Build Your Own Airline, Mask Fanatics

CLAY: All it took was one brave judge to totally destroy mask mandates across airplanes, trains, car-share service, everywhere where masking had been strongest for the past couple of years. In one 59-page ruling that came down yesterday while we were on the air, Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle decides that there is no basis whatsoever for the CDC’s arbitrary and capricious mask rule to still exist on airplanes, in public transit of any sort. She strikes it down, and almost immediately it felt like the Berlin Wall was coming down.

Buck, I think this may be, really when you think about it, the most influential district court ruling — district court ruling — of the twenty-first century so far. Obviously, lots of Supreme Court rulings have massive impact, circuit court rulings, state Supreme Court rulings.

But when you think about the millions of people that were immediately impacted in a positive way as every airline through yesterday afternoon and into the evening announced that they were finally doing away with this mandate. I want you to listen to some of the joyous reactions across the nation. Let’s play cut 4.

BUCK: I’m not much of a singer, Clay, but I would have been singing on that plane too. I would have been very, very excited about this. It’s amazing to see, first of all, that it took this judge… Where were all the other constitutionalists, reasonable judges on this? You know, look, I’m very happy for Judge Mizelle down in Florida. I’m also happy that apparently the state of Florida single-handedly trying to prevent the collapse of this country into authoritarian lunacy.

You know, Florida has done more, at least you could say, than any other individual state in the fight for freedom during the pandemic madness, the lockdowns, the mask mandates, all the stuff that’s been going on. It was unsettling, though, to see some of these now infamous, maybe famous — depends on what side of the aisle you’re on — blue check MDs, folks.

These are verified-on-Twitter doctors who are always mask fanatics, always pushing for more restrictions, saying things like, “This is outrageous; I will never fly again,” or, “How could they do this to people who made risk-mitigation decisions for themselves that have now been upended by the change in policy without due notice!”

First of all, have they ever flown on an airplane? Because airlines do whatever they want. Your plans mean nothing to them. That’s one part of it. And the other is who could think this is still a good idea, Clay? I am flabbergasted by the idiocy.

CLAY: It is amazing. I want to read some of these ’cause I do think it’s so entertaining. Jeremy Faust, MD, MS, (ER physician). By the way, if you need to put all of your degrees in your Twitter bio, how big of a loser are you, all right? I mean, seriously: “Jeremy Faust, MD, MS, (ER physician).”

By the way, I so wanted to respond, and I did respond to Jeremy Faust, MD, MS, (ER physician). I mean, how do these people after two years — this guy is, based on his picture, in his thirties, maybe his early forties. Presumably, if his wife is pregnant, she’s young enough to still get pregnant — a “pregnant person,” as I’m sure Jeremy would refer to her as — and he’s got a 4-year-old.

Their entire family is under no risk. And the idea that if they had masks on airplanes they would somehow be mitigating the risk is not in any way represented by any of the data. And so, Buck, what I think these things represent — and there’s another great one that was out, this guy — what’s this guy’s name, Buck — Dr. Feigl-Ding or something like this?

BUCK: Eric Feigl-Ding, I think? Is that right?

CLAY: Dr. Eric. They have to put the “doctor” in their Twitter account, right? You can’t just be whatever your name is. You have to be at — as if Eric Feigl-Ding was gonna be taken as the Twitter handle, he has to be Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding. I will not be flying Alaska Air until they reinstate public safety measures against covid-19, #BoycottAlaskaAir.

And I just responded, “Rent a car, loser.” But these people, I think, Buck, are representing… This is the realization that is storming their brain that they don’t matter suddenly after two years of being MD blue check marks where they were constantly lecturing everybody about things that mostly made no sense. In one fell swoop, this judge — this brave woman, Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, who I think deserves a lot of credit, 59-page report — boom! All of a sudden it’s all over — it really did, Buck, feel to me like the Berlin Wall coming down.

BUCK: I just want to tell all the libs, “Build your own airline.”

CLAY: Yes!

BUCK: “What’s the problem? Build your own airline! What’s the big deal?” These people were horrible for two years, I mean, especially the Blue Check Brigade on Twitter. And just so everyone, you know, gets it, the blue check MD brigade treats out like “Mask up. It’s responsible.”

And then MSNBC producers and CNN producers and others see that, they put it up on their screen, and then they reach out and they book that individual — who’s an MD — to be a guest. So, it was this big cycle of covid Fauciite lunacy that was constantly going on.

So when we talk… Even if you’re not on Twitter ever, the people that would then be asked to write the op-ed in the New York Times — this also goes to why Twitter is so important in the media news cycle. If you became an outspoken, mask-on-plane, blue check MD, like some of the ones Clay is talking about, you were writing op-eds in the New York Times. You were on CNN. you might even gotten invited to the Biden White House. You might have been talking to Jen Psaki or Joe Biden himself about these policies.

So it’s a feeder for all of that, and these individuals have done more to damage the public’s faith in public health as a profession than anybody could have ever imagined before. ‘Cause remember the original breach of the public trust — and Clay knows exactly what I’m gonna say — was these are the same people…

The people who are right now saying: “You still have to mask up on planes ’cause I’m a doctor and I’m so smart,” were the ones saying — when everyone else was locked down — “These BLM protests are really important, guys! This is about saving lives, so we can make an exception for this.” They are ideologically overzealous libs. That’s what you’re actually dealing with.

CLAY: There’s no doubt, and what is going to continue to be a battle — and, by the way, I want to say this. They will try to bring this back.

BUCK: I was gonna say, “You don’t think we’re done, do you?”


BUCK: I don’t think we’re done either. They’re gonna bring it back when they can.

