BUCK: Our friend Lisa Boothe of Fox News is with us now. She’s got a great podcast out there you can all check out. The Truth with Lisa Boothe. Lisa, thanks for hanging out with the two of us. Appreciate it.
BOOTHE: Buck, Clay, how’s it going?
BUCK: We’re good. It’s funny ’cause your podcast, The Truth with Lisa Boothe, a great time to talk with you about the ministry of truth, or at least the DHS anti-disinformation overview board or whatever. At the same time that Elon has offered to buy and has had an accepted bid for Twitter, it feels like something is shifting right now, Lisa.
BOOTHE: Well, weird coincidence, right? So, you’ve got Elon Musk trying to buy Twitter with the idea of actually having a place for free speech, free conversation, in the public domain — actually wanting to change the business model that Twitter has been, which is essentially just censoring conservatives like us. And then all of a sudden now the Biden administration’s like, “Oh, let’s set up this ministry of truth!”
But I could thank him because that’s the whole point of my podcast. You know, I launched it last year. We’re relaunching on Monday with iHeart, with Premiere Networks. Everyone can find it wherever you find your podcasts. But the whole point is this idea that we live in a society now where the truth really doesn’t exist, and the whole point to the left is they want to control what is truth.
They want to control the language that we can — that we use. And, if they do so, they control society. And so we’re in this really big fight right now for truth. And Democrats want to live in a world where women could be men and men can be women? Right. You’ve got women and women’s prisons getting pregnant because they’re letting men in and yet the left wants to set up a society where you can’t say basic facts, right?
So, we’ve gotta fight that. So, that’s really the whole point of my podcast. And then also it rhymes. You know, you’ve you got The Truth with Lisa Boothe, it sounds nice, so there’s that too. But it’s just like getting to the bottom of this stuff and just speaking the truth and not being afraid of all this garbage, this clown world that we live in.
CLAY: Lisa, what do you think about Elon Musk getting accused of being a misogynist because he called out the people who made the decision to block the Hunter Biden laptop story and Twitter’s immediate response is to say, “Oh, this is a misogynist. How dare you call out these people!” Shouldn’t it be fair game to call out people on Twitter regardless of their background when they make awful decisions, and shouldn’t those people have to wear the results of those awful decisions? I just don’t understand how misogyny has anything to do with that choice.
It all like garbage. And it’s just an ability to sort of wield this power when they want to use it. And I’m just over it. Like, I don’t play into this whole like victimhood garbage. Look. I grew up with three brothers. I worked in politics. Just suck it up, butter public. It’s just annoying where we live in this world where everyone is so sensitive, and it’s really just being used as a political weapon. They don’t really care about anything else. I hardly… I mean, it’s just ridiculous.
BUCK: Speaking to Lisa Boothe. Her podcast is The Truth with Lisa Boothe. You can also check her out on Fox News where she frequently appears. Lisa, the Biden administration… Clay shared this clip out earlier today where Biden does have it looks like a short-circuit for a moment. I mean, he looks like he just doesn’t really know where he is.
And you have worked in politics, and obviously a lot of political commentary. Where do you think this goes for that matter? They’re heading into a midterm that is not going to go well. Just a question of how poorly it goes for Democrats I think at this point, unless something crazy happens. And then you’re gonna have a president that is increasingly obviously not up for this. Do you think they just try to push him through for another term? What’s the strategy?
BOOTHE: Well, I think it will be interesting where the Hunter Biden stuff goes because I feel like if it catches some speed, it’s because they’re trying to nuke Joe Biden and get him out of office. So I think that’ll be interesting to watch, but look. It’s blatantly obvious to everyone that Joe Biden is senile, that he has lost a step, that he is not equipped to be commander-in-chief.
And obviously, Buck — as you know — it has consequences because who’s watching that? You’ve got people like Putin, you’ve got North Korea, you’ve got China, all of our enemies are watching this and saying that if you want to seize — you know, if you’re China, you want to eventually take — Taiwan, now is probably your opportunity to do so.
Because we have a man in the office who probably should be in a retirement home, not the White House and we’re incredibly weak and we’re in a really precarious situation, a dangerous situation as a country right now. So I really think it’s imperative for Republicans to take back the House and the Senate. Now, it’s important to get Republicans who will actually fight and not, you know, people who are just going to bend down and kowtow to the left,.
But it’s important. I mean, we’ve got a lot of these big fights ahead of us, you know, obviously as we even saw with covid, you know, we’re teetering on the edge of tyranny and a lot of people are willing to go along with it. So it’s… You know, we’re in a dangerous time as a country right now for a lot of different reasons.
CLAY: Lisa, where do you think we’re headed? Buck and I obviously talk a lot about the midterms in 2022, but also looking beyond there. I watched the clip and watched Joe Biden talking earlier today, and I feel like you can see him getting worse. Every single month he’s not as good as he was the month before, and that certainly is going to continue. I find it hard to believe they’re going to run him — certainly without a challenge — in the 2024 race. What do you think happens with Trump, what do you think DeSantis does? How would you handicap right now 2024 as we sit here 2-1/2 years out from that election?
BOOTHE: Well, obviously the DeSantis equation, I think a lot of it depends on what Trump the ultimately decides to do. I don’t know. If you’re him, do you want to go through this all again? He’s probably the most investigated man in America. Do you want to go through all that again? I don’t know. That’s a question for him. If not Trump, obviously DeSantis.
For Biden, I don’t think he’s gonna run again in 2024. I think they’re gonna get rid of him. He’s so weak. He’s a liability to the left. He probably would lose, regardless who Republicans end up running in 2024. But in terms of where we’re heading as a like a country and just larger questions, I really do think we’re at a time as a country like what are we, right?
Like what do we believe as Americans, after going through covid, after seeing tyranny firsthand, after seeing how many politicians want to abuse that kind of power. We are close to some sort of Australia scenario or Canada where they’re punishing citizens for not getting vaccinated, not getting a vaccine that they don’t need.
So I think we’re in a really interesting and consequential time as Americans of just figuring like, “Who are we? What are our core values?” You know? And if you’re the left and you hate this country as they do, you don’t believe in the Constitution, no wonder they’re letting millions of people come into our country (chuckling) not even defending our borders because they want to destroy this nation.
They want to change this nation — and what easier way to do that than letting millions of people in that don’t share our values, don’t believe in America, don’t believe in a rule of law. We are literally at a point where it’s about the survival of the country, and the survival of the nation that we know, that we love, that our Founding Fathers founded, and that’s enshrined in the Constitution. But that’s where we are as a country. So it’s like, yeah, it’s the horse race stuff that I love and you guys love, but it’s also just core values, like, “Who are we? What are we as a nation?”
BUCK: The Truth with Lisa Boothe is the podcast. Lisa, thanks to coming to hang with us. Coming back on soon.
BOOTHE: Also, I would use my AirPods, but I accidentally put them in the washing machine last night (laughing), and then I used my AirPod finder, and it led me to the washing machine. So good to know it works but bad to know that I nuked my AirPods.
BUCK: The wonders of technology. There we go. All right, Lisa. Thanks so much.
BOOTHE: All right, thanks, guys. Take care.
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