
Clay and Buck Respond to Joe Scarborough’s Idiocy

BUCK: They’re still lying about Kyle Rittenhouse. They don’t seem to care that we all have seen the facts, he gave an interview to Tucker Carlson. Welcome back to the Clay and Buck show. They hate this kid. Even though he’s been shown to have done nothing wrong from a legal perspective also nothing wrong from a moral perspective unless the real position, and I think there was a moment where it was clear that the prosecutors here, bunch of libs, probably watch a lot of MSNBC.

There was a moment, remember I said the Milwaukee DA, we’ll talk more about Waukesha later on, Clay, the Milwaukee DA and Waukesha is in fact the same guy who sent in, like the Stormtroopers in predawn raids going after Scott Walker associates for campaign coordination that was illegal between PACs and the campaign. And you weren’t allowed by law in Wisconsin, it was an abuse of a John Doe law meant to keep people’s identities safe when they’re being investigated. You weren’t allowed to talk about it. That’s why it was so horrific. These are the kinds of lib prosecutors that are involved in this.

CLAY: They’ve got blood on their hands. They’re imbeciles.

BUCK: His office made the decision to let out Brooks, who then killed all these people.

CLAY: For a thousand dollars.

BUCK: Yeah, for a thousand dollars. But if I can back here for a moment to why they hate Kyle Rittenhouse. They hate him more I think because he’s now shown to be a good kid.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: They hate him because they stand with the shot, child rapest and the girlfriend abuser who was shot and the guy screaming the “N” word, waving a gun around and attacking and hitting with a skateboard. The people they are trying to elevate as the good guys here are, honestly, the worst in society.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: And Kyle Rittenhouse is a good kid. And Joe Scarborough, who is an overpaid fraud and an idiot, is still running around saying anybody who talks too nice about Kyle Rittenhouse is a bad person.

SCARBOROUGH: Yes, he was not guilty. The jury found him not guilty. The prosecution couldn’t proved its case. At the same time this guy is no hero, and these people on the far right, the fascist right that are trying to turn him into a hero, they’re not doing the country a favor, they’re not doing whatever party they belong to a favor, and they’re not even doing Second Amendment rights a favor.

BUCK: Well, he’s wrong on all accounts. He’s doing all those things a favor. Self-defense still counts in this country. Without that, the whole rule of law crumbles. That’s really what was at issue.

CLAY: To respond to Joe Scarborough’s idiocy there, a big part of what shows like this and what Tucker did in the interview is not trying to turn Kyle Rittenhouse into a hero. It’s merely trying to allow him to reclaim his own story. It’s refuting the idea that he’s a white supremacist. It’s refuting the idea that he traveled across state lines with a weapon, which continues to be spread like crazy. This was a kid, if you listen to the interview, Buck, who went to Kenosha to do his job as a lifeguard in Kenosha.

Spent the night at his friend’s house and woke up the next morning, saw all the footage that night of the riots going on, went and cleaned off graffiti at a school in the morning. Met people who were hoping that their business would not be burned down, and went to try to fill the void of protection created by the idiot governor of Wisconsin who had allowed chaos, bedlam, looting, pillage and rioting to take over the city.

BUCK: So interesting, you can just break this down by saying the night before the Rittenhouse shooting, self-defense, lawful, ethical, self-defense incident, would you have felt good to have your photo taken with Kyle Rittenhouse? Absolutely. Would you have wanted to have been within 500 feet of the three maniacs who he shot who were attacking him absolutely not.

CLAY: No. Would you want your kids within 500 feet of them? Hell no. Because they’ve been charged, at least one of them, with child sexual assault, have been convicted and served time.

BUCK: We stand with the hero and they stand with the lunatic and sex offender.


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