Canadian Truckers Show Us the Way Back to Freedom
3 Feb 2022
BUCK: To start it off today, we were going to talk to you about the truckers. The trucker situation is one that I think you watch this, and you say, “It’s amazing that — given all the people out there who could have been standing for freedom — in this country and in Canada, we are relying on folks who have been carrying the burden in many ways for us for a long time.” The truckers kept on going during covid.
They kept the shelves stocked. They kept the food in the grocery store. They made sure the economy kept on rolling. They weren’t able to be home hanging out. They weren’t able to be Zoom from the couch. And in Canada, they’re actually getting some real results here already. Truckers have succeeded so far in Saskatchewan province. They’ve removed their vaccine pass situation.
Quebec was gonna have a vaccine tax that has now been abandoned. They’ve also gotten rid of this guy, O’Toole, that was a Conservative leader that wasn’t getting it done in their Parliament, and some leaders in Canada now, of course not Justin Trudeau, are willing to speak to the truckers and listen to them and their demands.
Clay, I just want to frame it this way, ’cause usually you don’t have people who are either conservative or right-of-center views taking to the streets in action. It’s usually something we associate actually with the left. But I’d say this. We have to remind ourselves here, the radicals are the people who refuse normalcy at this point.
There is nothing radical about a trucker protest that is demanding normal life, that is demanding an end to madness that has not worked and an end to authoritarianism and tyranny. The radicals, Clay, I would argue are the people who oppose the truckers in this instance, and we shouldn’t let them frame the debate otherwise.
CLAY: I would encourage United States truckers… Now, the regulations and restrictions in the United States, thanks to the fact that we have federalism in this country, have not been as Draconian as they have been in Canada. But I would courage truckers in the United States to stage their own form of protest, maybe showing up in Washington, D.C., and letting people know what the rest of the country actually thinks about this.
Look. The numbers, Buck, are pretty stark in favor of these kind of protests in the United States. I mean, we talked about this poll — I believe it was from Monmouth University — that 70% of Americans are ready to get back to normalcy. They just want all of the regulations, all of the restrictions gone. People can still choose to do as they see fit for their own health, but 89% of Republicans, 71% of independents, and even 47% of Democrats.
I think that’s why you’re seeing, in some ways, a bit of a panic in the Biden White House because, Buck, they don’t know how to dial back down the fear that they have ratcheted up in their base — and they don’t know how to deal with the massive numbers of independents, the massive numbers of Republicans, and even the massive numbers of left-leaning, you know, centrist Democrats.
Seventy percent of people agreeing on something in America today, particularly something as contentious as covid, Buck? Team Sanity is winning, and we are winning in what is starting to be a rout, and I think what the truckers are tapping into is, even in Canada — which has obviously been a much more restrictive country than the United States — people want normalcy a hundred percent.
Buck, I saw New Zealand, which has tried to adopt a Covid Zero policy. I saw, I was reading today, they want to be back to 100% normalcy by October. Now, that’s too long. But even New Zealand — which is an island that tried to shut itself off from the rest of the world — is saying, “Hey, we expect to be fully back up and running by October,” and let me hit you with this too.
England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and Finland in Europe have effectively ended all covid restrictions. That is five different countries in Europe. They have the same levels of education, if not better than our scientists in the United States, and they’re all looking at the data and saying it’s time to go back to 100% normalcy.
BUCK: Who is radical here, right? Listen to what Clay just said, for everyone all across the country. You got European nations who remember we used to be told, “Oh, look what they’re doing! They’re going into the lockdowns or they’re taking these more extreme measures. Forget about Sweden, right? Sweden’s crazy.” It turned out Sweden was totally not crazy, but they don’t bring that up anymore.
We’re now the most extreme when it comes to children in many ways in the whole world. Maybe Australia is more extreme about kids, but there’s no other country that is abusing children with covid absurdity and insanity more than the United States, which is shameful, utterly shameful. And there was a moment where during these protests, some people are showing up in Ottawa.
This truck is parked literally right outside my house. More to come…
— Falice Chin (@faliceemo) January 28, 2022
They’re showing up with food for these truckers — and there’s some great stuff going on, by the way — and the media in this country isn’t covering this, the fact that truckers have raised millions of dollars for one thing. They also are feeding the homeless at these protests. They’re clearing out snow for the elderly. In this video of all this, you can see it.
I’ve seen it. And there was a woman who showed up, and she gives you, I think, a window into what the real concern is here. For people who understand communism, Clay, and who lived through communism in the Soviet Bloc and went to places like the U.S. and Canada, they have a different perspective on this and one we need to hear. Here’s a woman who is a Polish immigrant to Canada named Bernadette meeting with the truckers and here’s what she says about why she’s giving them food. Play it.
BREAKING: Polish immigrants just arrived in Ottawa with thousands of Polish sausages and bread for the truckers
“We came from communism. We want a free country.”
— Truckistan Amb. Poso 🏁 (@JackPosobiec) February 2, 2022
BUCK: She’s saying, Clay, they’re not free. And she knows what not free means.
CLAY: She does, Buck, and I feel like because so many people… You’re in Miami right now, Buck. The state of Florida’s free. State of Texas — I was there this weekend — completely free. I live in the state of Tennessee. Completely free. And you feel like so many people are being held almost behind enemy lines. I’m going to L.A. on Sunday.
I’ll be out in California all week. I hear from Californians all the time. I hear from New Yorkers all the time. I hear from people in states and cities where they aren’t free, and I think those people need to rise up. I really mean it. They need to rise up — and you’re right, Buck. Protests tend to be affiliated with the left. Now, you can point to the Tea Party.
Early on, Buck, we had the lockdown protests. Remember in Michigan. That started to catch a little bit of, I would say, popular support. And then all the sudden George Floyd happened and all the protesting, which, by the way, remember all of — and this is when a lot of you listening to me right now and listening to us.
When a lot of you said, “I’m done with lockdowns,” was when all of the scientists who had been ripping anybody protesting lockdowns about how dangerous it was to have mass protests suddenly said, “Oh, the BLM protests are okay.” They wouldn’t let a thousand people show up in Michigan and honk their horns and drive around the state capital.
But they are fine with tens of thousands of people all over the country — potentially millions marching — in the streets even in the middle of covid, and they actually had the scientists saying, “Okay, this as not a public health threat.” They were fine with one form of protest, not the other. And a lot of people just said, “I’m over this,” and that…
Honestly, a lot of the red states never have gone back, Buck, right? Like, basically since May of 2020 there has been very little difference in my life as someone who lives in the state of Tennessee. My kids went back to school in the fall. By May and June of 2020, this thing was over for a lot of red staters. That hasn’t been the situation in Canada. It hasn’t been the situation in Australia. Thank God we got federalism or otherwise it would have been the situation here.
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