
Crazy Fauciites Inexplicably Ratchet Up on Masks in School

FAUCI: Obviously it’s very stressful on my family, my wife and my children to continue attacks and the ad hominems that are related to nothing but pushing back on the public health principles that I talk about. But this is too important. This is the kind of thing that I’ve devoted my entire career, but certainly over the last 40-plus years in public health, science, and medicine, and we are in a crisis right now, and there’s no chance I’m gonna walk away from this. This is something that’s too important.

BUCK: “I am too important!” Fauci wants you to know. Welcome back to the Clay and Buck show. You know, he’s never gonna go away willingly until it’s all over or Republicans are in charge and he’ll have to answer hard questions, doesn’t want to and people are gonna start to say. Hold on a second. Was any of this worth it that you made us go through? Were any of the mandates? Remember, the shots came to us through Operation Warp Speed. There’s no argument that, “Oh, we shouldn’t…”

“No one should have taken the shots, or the shots aren’t helpful for some people in some ways.” That’s not the argument. The argument is should you have made people go through lockdowns, social distancing, Lysol on groceries, masking up, double masking, N95 masking, school closures? Did any of that do anything, is where we are. You know how Clay and I feel about this. But as people get clarity on this, I think they’re gonna realize, what the heck is going on?

What has happened to us here? And so that’s one note I just wanted to put out there. Then, Clay, you’re seeing a lot of focus right now on masks in schools. I know we talk about masks here a lot, and it’s because I believe it is a foundational sacrament to Fauciism, and also the first time Clay and I ever talk to each other on radio was over the issue of what’s with these stupid masks? They’re not gonna do anything. That was like March of 2020, maybe April of 2020.

Here we are, though, now where there are some school districts just in New York, the Supreme Court — not the court of appeals, which is higher, but the Supreme Court of the State of New York — has said that the governor, Hochul, who is an imbecile, does not have the authority to make everybody in schools mask up. So a judge has already ruled that they’re exceeding their authority there. In Virginia the governor, Youngkin, has decided that you don’t have to wear a mask.

Same thing, by the way, in Florida. They can’t make your child wear a mask. Here is — just to give you a sense of what a religious belief this has become, this is the kind of people they put on TV — NYU epidemiologist, Dr. Gounder, says it’s good that L.A. schools are requiring surgical-style masks now an enhancement — Clay, no more Biden, Kamala, balaclava, to wear or buff those gators, whatever they call those things — even outdoors.

REPORTER: Starting today in Los Angeles County schools, they’re going to now prohibit students know students from wearing cloth masks. Students must wear well-fitted non-cloth masks with a nose wired at all times including outdoors. Is that a step that more schools should be taken or is that unnecessary right now?

GOUNDER: We as human beings, we need to learn to adopt so that we will survive covid. And that does mean, for example, (sputters) upping our mask game using higher quality masks. And we know that surgical masks do protect even better than cloth masks. So this is a very reasonable move the LA schools are making right now.

BUCK: It is insane, Clay. This woman is appalling.

CLAY: Imagine… Go back in time. Imagine if instead of arguing in favor of masks, which make no sense — and clearly our buddy @ianmsc… I don’t know if you just saw this, Buck, during the course of our show. He has a new graphic showing the rates of covid infection for states with mask mandates and states without mask mandates. And the states without mask mandates actually have a lower rate of covid than the places with mask mandates right now.

So the data doesn’t reflect that masks work at all. And it never has. And if it did, you would see, obviously, an incredibly divergent path there as opposed to the numbers almost always staying pretty similar. But imagine if our national health experts in March of 2020, Buck, had come out and said — instead of don’t leave your homes, lock down beaches, lock down kids’ playgrounds, lock down gyms, you can’t even go to a movie theater.

Imagine if they had come out and said, “Hey, covid is here. The data — which we already knew — reflects that the elderly and the obese are under the most danger. So what we would suggest is a national exercise plan. We want everyone out there to become hyperaware of what you’re eating and counting calories and exercising in an effort to get yourself healthier because covid is going to be an ever-present threat.

