barack Obama’s party. Now London Breed, the mayor of San Francisco. We’ll get to her comments on this in a moment. But they can’t really think that this is a critical health issue. They can’t really believe that this is something that has to happen to save lives, and yet they want 2-year-olds now to mask, and they’re coming for your children with the vaccines too.
We’ll talk about that in a moment. But they want to make small children mask up in schools in places like New York and Los Angeles and cities all over the country. Clay, I’m sorry. You can’t have the mayor of San Francisco indoors at a party with everyone unmasked having a great time and responding in this way without people saying, “This is ridiculous.” Here she is. Clip 3.
BREED: I got up and started dancin’ because I was feelin’ the spirit, and I wasn’t thinkin’ about a mask. I was thinkin’ about having a good time, and, in the process, I was followin’, the health orders. I’m vaccinated. I don’t need to wear a mask and take a picture every single time. I don’t want to. But at the same time, I’m being careful to not only protect myself and to protect other people.
This is nitpicking. This is really unfortunate — and, let me tell you, when the spirit moves you because you are watching history in the making, Bay Area royalty perform? I don’t know about you, but I’m not gonna turn around and look for where my mask is.
BUCK: I’m done, Clay. We’re done! No more. No more from all these libs about the masks. We’re done.
CLAY: “When I’m having a good time, I’m not gonna turn around and look for my mask”? This is what we’ve been saying for 18 months, you imbecile! This is… I feel like we are just all being played to such an unbelievable… I would love to hear Fauci have to respond. By the way, Fauci has been invited on our show. We still haven’t gotten a response.
But I would love to hear Fauci respond to the San Francisco mayor’s perspective of “if you’re having a really good time, you shouldn’t have to worry about your mask.” Which, by the way, I’m fine with. If Ron DeSantis said that, I would say, “Yeah, you know what? I agree with him,” or if the mayor of San Francisco said, “Look. I got the vaccine. I’m following the original guidance from back in May that I don’t have to wear a mask anymore.”
But when she is mandating, Buck, that 2-year-olds in preschool have to wear masks? Do you think some of those 2-year-olds might also be having a good time and not want to wear a mask? Do you think some of the parents of those 2-year-olds and of those 3- and 4- and 5- and 6-year-olds who are super-young kids that are being forced to wear a mask for a virus that statistically has zero — statistically has zero — risk to them?
Again, this is not about science. It never has been about science. On the same day we got Scott Gottlieb saying there’s no basis in scientific reality for the six-foot rule.
BUCK: You want to do that one right now?
CLAY: Let’s play that too. I mean, this is a double dinger here I’ve discussed.
GOTTLIEB: The six feet was arbitrary in and of itself. And the six feet is a perfect example of sort of the lack of rigor around how CDC made recommendations. Nobody knows where it came from. Most people assume that the six feet of distance — the recommendation for keeping six feet apart — comes out of some old studies related to flu where droplets don’t travel more than six feet.
We now know covid spreads through aerosols. The initial recommendation that the CDC brought to the White House — and I talk about this — was 10 feet, and a political appointee in the White House said, “We can’t recommend 10 feet! Nobody can measure 10 feet. It’s inoperable. Society will shut down.” So the compromise was around six feet.
BUCK: They’re making it up. When I used to say and you used to say, Clay, “They are making up six feet as a measure…” There was no study, there was no mask, there was no nothing. They just sort of said, “You know what? It seems like maybe a good amount of room to tell people to stand apart from each other in lines.”
Think about how much propaganda has been around this. This guy’s not… This is not a revelation. But, Clay, now they’re admitting things like this. Now London Breed is saying, “I’m at a fancy party, so I’m going to have fun at the party.” Now the FDA former commissioner is saying, “Six feet is made up, but what else were they gonna do?” The stuff that we’ve been saying for 18 months.
CLAY: How is…? I’m gonna be honest with this. How is that London Breed quote not everywhere, and how are Democrats not having to respond to it?
BUCK: You know the answer, of course.
CLAY: Yeah. But just from a pure optics perspective, I don’t know that normal people like you and me and most of our listeners could have had a better audio clip ever from a Democrat in a position of power, short of her saying “I’m rich and famous, and I get to do whatever I want,” which is basically what the Emmys did, right?
BUCK: Oh yes.
