Remember before the election, when Biden crowed about giving away the store to railroad workers and keeping all the choo-choos going?
Well, now the unions are back and demanding more money, so naturally, it’s not Biden’s fault, it’s the out-of-power Republicans, so says SecTrans Buttigieg!
Nothing to see here! The president is only responsible for good things, not bad ones.
What do you think of Biden’s latest dodging of responsibility? Tweet us your take @ClayAndBuck — or, if you’re a 24/7 VIP, send us an email.
The great Dr. Laura stopped by to talk family and culture with C&B!
Watch C&B analyze the story of the day. Spoiler alert: There's not much here.
Clay reveals inside details of his weekend flying with the president.
Miss Clay on The Will Cain Show? Watch it here.
Clay spoke with President Trump on Air Force One on the way to the NCAA…
C&B discuss a fun sound bite from Clay's exclusive interview with the president.