CNN’s Keilar “Floored” She’s the Only One Vaccinating Her 4-Year-Old
26 Jul 2022
CLAY: I saw this, and I thought it was funny. Our staff did a great job of pulling it. CNN’s Brianna Keilar said she had no idea that she was the only person who was actually getting her kid the covid shot. Listen to how out of touch this is, and remember, 98% of parents are choosing not to get their 6-month to 5-year-olds the covid shot. Listen to this.
CNN’s @brikeilarcnn says she was “floored” that her 4-year-old was the first in her neighborhood to get a Covid “vaccine”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 26, 2022
KEILAR: Totally anecdotal: I was about a week into the process of getting my 4-year-old vaccinated and when we went, I found out he was the first person (snickers) at the pharmacy —
MAN: Wow.
KEILAR: — of his age-group to get the vaccine! I was floored by that!
BUCK: Oh, gosh, floored by my anxiety disorder that’s making me get kids who don’t need the shot, the shot! What a surprise.
CLAY: Yeah, 98% of people aren’t getting the covid shot for their kids, and the CNN employee who rolls out to get her kids — of course immediately — the covid shot is floored by the fact that nobody else is getting it.
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