Charlie Hurt: Biden Has Made Trump’s Agenda More Popular
6 Jul 2021
BUCK: Over at Fox News, Charles Hurt was just pointing out that the Trump agenda certainly is — and Trump himself in many ways — looking a whole lot more popular after six months of Biden. Play 9.
HURT: His America First agenda talking about immigration and jobs and things like that is at the very center of his platform. And I would argue that in the six months that Joe Biden has been in the White House, those issues have only become more pointed and his message — his America First message, Donald Trump’s America First message — has become only more sellable and more popular in the six months that Joe Biden has been kind of goofing things up.
BUCK: I think the reasons for this, Clay, are pretty straightforward. The border? The worst it’s ever been, worst it’s ever been, which matters. When you look at actual polling data from recent weeks, immigration is a top five, sometimes top three issue of all concerns for voters. You don’t get that sense from the media because they don’t want to talk about immigration right now, and we can even get into some of why that is later on in this hour.
Crime is the worst it’s been in 20 years in major cities. You got nine million-plus jobs unfilled in this country, and people staying home not to work. What is the result of the Biden administration other than not being Trump? We’re six months in, Clay, what do we see from the Biden administration where you could objectively tell us that a decision is made…
Not, oh, the pandemic is getting better. That was inevitable with the vaccine. What’s a decision that the Biden administration has made that has pushed the country in a direction where the results speak for themselves and things are better? What is it?
CLAY: I don’t think there is one that they have made. I think the only thing you can say in any way that they have done that isn’t making things worse — and again, I think your point on covid is a good one because it’s the vaccine. Credit to Trump and everybody in the Trump administration who got that vaccine done. We would be in the exact same place whether the wokes out there want to believe it or not. The coronabros.
If Trump were president, I think we’d been in the exact same place in terms of recovery that we are with Biden right now. The only thing I think you can point to that he hasn’t totally failed on — and he’s not doing as good of a job as Trump — I she’s kept in place the China policy, right, which he ripped to the high heavens Trump over for years.
And then when he actually got in office, he hasn’t dismantled this, Trump told us last week, he hasn’t done away with any of the tariffs, he hasn’t in any way, so far, actually changed anything. Now, I think we need to be tougher on China than we already are. And, Buck, this is interesting, because if you go back, maybe what we need in this country in order to actually have a sense of spirit and unity is an enemy, right?
Because if you think about when America for many of our lives, for you and I who are young, when we were the most united when did it happen? It happened when we were going toe-to-toe with the Soviet Union, and it happened post-9/11 for a relatively small stretch of time when people saw we had a direct enemy.
“Mr. Trump spoke for millions of Americans and secured tremendous accomplishments for them. Hunter Biden, on the other hand, speaks for no one and has never accomplished anything.” @CharlesHurt #WashTimesOpEd
— WashTimesOpinion (@WashTimesOpEd) June 19, 2021
BUCK: But, Clay, we have an enemy.
CLAY: China is that enemy.
BUCK: We have an enemy.
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: No, no. No, you’re thinking about it like a reasonable American.
CLAY: (chuckles) Well, yes.
BUCK: The actual enemy that the Democrat left has are white male Republicans.
CLAY: Well, that’s true.
BUCK: We are actually the enemies of society now. We are the reason… This is why you hear all about the white nationalists uprising and the overthrow and the insurrection and all this.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: In Orwellian terms, right, the country, so to speak, that we’ve always been at war with — in this case, the group of people — are white, male Republicans. This would be a perfect society for dogmatic leftists if you and me and many, many of the folks with us right now hanging out with us did not exisit, or just caved bent the knee and started posting their pronouns everywhere.
CLAY: (chuckling)
BUCK: Then the country would be perfect.
CLAY: (chuckling) God forbid if I ever start posting my pronouns. Let me say this, too, Buck. I do think that what has happened is the left is in cahoots with China, right? China has got us all fighting inside of this country with each other all day. And I just keep making it clear — ’cause I want people to crystallize this — meanwhile, China’s punching us in the back of the head every single day, all day long. And we are not even turning and throwing a punch hardly back at them ’cause we’re so idiotically focused on throwing punches at each other. It’s a failure.
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