BUCK: There’s the other Cuomo, not Bro Cuomo, but the former Gov. Cuomo and the nursing home scandal, which we think we know everything we need to know about. But, Clay, I don’t think we do, and neither does Nicole Malliotakis, who’s a congresswoman here in Staten Island. Here’s what she said about it.
MALLIOTAKIS: I think it’s incredibly important that we don’t just accept resignation in lieu of accountability, and so I’ve been pushing the assembly Judiciary Committee to pursue and continue its investigation because they were looking at all facets of this. They were looking at the sexual harassment. They were looking at his directive to put covid-positive patients into the nursing homes with our most vulnerable, even when there are alternative setups, like the U.S. Navy Comfort ship that President Trump sent to New York City. And also, by the way, the $5 million book deal that he used state time, employees, and tax dollars to write. So, I think that the Assembly Judiciary Committee must move forward with this.
BUCK: It’s not over, Clay. It’s not over. Just ’cause the guy left doesn’t mean there aren’t still questions.
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