
C&B Ask America: What Are You Going to Do?

BUCK: We have a lot to get through with you today on the federal mandates (’cause that’s what they were) that came down last night or yesterday evening in that Biden speech. And what happens now, what is this going to mean, what are the numbers going to look like? One thing that I think is fascinating is that you’re not seeing a lot of people…

You know, Fauci every six months (impression), “We’re gonna get the virus under control.” No one seems to be willing to predict: What are cases gonna look like…? We have all this mass vaccination happening and all this herd immunity building up from natural immunity, too. What are cases gonna look like in January? What are daily deaths gonna look like in January? Clay, you have an idea?

CLAY: I think that’s the essence of why Biden hasn’t gone full-on federal, interstate travel mandates on vaccinations.

BUCK: Yeah, they’re holding it back. But also, they’re gonna get close. The more people that are forced to get the shot, the easier it becomes… This is the incrementalist, Fauciite approach: The easier it becomes to twist of arms of that shrinking minority and force them, right? So they’re gonna have people that are going in for their jobs. Look, major corporations already send them out there. You mentioned Cumulus radio has already said that they’re gonna require it.

CLAY: Everybody has to get the vaccine.

BUCK: They had mandate before the speech last night. We want to hear from all of you. What are you gonna do? What do you think your move will be here, as either a parent who’s gonna have kids…? If you live in Los Angeles — we have a great audience out in Los Angeles on KEIB — your 12-year-old is gonna have to get the shot now to go to school. That’s the rule.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: And you’re gonna see that rule growing in other places across the country, I would say, as well. If you’re working for a company with over 100 employees — ’cause remember, 15 employees, you got a mom-and-pop grocery store, apparently covid’s not the an issue there. Just the arbitrariness of it all is one of the things you know there’s something else happening here.

What are you gonna do, folks? What are you gonna do? What do you think should be done? And also, we’ll talk more — Clay and I will talk more — about how we can fight this ’cause we don’t want to just be, “Oh, my gosh. We’re being overrun by the crazy commies!” We need to fight back too. Kevin in Ogden, Utah, you’ve been on hold. Thanks for being with us.

CALLER: Hey, thanks for having me.

BUCK: What’s up?

CALLER: I’m a federal employee, and I’ve got over 20 years in the federal government. I’m 58 years old. I’ve got a little less than two years to go before I could get my early retirement, which is 60, and I wanted to leave at 65, but apparently — from what I have found out last night — I am mandated to get this vaccine, which I will not do, and I will probably end up resigning my position prior to me being able to retire.

BUCK: Wow, what does that…? Is that gonna cost you a portion of your pension, Kevin —


BUCK: — or what kind of risks are you running here?

CALLER: No, I won’t get any pension until I’m 60 so that means for a year and a half I won’t have anything. I won’t get my 401(k) until I’m 59 and a half, so I can’t start drawing on that. So for the next year, year and a half, I won’t have any income coming in. I’ll have to find a job with somebody will be willing to hire an unvaccinated person.

CLAY: Why are you…? I’m curious. I mean, this is obviously a strong statement that you’re making about your own personal health. Have you had covid? For what particular reason are you not getting the vaccine?

CALLER: I’ve got two reasons. One is I believe I had covid because I was helping out a neighbor of mine who had cancer and he had covid really bad, and I was over there every day with him taking care of him and I never got sick.

CLAY: Yes.

CALLER: And the second reason is, well, I’m an American, and I have American values, and I believe in the Constitution. And as an American citizen, I don’t think this is right. And for our president — who I consider just a citizen, because he’s not an American. If he’s gonna pull this kind of stuff, he is not an American citizen. He’s a socialist and he does not deserve to be followed.

BUCK: People are fired up.

CLAY: Thank you for the call. Look, I appreciate people who have the strength of their conviction and have the financial wherewithal to be able to make decisions like this. Unfortunately, lots of people don’t have that, Buck. If you have to pay a mortgage, if you’ve got kids and you have to make sure that you can keep them fully clothed and fed as well, unfortunately, a lot of people don’t have options like these to be able to undertake.

I would just say — and we’ve said this for a long time — I do think that there needs to be a strong pushback from people like you and I, Buck, who have natural immunity. Many European countries will acknowledge: If you can prove that you have natural immunity, that should eliminate you from you needing to get the vaccine because natural immunity is more protective.

And this is why I’m so frustrated at the people who were quizzing Jen Psaki and Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci every day. Why do they never get questioned about natural immunity? It looks like they’re selling out to the drug companies, because if you take 100 million people who’ve already had natural immunity off the table, that’s money they don’t get for the vaccines.

BUCK: Dale in Ventura, California. Dale, welcome to the Clay and Buck show.

CALLER: Hey, good day, gentlemen. I think you swerved in the lane and hit the nail on the head when you said Justice Roberts. I think they are counting on whatever they held over Justice Roberts to rewrite the Constitution on Obamacare and make the mandate constitutional. They’re gonna try and do the same thing with the vaccine, and sooner or later if they can get away with that with the vaccine, then they’re controlling your medical future.

BUCK: Well, Dale, I would say I agree with you but they’re gonna need one more than just Roberts to get it done for their side.

CLAY: That’d be 4-5.

BUCK: So, Dale, I think your analysis is right, that libs can assume Roberts will come to their aid on this unconstitutional issue as he has so many other times before, because he wants it to be comfortable at the country club. But I also think that they need more than four votes. So we’ll see. We’ll see who else could be persuaded, coerced on the court by the libs, by the leftists on this one.


