
Clay and Buck

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Clay Predicts Anti-Mask Mom Uprisings

15 Jul 2021

CLAY: We have got, I believe it was cut 21, if we can play that here because you are gonna hear this, Dr. Leana Wen says kids have to keep wearing masks indoors even though none of the science supports it at all.

WEN: I don’t understand this personal choice that some people are making. I mean, what kind of choice is it to infect other people, including other people’s children? And so I think parents should know that they need to do their best to protect their children by getting vaccinated themselves as Dr. Walensky very well said, and I think we also have to keep in mind that indoor masking remains important for our young children. If they’re not yet able to be vaccinated, they should still be wearing masks indoors, including in the classroom.

BUCK: This is authoritarian idiocy, Clay. First of all, she’s the former head of marooned, so you could think that choice, which is their euphemism for killing unborn babies, choice is something she would be in favor of, but on this one she doesn’t understand why you wouldn’t want to mask up , your 5-year-old or your 6-year-old all day. Clay, it’s a religion. I don’t know what else to say. Masking has turned into a religion for people.

CLAY: It’s child abuse at this point. It is, in my opinion, making young kids wear masks everywhere, despite none of the science supporting it at all. We know this. It’s child abuse. And I’m predicting — and I hope I’m right on this — we’re gonna see some mom riots over masking. I know you don’t believe it.

BUCK: I would be out there with the moms waving placards. I want to help those moms. I just don’t know if there’s gonna be — you know, moms are business, man.

CLAY: I am telling you, there is an uprising coming of moms. Moms against masks.

BUCK: Look at MAM, we got an acronym for them.

CLAY: We might need to get that website reserved. I can feel the percolating madness that is out there from moms because Buck this is one of the stories no one’s gonna talk about, because women’s unemployment rate hit a 30-year high because so many moms had to stay home ’cause they bear the brunt of child care and they weren’t able to go out to work and everything else.

And I can feel the anger, the seething anger, I can actually feel it. If we opened up phone lines now, we said, “Hey, moms, are you ready to riot over masks?” I think we can take calls for that, Buck, for months in a row, just that topic.

BUCK: You have kids. I don’t have kids. So I can tell you this. If someone told me, for example, if I was walking with a family member, you know, I’ve got two brothers, a sister, if the father’s walking, someone said tell them to mask up outside, inside, it would lead to what I would say on radio would be salty language from me.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Guaranteed.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Because I’m done with these people. They’ve gotta stop. They’ve all had a chance to get vaccinated. They said the vaccines are super effective and great. Good. Shut up about masks. I don’t want to hear it anymore. When Dr. Wen goes on CNN to tell people this, because, remember, masking was not only supposed to be a cheap and effective way to defend yourself from the virus, which, as we know, turned out to really not be true, but beyond that — you can go read about the influenza pandemic of 1918 and mask fights then. Masks, cloth masks didn’t do a damn thing. But, beyond that, it’s an easy way, Clay, to show your political allegiance and what a good person you are. Masks are MAGA hats for people who don’t like America. That’s really what it’s turned into.

CLAY: No, I think that’s a hundred percent right. It’s cosmetic theater.

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