
Newsom Mandates Vaccine for Children Over 12

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BUCK: Meanwhile, in California, they want to get your kids shots in the arms. If you’re in California, we’ve got great audiences across the state. We know we’ve got a lot of folks listening in San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento. So, here’s where we’ve got, the latest… Actually, you know what?

You can hear from — ugh — the most unctuous of governors out there, Gavin Newsom, who kept his job, in fact used it almost as a mandate now because he increased his support with the recall, which is quite disappointing. Here he is, let’s pay 26 and hear how he wants to put the shots in little kids.

NEWSOM: Yeah, I think we’re all just exhausted by this. We want to get this pandemic behind us, and while we’ve made great progress, California — 84% of Californians that are eligible received at least one dose; we have the lowest case rate in America — it’s not good enough and we have a cohort 12 to 17 right now. We’re only 63 and a half percent of our kids have received at least one dose of vaccine. And we think this will accelerate our efforts to get this pandemic behind us.

BUCK: You can never mask hard enough, Clay. You can never vax hard enough, apparently. Twelve-, 14-, 16-year-olds, et cetera, they’re not drivers of this, and they’re not at risk from this, but they’re gonna make these kids get the shot nonetheless.

CLAY: Yeah, and I think there are gonna be a lot of parents like me who are gonna make the choice that their kids are not gonna get it. And I understand people are gonna take that clip and they’re gonna label me as anti-vax because that’s what they want to do. It’s the new Alt-Right.

Remember everybody was “Alt-Right,” and that word is finally kind of disappeared. Anti-vax is, I think, accurate if you completely opposed to all vaccinations. I’m not. My kids get measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, all of ’em. But they’re not at risk at all from covid.

I haven’t gotten them antibody tested. We’re planning to do so. I think they probably have had it, like my wife and I have had it, as well but I don’t want to risk in any way their health for a vaccine that they don’t know for a virus that provides them absolutely zero risk.

BUCK: And we have the numbers so when they say things like measles and mumps. Measles is dangerous to kids. About one in a thousand children if they get measles can die are from it, whereas the number is more like one in a million, something closer to that, for covid-19.

So this goes back to we’re a society now that thinks that risk parameters are determined by whatever Fauci says on CNN or whatever is popping up — whatever Facebook and YouTube and others allow to pop up — on your screen. For those who are wondering, “Well, how does Newsom, the governor of California, view those who have questions about this?” Well, play 27.

NEWSOM: Look, we already mandate 10 vaccines. In so many ways the most… Uh, look, this is a significant announcement that it’s probably the most predictable announcement. We vaccinate you for mumps and measles and rubella and so many other diseases. We require vaccinations, and yet there’s something about this disease that’s become so polarized, uh, and so divisive.

And it’s — it’s tragic. I mean, my heart goes out to the people protesting that they are led with such fear and anxiety, such disinformation, misinformation, very intentional. Uh, and some just naively receiving it. And so look (snickers), we have to remind people that this is well established territory for our kids for decades and decades!

BUCK: Why did they ever say they weren’t gonna do it, Clay? There’s so much here you can jump into, but remember when they agreed that it was a violation of individual freedom to mandate these vaccines, like, seven months ago?

CLAY: Well, and also we still don’t know what the long range impact is going to be for kids who are going to vaccinated for covid. My easy response here would be measles and mumps… I just want to focus on this. Buck, you and I are both vaccinated for measles and mumps. Have you ever in your life been afraid of someone else who was not vaccinated for measles and mumps?

Have you ever thought — at any point where you were going to school, any point where you were on an airplane, any point where you were in a bar or restaurant — “Man, I’m really afraid that somebody might not be vaccinated for measles or mumps”? I never have. I bet you haven’t either.

BUCK: Those are real vaccines.

CLAY: They work. They work.

BUCK: This is a therapeutic.

CLAY: If your vaccine works, Buck, then you don’t need to worry about anybody else, if you have those anxieties, you get your shot, you’re fine. What they’re letting us know is they understand that the vaccine doesn’t actually work. That’s why they’re so obsessed with other people’s choices on this.

BUCK: Well, I think they also view this as necessary to get us to a zero covid future, which we aren’t going to be able to get to. But they think… That’s why they like the measles and mumps comparison so much because now you can track measles outbreaks in the U.S. pretty easily because it’s quite rare.

Because it’s been essentially stamped out of the population, for the most part. That took decades of mass vaccination campaign. That’s their plan for covid, but covid mutates rapidly, and the vaccine ends its protection — or at least goes way down in its protection — rapidly too. So this is… We have an analogous situation here which is the annual seasonal influenza.

CLAY: It’s what it is now.

BUCK: We’ve had it for a long time. This is a coronavirus, which lots of colds are coronaviruses. We know that there are these respiratory infections. We’ve never been able to defeat the common cold entirely. We’ve never been able to defeat the flu entirely. This is a different pathogen. But they see measles and they think, “If we just force the shot on everyone’s arm on schedule every six months, it’ll be like measles; we’ll never think about this again,” and that’s their plan.

CLAY: And Newsom is talking about disinformation. That is disinformation that comes directly from Fauci and Biden. Because the untruth that they have been selling for almost a year now is, “Get the covid vaccine. If everybody had the covid vaccine, this would go away.” Well, we know that’s not true because of Israel and England.

And the analogy that you are drawing is an accurate and a good one of the flu. And we don’t mandate the flu vaccine. We never have. We don’t mandate it in schools. We certainly don’t mandate masks. And it’s far more dangerous, the seasonal flu is, than covid to children. One of the only benefits we’ve had, Buck, is, thankfully kids aren’t in danger.

‘Cause I’ll be honest. If they were — if covid were killing young kids primarily instead of old people — I would be curled up in a fetal position in my basement. (laughing) I wouldn’t want my kids outside. We’re thankful that we haven’t ended up in that situation.


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