
C&B 24/7: Clay & Buck’s Show Prep

  • New York Times: The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects. The agency has withheld critical data on boosters, hospitalizations and, until recently, wastewater analyses
  • New York Post: The absurd ‘Russiagate’ Pulitzer of the NY Times and Washington Post
  • New York Post: They all knew – and did nothing to stop the Russia collusion hoax
  • NewsBusters: Week One of Spying Scandal: Nets, CNN Bury Blockbuster Claims Against Clinton
  • Federalist: 4 Special Counsel Revelations Tying Spygate To Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
  • JustTheNews: Politicians, influencers join Trump’s Truth Social as it soft launches on President’s Day
  • BizPacReview: Do you see it? White House picture of big Biden meeting on Russia-Ukraine crisis raises eyebrows
  • Breitbart: Bidenflation Runs Hot Sending Rents Soaring Across the Country
  • FOXNews: Russia-Ukraine: Kremlin calls potential Putin-Biden meeting ‘premature
  • FOXNews: VP Harris says sanctions would absolutely deter Putin, despite saying he made up his mind on invading Ukraine
  • UK Daily Mail: Americans in Russia told to evacuate WITHOUT the help of the U.S. government because of terrorist threats and warns Moscow could ‘severely restrict’ flights from Ukraine as intelligence suggests Putin has 190,000 troops poised to invade
  • Politico: Kremlin denies ‘concrete’ plans for a Putin-Biden summit

  • American Greatness: The Gathering Storm in the West – Victor Davis Hanson
  • PJ Media: Democracy Dies in Canada: Trudeau Government to Make Some of Their New Authoritarian Measures Permanent
  • Legal Insurrection: If You Have Assets At Canadian Financial Institutions, You’re Nuts
  • RedState: Going for Coffee Is Now a Crime in Ottawa; Police May Attack and Threaten You
  • Breitbart: PICS: More Arrests as Canadian Cops Sweep Through Ottawa with Clubs, Stun Grenades, Rifles
  • Breitbart: WATCH: Canada Protesters Trampled By Police Horses, 100 Arrested
  • New York Post: With media targeting truckers’ donors, say goodbye to anonymous free speech
  • New York Post: Ottawa cops clear out last ‘Freedom Convoy’ protesters after 24 days
  • Daily Wire: Canadian Premier Suing Over Trudeau’s Use Of Emergencies Act: ‘There Is No Insurrection Or Coup’
  • Daily Wire: Ottawa Police Chief: Protesters To Get ‘Financial Sanctions,’ ‘Criminal Charges’ Even After Event Ends
  • DNYUZ: After Trucker Protest, Canada Grapples With a Question: Was It a Blip, or Something Bigger?
  • ZeroHedge: Canada Moves To Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent
  • Daily Caller: ‘Freedom!’: Freedom Convoy Protesters Chant To Interrupt MSNBC Live Report
  • BizPacReview: WaPo op-ed desperately links ‘Freedom Convoy’ to the old stand by – white supremacy

  • HotAir: CDC quietly lowers the bar for early childhood speech development
  • Wall Street Journal: The Science Behind Why Children Fare Better With Covid-19
  • Barron: ‘Fortress Australia’ Re-opens To Tourists After Two-year Covid Closure
  • Reuters: UK’s Johnson set to scrap COVID restrictions in England
  • Gateway Pundit: CDC Officials Admit Agency Has Withheld Critical Covid Information From the Public, Including Data About Breakthrough Infections, Over Fears of “Vaccine Hesitancy”

  • New York Post: BLM privilege and Jan. 6 Capitol riot shame
  • Daily Wire: Capitol Fence Will Go Back Up For Biden’s State Of The Union Amid Protest Fears
  • UK Daily Mail: Virginia school board chairwoman storms out of public meeting after parent exposes her hypocrisy by showing Facebook photos of her flouting mask mandate – despite forcing kids to wear them in class
  • FOXNews: White House won’t say if Lia Thomas’ dominance changes Biden’s position on trans athletes in girls’ sports
  • UK Daily Mail: Parents’ fury after biologically male counselors who identify as non-binary and use they/them pronouns slept in rooms with fifth-grade girls for three nights during school-organized science camp
  • New York Post: The green agenda is too expensive: We need a better way to fight climate change
  • American Greatness: Some School Districts Cancel ‘Diversity’ Programs After Backlash

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