
Canadian Trucker to Journo: Go Fauci Yourself!

CLAY: The people that are having the most impact, I would say, in the world right now in terms of fighting absurd covid restrictions are everyone who is supporting and a part of Canadian trucker protest all throughout Canada right now. This is a pretty fantastic interview that happened. A Canadian trucker was asked about a report that they are concerned about the safety of children in the Canadian convoy.

There have been reports, by the way, that this is very much of a family-based protest, that there are lots of kids involved, despite the fact that Justin Trudeau has tried to say that this is an awful group of people and tried to turn them into — go figure — white supremacists and people who are misogynistic and racist and all these different things. Listen to this interview with a Canadian trucker and the CBC.

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: I love the slimy little propagandist squirming in the face of the Canadian trucker here. This guy’s amazing. I love this guy.

CLAY: It sounds like a WWE interview, right?

BUCK: Yeah, absolutely. It sounds like this guy understands exactly what was happening here, Clay, which was reporters come up to them, ‘Hey, Children’s Aid Society says maybe…” First of all, what? Second of all, “Maybe your kid shouldn’t be here, they’re in danger, maybe the state should take your children away”? Notice how the journalist isn’t framing this as, “What an outrage. Trudeau is such a fascist and such an evil coward that maybe his government would even consider taking your children away from you!”

There’s been no violence. This isn’t Nazis. All this stuff… It’s all bullcrap but the journos, ’cause they’re on the payroll — literally on the payroll — of the Canadian state, just so everyone understands. That’s not an exaggeration. They are state media. They receive funding directly from the Canadian government. They’re like, “Hey, nice kids you got there. Be a shame if someone took them away from you.” And this trucker is like, “Go Fauci yourself!”


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