“But the best thing that you can do is not socially distance, it’s not to wear a mask, it’s to get yourself into better physical shape so you are better prepared to fight off illness, whether it’s covid or something else.” Imagine how much more healthy the United States would be right now, Buck, if all of the time that we have spent expending on vaccine mandates and on mask mandates instead we had made an incredible effort to get people to exercise?

BUCK: You’re also seeing something — I mean, yes. All of that is true, right?

CLAY: All of that is true.

BUCK: Telling an 85-year-old with four comorbidities to drop 40 pounds and get into great shape, nonetheless… But I see what you’re saying, and I agree. I mean, there could have been a much bigger focus on overall health all along here, especially when people have all this time from work from home — and, oh, no, they shut down the gyms or they make you wear a mask in a gym which is completely absurd.

CLAY: Shut down parks. You couldn’t even go on a hike.

BUCK: I have friends who were screamed at by people outdoors, nowhere near them for not wearing a mask outside. They are afraid that the virus, like a heat-seeking missile fired from a Mig fighter jet or something was going to hit them 50 feet away. These people are completely —

CLAY: Like people who jog in masks outdoors. What are these people thinking?

BUCK: That was the norm in New York for a long time. Folks, these people are nuts. This is what you have to understand. You’re not dealing with rationality anymore. You’re dealing with what is essentially a state-enforced cult with a massive Democrat Party/media apparatus pushing this on everybody, and it knows that if it stops pushing it then all of a sudden there can be problems for their power. So they don’t know. They’ve got the tiger by the tail, so to speak.

They don’t want this to end. Jen Psaki was asked by Peter Doocy… High five! Peter’s… You can’t pay for all the good publicity he’s getting the last 24 hours. He’s a good guy asking questions. You and I both like Peter. But good for him, man. He should be doing backflips with all the craziness the libs are throwing at him. Here’s Jen Psaki telling Peter Doocy that it’s not parents who should make decisions about children’s health. It’s public health officials.

DOOCY: On schools in Virginia, seven districts are saying 350,000 students are suing the state; they’re hoping to get a strict mask mandate for students that has been rolled back by the new governor reinstated. So who does the president think knows best for students, school board members or parents?

PSAKI: Well, the president believes that public health officials have the best guidance on what we can all do to protect ourselves, including teachers, administrators, and students.

BUCK: She’s in an indefensible position all the time, and so she says indefensible things to defend what’s indefensible. But, Clay, what public health officials? Where are they on this one? Show us the data.

BUCK: There isn’t anything to support it. It’s the emperor that wears no clothes. And that’s why — you know, I went on Hannity on Friday, and I’ve said it on this show, too — I’m not going to get my kids the vaccine and my kids are not going to go to school and wear masks. The kids in my life like the kids in everybody out there listening’s lives whether you’re a parent or grandparent, that is the most important thing you recognize in your life.

But what we trust parents to do is analyze risk for their children. That’s really probably the single most important job of a parent since your goal is to get your kids into healthy adulthood. You heard Rand Paul earlier on the show. I’ve got a kid turning 14 this week. He’s gonna be a ninth grader this year. He’s an eighth grader now. He’s a teenager going through puberty.

The myocarditis risk to him, Buck, is more substantial than the covid risk to him based on the data. He’s probably already had covid, ’cause I’ve had it twice. My wife’s had it. We haven’t ever… He’s never had any symptoms, but it would totally make sense that he would have had it too. He doesn’t need the vaccine. And most kids out there don’t have any need whatsoever for any kind of covid vaccine or covid shot, whatever you want to call it.

BUCK: What you’re seeing is the tyranny of bureaucracy where people are saying, “You have to do something,” not because they think you have to do it, but because someone else — who is never responsive to you, never accountable to you — is telling someone else to make you do something. This is why this never gets fixed. This is why we’re never able to shout at these commie lunatics and get them to see the light. But we’re not gonna stop.


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