BUCK: Jennifer in Columbia, South Carolina, she might have some interesting insight here into the whole post office, vax mandate debate. Jennifer, thanks so much.

CALLER: Hey, Buck. How y’all doing?

BUCK: We’re great. Thank you.

CALLER: Well, I just wanted to call ’cause I’m a rural carrier, and I work in a smaller office, and we have certainly worked through covid for the past year and a half, and we are working at levels three times than what we’re used to and everybody’s tired and worn out but still trying to get through it.

But I know that there are some people in my office that would quit the job rather than get vaccinated, and we are already short staffed. We’re down routes. Every day there’s other offices that are down multiple routes a day because of short staff, trying to hire like everybody else but nobody wants to work. They’re not applying like you would think that they would. And I think that if the people… Even if it’s just a few people that don’t want to be vaccinated that leave the postal service, they’re really gonna be struggling especially going into the holiday season.

BUCK: Jennifer, can you just…? Do you know or can you give us a little insight into whether or not the post office…? Because there was this report that the 600,000 employees of the Postal Service — I think that’s the number that I saw; that seems huge — that they are not going to be covered by this?

CALLER: Well, we have been told when he came out before and said federal employees are gonna have to be mandated that we were exempt. We heard it this time that then there was some back-peddling saying, well, you may have to be tested once a week if you’re not gonna be vaccinated. And that might be at the employees’ expense.

BUCK: Well, it is about a half a million. I see here this is 469,000 USPS career employees, 136,000 noncareer. So it is. That’s a huge number. I didn’t realize it was that big.

CLAY: Yeah, and I think her call was a good one, as we get ready for the holiday season, if there are a decent percentage of employees that would refuse this, arguably our ability to deliver packages would collapse. That’s basically what you’re saying. Thanks for calling us, right? But based on your understanding that’s the reason why there could be a difference of treatment there?

CALLER: That’s correct. That’s correct.

BUCK: Yeah, if the Postal Service collapses under Biden’s watch, it’s a bad like.

CLAY: Kind of a bad like.

BUCK: Fair to say. Jennifer, thank you for what you do. Thanks for calling. We appreciate it. Patty in Fort Wayne, Indiana, a place I’ve actually spent some time in recent years. Patty, what’s up?

CALLER: Hey, guys, thanks for carrying on Rush’s legacy. Sure appreciate you.

BUCK: Thank you.

CLAY: Thank you.

CALLER: I wanted to make a couple of comments. First of all, to all of these people calling in who are planning to resign from their jobs, I have a word of advice. But then also, I’d like to just mention something about my bewilderment over Biden’s apparent visceral hatred for unvaccinated citizens.

So, first of all, to these employees who say they’re gonna resign, I would encourage them not to resign. Please, make your employer fire you, because at that point you will have some legal recourse, you’ll be able to drawn unemployment, you’ll have COBRA health insurance options. But mostly, for a lot of these companies, they may be represented by a union, and it will be interesting to see what their union representatives will do to protect them.

CLAY: Good point.

BUCK: This is a fantastic point. Patty, well done!


BUCK: We got Dave in Spokane, Washington. Dave, what’s up?

CALLER: Hey, gents! Well, I got some covid that’s driving me crazy. But real quick on the 9/11 reference. I was a Marine Corps 53 pilot, and I just remember walking into the ready room early in the morning, I was in Hawaii, and I’m getting ready to lead a gun run for some section aircraft to go out and qualify some aircrew. And being told, “Hey, dude, your flight’s canceled.” “What do you mean?”

Like the whole flight schedule’s canceled they’re like look at the TV and seeing the aircraft, you know, replay of it hitting the tower. And everybody in there is like, “Dude, this is it. We’re going to war.” So that’s basically very short, real quick memory on that. On covid, though, my wife has been an RN for 30 years, over 30 years now.

She’s working at a hospital here in Washington state and she is not going to be working after October 18th based on what Inslee put in place, the governor here, and now the Biden deal just kind of adds some spice to it. But the issue that is being really upsetting up here is that Inslee also made it to where if people do not take the shot, he has made it to where you’re counted as basically resigning not being fired. You’re selecting to be let go for not getting the vaccine, and he does that so you don’t get any unemployment benefits.

BUCK: Wow, so to that earlier caller… Jay Inslee, he’s a climate change lunatic. I know that guy, the governor of Washington. Clay, this is spiteful. Thank you, by the way, Dave, for calling in. Spiteful stuff from Inslee.

CLAY: No doubt. This also is a study that just came out. Again, we’re trying to give you all of the honest truths every single day in a media environment where that almost doesn’t happen. The Telegraph in England says, “Teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems from the covid vaccine than be hospitalized, a major study has found” in England.

This, by the way, is one reason why England, for instance, not only is not mandating masks in schools, Buck, but they’re also not suggesting that kids need to be vaccinated for covid because they are not at risk from covid. Which is one of the small mercies that we’ve had throughout this entire process is that the younger you are, the less, generally speaking, covid has as an impact on you.

BUCK: I had a doctor reach tout on me a few weeks ago just to tell me that, FYI, myocarditis, to really understand sometimes what kind of damage has been done can take a while, which is really disconcerting because that’s been one of the things that’s come out about this.

CLAY: If it’s unnecessary, we don’t need to put things in kids’ bodies, right? That’s the general perspective and that’s why so many parents are struggling with this.


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