CLAY: We were talking about the situation going on right now with Hunter Biden, and now it seems… Have you been paying attention also to the potential investigation? Merrick Garland is clearly investigating Trump for January 6th, and I should say Trumpland, right? The larger apparatus surrounding Trump for January 6th.
And my double Babe Ruth called home run shot of what’s gonna happen here is they’re gonna charge Hunter and then they’re gonna charge Trump and try to argue that the DOJ is clean. Now, I think they’ll charge Trump with some kind of wacky conspiracy related thing if they do it. Do you buy in to my idea that if they charge Hunter with something, they’re giving themselves cover to charge Trump?
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: If they were really gonna charge him… Look, I don’t care who you are. If you’re the president of the United States and your son is facing — your remaining, surviving son, right? He already lost one son recently — is facing time in federal prison, you’re commuting, if not pardoning, that sentence, right?
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: And so now we have the Biden crime family effectively doing — to your point about how everything they said Trump did, the Biden family actually has engaged in. At that point it will be an even stronger case. I think it’s a strong case right now, that that’s true. But, you know, if that happens, we’re in this uncharted territory situation. Do they bring some kind of charge against Trump knowing that it’s a Hail Mary pass, in a sense? It’s just trying to shake things up and make things… Given how desperate they are right now with the polls, the numbers, where they’re looking, economy where it’s going on, I don’t think you can discount… You agree. You’re calling a shot in the upper deck here, bud, right? This would be —
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: And I would be deeply impressed. But I’m not saying you’re crazy and I’m not saying… You know, I wouldn’t bet everything I got against you on it.
CLAY: And here’s the other thing about this. We didn’t talk a lot about Steve Bannon getting convicted, but Democrats right now have such a home-court advantage for any charges that are brought in D.C. where they are basically preaching to the choir inside of any jury, and so that’s the other aspect of this that’s such a mess.
BUCK: The judges are lib acolytes too, and so they won’t allow even a change of venue. You know, you’d much rather… If you’re Steve Bannon you would much rather be charged in, like, the Southern District of Virginia or something, or whatever the districts are there, or face a jury down there than you would in D.C. proper, which is what’s going on.
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Miss Clay on Hannity? Watch it here.
Miss Buck on The Story with Martha MacCallum? Watch it here.