BUCK: I just saw this one on IndependentChronicle.com, Clay. I thought this is interesting. I don’t know how big a deal it is, but it’s one of these things where you gotta sometimes just put it out there. We got the California recall coming up —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: — for Gavin Newsom, and he’s in trouble.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: I think it’s looking like it’s gonna be a tight one here. It’s gonna be interesting.
CLAY: Oh, it would be amazing, Buck, if he lost.
BUCK: Can you think about that?
CLAY. Oh, my God.
BUCK: They have Cuomo resigning in disgrace and maybe Newsom being recalled? Really largely as a result of what buffoonish, tyrannical hypocrites they’ve been during the pandemic.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: I’m sorry. I still remember — I know you do, too — back in June of 2020 when those two guys were —
CLAY: Heroes!
BUCK: — the smug, arrogant Democrat covid superstars, man. Oh, they were so down with the science! Turns out not so much. But here’s the story, again, on the IndependentChronicle.com. “California police find hundreds of recall ballots, guns and drugs inside sleeping mans car.” Thomas McDonald here the author. “Authorities are investigating 300 unopened mail-in-ballots for the upcoming recall election found inside a parked car at a convenience store in Torrance, California.
“‘The election ballots, they were un-tampered with, unopened, a little over 300 of them found, primarily from addresses in Lawndale. … There were some from Compton. We’re still trying to figure out where all these belonged to at this time, so we’re working with the Los Angeles election office as well as the U.S. Postal Inspector.'” Clay, I thought that there was never a worry? I was told by many, many very smart media journos whose apartments smell of rich mahogany — I was told by many of them — that there is no election fraud.
CLAY: Mail ballots are secure.
BUCK: Super secure. And this guy with the loaded handgun and the drugs has 300 recall ballots in his car? I just want to ask the question: What is that funky smell?
CLAY: I want to know. I legitimately would like to know, how do you get 300 ballots? Irrespective of the guns and the drugs and everything else that were allegedly found in this traffic stop, I’m way more interested. Guns and drugs are commonplace. Aren’t you way more…? For better or worse, in the criminal element, aren’t you way more interested in how this guy came to end up with 300 ballots?
BUCK: Well, that’s the only reason this is a news story —
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: — a crime blotter item that nobody paying attention to. Yeah. It’s just interesting that this is the guy. The only reason the guns and the drugs are interesting is —
CLAY: ‘Cause of the ballots.
BUCK: — because of the ballots. That’s right. This guy’s really. He’s going for a whole bunch of things here. He’s got illegal narcotics, he’s got loaded handgun that I’m sure is… I’m guessing — I shouldn’t say I’m sure — is not legally held in California. Plus if you’re that car with a loaded gun in California, it’s an anti-gun state; I’m sure that’s a big no-no. So 300 ballots.
It’s just a reminder, folks, that when you’re doing mail-in ballots and especially what could be a very close election, not a whole lot of security around those mail-in ballots, is there? And when you think about Senate… Three hundred ballots, Clay? I think was more than the eventual margin of victory. It was definitely more than the initial margin in the Al Franken, Norm Coleman Senate race in Minnesota. It was less than 300 ballots that separated those two at one point. This guy had 300 ballots in his car. Oh, gee.
CLAY: Less than a month now, this is such a seismic potential event. You know, you want to talk about we began the show talking about Joe Biden 41% approval rating, but you want to talk about something that would send Democrats running for the hills, it would be Gavin Newsom losing a recall election in California. By the way, we didn’t talk very much because we weren’t doing the show then.
But one of the most fascinating parts about the California election was the fact that race in schools got destroyed in California, right? They had a ballot measure whether or not they should basically bring back affirmative action. And it got crushed in California, even as otherwise a lot of progressive and left-wing candidates won. And so I really think there’s a good chance that Gavin Newsom is gonna lose this race. I do. I don’t think it’s a crazy belief that he could lose this race. Because everybody’s so fed up with covid and crime in California, they just want to lash out at someone and find someone to blame. And I think Gavin Newsom might be that target.
BUCK: I think that Gavin Newsom, though, will be told, the story on this will be that Newsom, this is because of his own… It never is allowed to turn into —
CLAY: A larger story.
BUCK: Yeah, this guy was a hero of the lockdown Democrat Party in 2020, and it turned out that didn’t save the state, those weren’t good ideas, sucking up to Fauci is pathetic and intellectually dishonest, we should repudiate not just those ideas, but anybody that was engaged in that Fauci worship. It’s never that, Clay.
They’re gonna say, “Oh, it’s because of his dinner at French Laundry, the very fancy Napa Valley restaurant.” I remember I tried… I had a girlfriend’s birthday over a decade ago. I tried to get a reservation. Were gonna be out there. They were like, “We’re sorry. Six months in advance.” I said, “Ooh. So it’s that kind of a place, right?” “Oh, yeah.” “Ooh. So fancy.”
CLAY: Do you even want to be in a restaurant that requires you to have a reservation six months in advance?
BUCK: Not any more. I just want something that makes a really good cheeseburger with no bun, ’cause I can’t eat the bun. That’s my exciting story.
CLAY: Oh, you poor, poor man.
CLAY: I don’t even know. Can you drink, like, bourbon or whisky or scotch?
BUCK: Very interesting. Within the celiac community, there’s a lot of back-and-forth over whether the distillation process officially removes the gluten from the elixir that you will be drinking. I will drink that stuff. But, really, it just gives me an excuse to drink tequila all the time. I’m like, “Sorry. Only tequila for me, medical reasons.”
CLAY: What’s your favorite tequila, by the way?
BUCK: Well, Casa Dragones.
CLAY: I gave you an opportunity to give a shout-out to a tequila company that’s owned by our boss.
BUCK: The best tequila in the world owned by our boss.
CLAY: Casa Dragones is really incredible tequila, by the way.
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