CLAY: They will try to bring it back this coming winter or if there is another variant. And that is why we have to send such an incontrovertible message come November. Everybody has to vote out all of these tells me who try tried to take away your freedoms. There have to be consequences. There needs to be a reckoning. I wanted to open up lines, too, and let people who were on airplanes and actually experience because how cool is that, Buck?

What I thought was so great about that video that went viral of the pilots being able to come out and the flight attendants being able to come out was you saw how small the number of people that were actually committed to wanting to wear masks really was when those airplanes erupt in cheers and people are ripping the masks off their faces. It’s a tiny subset that dictated this to you.

BUCK: Oh, the covid commies were always a tiny minority of the overall population when it came to masking on planes, certainly by year two of this. I do not believe that any… Anybody who was willing to sit in a restaurant without a mask on should have been, by logic, willing to sit in an airplane, which is if you’ll safer. It’s not even equivalent. It is safer than a crowded restaurant or bar. So it made no sense all along.

But we were being held hostage to the neuroses of leftists who think that fashion and science are the same thing. Whatever is the one point in time what the cool kids are saying is actually what “the science” says, which is not in any way the same thing. So the end of this, I think, is fantastic. And it’s also a reminder, I think, of why this was so important, Clay, to the people that were the most restrictionist of the lockdowners, the Faucis. By the way, where’s Fauci? I want to see him.

CLAY: True. Totally vanished.

BUCK: He should be appearing on TV any moment saying (impression), “It’s too early. It has only been two years of masking on planes. We can’t take our foot off the throttle or whatever you use a foot for in a plane.” Yeah. I mean, there’s no way that Fauci’s gonna appear right now because everyone say, “Wow, he really is absolutely horrible.” But I don’t think it’s gone for good.

Now is when the voting actually really needs to get ramped up, folks — rather, the idea of voting needs to be so clear for everybody. ‘Cause, Clay, the federal mask mandate on planes was the libs sticking their thumb in the eyes of everybody who lives in a red state, of everybody who didn’t have to deal with the covid madness, and so this is really gonna heat things up. ‘Cause they liked that. This was a toy that the left had that they really don’t want to give up, and so you’re gonna see both sides getting really aggravated over this.

CLAY: How about the cowardice of the Biden administration too? I don’t think we can underrate this. As we were talking and this news came out yesterday and they did… Remember, Buck, when we broke the news and I said, “Well, that’s interesting, the Department of Justice didn’t immediately say, ‘We intend to appeal’?”

They said, “We’ll have to review the ruling,” and basically what Biden did and has done so far is he allowed this Trump-appointed judge — and God bless her again, Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle who deserves a lot of credit for writing what may be the most consequential federal district court opinion of the twenty-first century so far.

When you consider all of the impact that it immediately undertook based on when her ruling came out, the millions people who were immediately impacted, Buck, when you really break this down, Biden just allowed this 35-year-old judge, Trump appointee to change the entire CDC rules, basically, by pointing out that they were illegitimate.

And that way he didn’t have to get attacked by his own base, which are those blue check mark, “I want to wear masks forever” people. So now Biden can say, “Oh, this wasn’t my choice. This was the choice of this Trump judge.” But by not fighting it, he’s acquiescing to the fact that her legal reasoning is correct, but simultaneously being able to blame her so that his base doesn’t attack him for making this choice.


BUCK: Welcome back to Clay and Buck.

BUCK: There was a little exchange just yesterday between Jen Psaki, chief White House propaganda czar, and Peter Doocy, who is asking actual questions — you know, challenging power, trying to get answers from a White House and an administration that doesn’t necessarily want to give ’cause it doesn’t help it politically. I thought that’s what journalists were all supposed to do but apparently it makes you a bad person if you actually do the job, according to Jen Psaki.

She said some mean things about Mr. Doocy week. But here we are, Clay, with the obvious moment of recognition here for this White House, there is no answer to the question that makes sense. And the whole (impression), “Yeah, it’s been doctors and, like, we have a color chart, and there’s, like, chartreuse and turquoise, like, right now in, like, Phase Two of the like… It’s sort of like an off yellow color but, like, it’s not quite red.”

What is that blather? The answer to the question is it makes no sense whatsoever. You’re safer on a plane than you are in a restaurant based on air quality but you have a lot more power on a plane and libs are obsessed, obsessed with exercising authoritarian covid powers, like the Siberian prison guards they all wish they could be.

CLAY: The White House kind of hung her out to dry there, honestly, with that answer, because within minutes of that answer, Buck, they were telling TSA agents, “No longer enforce the protocols regarding masks at airports,” and then you saw I think Alaska airlines was first, United Airlines. Slowly every airline… At first slowly and then rapidly every airline made the choice that they were no longer going to enforce this.

And that’s why I compared it a little bit to the Berlin Wall coming down ’cause suddenly people are like, “Wait a minute, I don’t have to wear this mask to go walk around in an airport anymore? The TSA agents are not going to be required to tell me to lift my mask?” And, by the way, I guarantee you there are tons…

And that’s why we want to open up the phone lines, 800-282-2882. What was the reaction wherever you were, if you were on a plane, if you were in an airport, what was the reaction as this news came down? Let’s have a little fun celebrating the defeat of the covid insanity.

BUCK: Yeah. We gotta have days where we all celebrate, folks. This is one of them, right? I mean, we take the fight to the left, to the libs, to the madness day in and day out. But you gotta also take a moment to admire some of your handiwork and we kept pushing for this one for a long time. So freedom is a beautiful thing, Clay.

CLAY: Amen.


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