CLAY: I don’t think we can overlook what’s going on in all these things coming together to start off the Monday news cycle. You had the Emmys last night. I didn’t watch any of it. I was watching The Ravens game against the Chiefs, but I went back.
I was curious to see what shows won, and I started looking at the all the pictures, and I said, “My God, this is a big crowd of people to not be wearing masks!” When L.A. County has implemented a mask mandate for all kids ages 2 and over, the fact that none of the celebrities had masked on — you know who had masks on Buck?
BUCK: The staff.
CLAY: The staff again.
BUCK: The servants had to mask up.
CLAY: The servants had to wear masks.
BUCK: I’ve been complaining about this because you see it in New York City. I tell you, I think this is embarrassing, and I’ve actually raised this. I’m embarrassed to be around it.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: In my building where I live, residents do not have to mask up in common spaces except for the elevators right now. The gym, no.
CLAY: It’s all nonsense, but yes.
BUCK: Clay, I just went to the dentist today, and I gotta tell you of course my dentist, they listen to this radio show. They’re conservative (not even gonna get into all that) so they know it’s crazy. But they tell me just so there’s no masking in the lobby. There’s no mask in the elevator, not in the exam rooms or the dentist rooms (or whatever you call them), either.
But in the waiting room, you have to wear a mask, “Because that’s the New York City health regulation, and we don’t want to get in trouble. It’s dumb and we know it’s dumb.” This is what they tell me. But Clay, this is now a situation where in the building where I live, if you’re delivering food, if you work for the building, you have to wear a mask. But if you live there, you don’t. That’s not science. That’s classism. There’s something weird going on here.
CLAY: It’s totally true, and this is why the first thing that I do when I get in an Uber — and I’m probably gonna get flagged now and not be able to get an Uber — is I tell my driver, “Hey, you can take your mask off.”
BUCK: Have you been selfie punished yet? I have to take selfies to show my mask in the Uber or else they won’t let me ride.
CLAY: I have not. But it’s funny. We’re on the bus tour right now, and the time that I most see it is either with an Uber driver when I’m going around all these different college football games. But I have a driver a lot of times when I get out at the airport, and the driver has his mask on, it’s like they require them.
Take your mask off. I mean, it makes me uncomfortable to be in a setting where someone who is waiting on me or somebody who is driving or someone who is part of a staff working somewhere is being treated differently than the people that are there, like the Emmys.
BUCK: A hundred percent.
CLAY: It’s crazy.
BUCK: It’s gross, it’s uncomfortable to be around, because you’re essentially complicit if you’re at a place, whatever it may be.
CLAY: I ask them to take their masks off.
BUCK: Right.
CLAY: Hey, I would prefer that you do. You can make your own choice. Not like I’m saying… I’m not trying to mandate anything. But it makes me uncomfortable when the waiter or waitress comes to a table and they’re forced to wear a mask and nobody else in the whole place is.
BUCK: It’s where you see it everywhere. Bartenders, by the way, the same thing.
CLAY: Yeah. Yeah.
BUCK: And the fact that all these lifestyle libs who watch CNN and MSNBC are so comfortable with this tells you a lot about all their class welfare instincts and all the rest of it. Because in a city like New York, it is disproportionately communities of color who are affected by not only the vax mask mandate as we know which is why there were a lot of people —
CLAY: A diverse crowd protesting in New York City like you said that you ended up in the middle of.
BUCK: A lot of people in the black and Latino community walking in that march. I can’t give you numbers, but it was very noticeable because of how it affects them, but also in the service industry in major cities like New York and L.A. — and I’m sure it’s true in Houston as well as other major cities.
You’ve got people who are having to mask up all the time. And it’s really sending this signal. It’s like, “I’m the person who is paying to sit here; so I don’t wear a mask. But you who brings me my food or cooks my food or delivers my packages or whatever it may be, you have to keep your virus breath away from me.”
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: I think it’s appalling.
CLAY: The message that you’re sending is it’s almost like eighteenth and nineteenth century, Buck, where the caste system is, “You are filthy and dirty; I’m clean. Therefore, you have to keep yourself from being able to fully interact as a human with me,” and for a place like the Emmys — again in L.A. County, in L.A. County.
If they had relocated it to Miami or they had moved it to some state that’s actually got some freedom, then maybe things would be different. But in L.A. County when you’re requiring a 2-year-old to wear a mask and you don’t require hundreds, if not thousands of people who are attending the Emmys to be wearing masks.
People say, “Well, they’re vaccinated.” We know it doesn’t matter in terms of spreading the virus, and we also know that adults are under far more danger than young kids are, right, from covid since we started this process back in March of last year.
BUCK: We talked about this last week, Clay, not only are kids at very low risk as you point out repeatedly but they’re unlikely to spread it to adults. Their viral loads tend to be much lower, unless they can show data about this.
CLAY: Buck, you talked about the great piece in the New York Post that said essentially there’s no way to justify it at all, not only in this country, but comparing this country with all other First World countries around the globe. It doesn’t make sense.
BUCK: They’ve all stopped doing it because they’ve come to realize — based on the actual data — that it does not make any sense. And then the people that I get really angry at — and that was Karol Markowicz, who wrote that piece IN the New York Post where she said it’s a form of sadism now.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: Also, it’s almost as though a certain kind of Democrat leftist feels like this is an opportunity to show their fealty to Fauciism. “I’m even willing to mask up my child in order to show how seriously I take this.” Remember how it was about how seriously you take the virus?
And, Clay, the people who pretend like this does not come with a cost? We actually have audio of a kid crying at a day care as some day care worker is strapping a mask and pulling it onto his face. It’s horrible. If someone tried to do that to me as an adult, I’d punch them in the mouth.
CLAY: Let’s listen to that audio in a second. But first, let’s listen to San Francisco mayor London Breed, who is saying, “Hey, basically I was in such a good mood, why in the world would I wear a mask?” and then we’ll also let you hear what happens when a 2-year-old is trying to be masked and think about the dichotomy here. An adult can make a choice; a kid can’t. Here’s San Francisco mayor London Breed.
BREED: I got up and started dancin’ because I was feelin’ the spirit, and I wasn’t thinkin’ about a mask. I was thinkin’ about having a good time, and in the process I was followin’, the health orders. I’m vaccinated. I don’t need to wear a mask and take a picture every single time. I don’t want to. But at the same time, I’m being careful to not only protect myself and to protect other people.
This is nitpicking. This is really unfortunate — and let me tell you, when the spirit moves you because you are watching history in the making, Bay Area royalty perform? I don’t know about you, but I’m not gonna turn around and look for where my mask is.
BUCK: Clay, I’m just gonna say, when I come to see you to meet up in Alabama to go to the big football game in a couple weeks here, I’m just gonna tell the airline, “Excuse me. I’m moved by the spirit!”
CLAY: That’s fantastic.
BUCK: “I’m jamming out to the tunes on my AirPods or whatever, and I’m moved by the spirit. No mask!”
CLAY: That would be fantastic. I would love to hear what happened, and you would never be allowed on the airline again. We’re making fun of London Breed, the mayor of San Francisco, for not being willing to follow, we should point out, her own city’s guidelines that she is in charge of implementing.
But this has real consequences when we insist on the application of these rules to young children. Listen to this kid who’s being forced to wear a mask. It’s tough to listen to, but I think it’s important to put it in context, having just heard what the mayor of San Francisco said. You think this kid is “feelin’ the spirit”? You think this kid wants to be wearing this mask?
MASON: (sobbing)
WOMAN 1: Put your mask on!
WOMAN 2: No, you gotta put… You gotta keep it on…
WOMAN 1: No you gotta keep it on!
MASON: (wailing)
WOMAN 1: That’s okay, Mason.
MASON: (banging and struggling)
WOMAN 1: You don’t have to cry.
MASON: (wailing)
WOMAN 1: It’s gonna keep you safe, okay?
WOMAN 2: Yay Mason! Yay!
BUCK: That’s my brother’s name.
CLAY: This is madness, Buck.
BUCK: Not gonna keep anybody safe. Not gonna keep anybody safe.
CLAY: Absolute madness.
BUCK: Clay, it’s not even like they’re doing something where we’re sitting here saying, “Wow, it’s kind of harsh, but at least we know…” It does nothing. Does nothing.
CLAY: And it’s so hard to hear that, I think, as a parent because if you got kids in day care, if you have kids to school, it’s tough to let them out away from you oftentimes for a day — and then this happens. It’s awful.
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