De Blasio Forces Buck to Get the Shot
17 Aug 2021
DE BLASIO: This is absolutely strategic to say to people, “To fully participate in life in the city and to love and enjoy this city, go get vaccinated.” Uh, we believe it’s gonna make a huge impact. We’re obviously seeing a real uptick in vaccinations already. We made a decision weeks and weeks ago. The whole ball game is vaccination, and, once you made that kind of profound strategic decision, you throw everything you got at it. Uh, we are not interested in lots of measures. We’re interested in vaccination. So making vaccination something that allows you to enjoy all this good in life…
CLAY: That is New York City mayor Bill de Blasio announcing that in your hometown bars, restaurants, gyms, sporting events — you name it, basically –you’re gonna have to have a vaccine passport in order to go and be able to fully participate in city life. So, Buck, we talked about this a little bit last week. Your brother is getting married this weekend, right?
BUCK: Yes, sir.
CLAY: And in order to get married, they were requiring that you have vaccines in order to fully attend the event. What decision did you make?
BUCK: I had to get the J&J shot.
CLAY: So, you went in.
BUCK: There are a few things. I know people right now I can feel the (groans) people are frustrated. I’ve been getting emails about it. I’m not missing my brother’s wedding.
CLAY: Bottom line. The only suggestion I had was you can either get the vaccine or get a fake vaccine card.
BUCK: Right. And, for me, given what I do and say here to be caught with a forged government document possibly or to be on air talking about how I’m unvaccinated and then going to places that require vaccination? I don’t think a restaurant is gonna necessarily call the Feds on me, but I don’t want to test it out. So, here’s just a few things about how this all went down. For anyone who’s listening, before anyone thinks, “Oh, this is a New York city thing.” It’s New York, L.A., San Fran, New Orleans, all those cities already are doing this. So, this is happening.
CLAY: It’s spreading rapidly.
BUCK: Philadelphia.
CLAY: Philadelphia, all over the country.
BUCK: They’re going to make this national. I’m telling you right now the same way that we told you that boosters were coming for everyone and have been saying that now for months. We’ve been saying it together on this show. I’ve been saying it previously on my show and Clay on his. I’m telling you they’re going to try, if they can get away with it, to use the interstate Commerce Clause to have a federal mandate about travel, airplanes.
They’re gonna say, “You don’t have to fly. You don’t have a right to fly.” This is what they’re gonna do. So for anyone who thinks this is not their problem, I’m telling you they are going to try to make it your problem. So here’s how I went down to New York City ’cause I thought you’d appreciate this, Clay. So, I’m looking at this saying, “What am I gonna do? If I don’t get the shot…” By the way, the venue is requesting in advance proof. So, you can’t even show up. So, now you’re talking about that.
CLAY: You have to email it to ’em?
BUCK: You gotta email it to them, and then they’re gonna have a list at the door and they’re gonna be just checking IDs. It’s a fascinating situation, too, because now we have New York City saying , “You need not only a vaccine passport but a matching ID to go into any public or government building in the entire city,” I guess except for when you want to vote ’cause that, Clay, as we know would be racist. Racist to have ID and vote.
CLAY: Yeah, and let’s also reinforce here that the impact of this rule, this law, this regulation that New York City and other cities are putting into place is going to be a lot of black and Hispanic people don’t have the ability to enter into many public venues in their cities.
BUCK: More than half of the African-American population —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: — of my hometown, New York City —
CLAY: — is now unable to go to a bar or restaurant.
BUCK: Unable to go to basically anywhere —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: Any movie, any gym, any public place under New York City law. Any public place. This is madness. Just to give you a sense of what I went through. So I’m walking. I’m going where… The whole time I’m not getting a shot because I medically didn’t need it.
CLAY: Because you already had covid.
BUCK: I already had covid. There was absolutely no medical basis. I haven’t changed my opinion. And for those of you who are wondering, I am more ticked off — shall we say — now, than ever because I was, basically, forced. In my mind they gave me an impossible choice just as we’ve had people writing in to say, “Should I lose my job at a hospital or should I get the shot, Buck?”
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: This is a tough call. People have pensions. People have families. They have mortgages to pay, right? And they’ve turned the screws.
CLAY: And this is what the government is relying on to force you to do it, making other places not the federal government but local and business to do it.
BUCK: They said they wouldn’t do it, and they are doing it too. Just remember that. The incrementalism of progressivism is on display here with the way that they’ve said, “Oh, no, no. It’s not a slippery slope.” It absolutely is. They’re saying as we’re slipping down the slope together.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: And people across the country think, “Oh, I’m in, Texas. It’s not gonna effect me.”
CLAY: Or Tennessee where we are now.
BUCK: Yeah, or Tennessee, where we’re sitting right now. Yeah, it won’t affect you until you’ve got a sick grandma — not from covid-19, necessarily — in the other part of the country, you want to go visit her and make sure she’s okay, and they say, “Where’s your vaccine passport?” The airlines don’t want to have to do this. I think the federal government will likely step in and say, “Well, we’re the ones that are gonna request this.”
I have a whole pitch as to why, by the way, ’cause I know that right now the Biden administration says they’re not gonna do it, but it has to do with boosters. But here’s what I wanted to say about going to New York City. Clay, I’m walking… You come visit New York a lot. I’m walking just below Times Square north of Herald Square, and there’s, like, a mobile vaccination site and there are these two young guys both of them are minorities, two young guys who are kind of the —
CLAY: Front-facing employees. Yeah.
BUCK: They’re sitting there at the desk taking in people that at this van. And I go up and I start chatting, very nice guys. I’m chatting ’em up a little bit and I’m like, “So, guys, I think I’m gonna go get this done ’cause I’m looking at the wedding invitation on my phone, and I’m just like, I can’t have this stress.” So I walk up, I’m just wondering, so I have a choice here. I think it was Pfizer or Moderna or maybe there was another site nearby. So I said, “Just wondering,” and I just asked, “What did you guys get?” and one of them looks at me goes, “Oh, I didn’t get the shot.” (laughing) Well, hold on a second.”
CLAY: They’re not mandating it for people who are working at the vaccine clinics, I guess.
BUCK: That’s what I thought. I’m sitting here; I’m thinking, “Okay this is a pretty remarkable circumstance,” and then I go to another city clinic. So I went through this whole process. I didn’t go to the drugstore. It could have been easier. No. I went to the city clinic because I wanted to get the J&J shot.
CLAY: Which is the one shot, right?
BUCK: It is the one shot and also a traditional vaccine, and also not an mRNA vaccine technology. So I figured is what I gotta do. So I go to this city site that the city of New York sets up and I walk… Okay, I went in. I had a scooter, but let’s not worry about that right now. So I go scoot scooting —
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: I know I didn’t have to tell everybody that.
CLAY: Wow. That was fantastic.
BUCK: I’m an honest guy, Clay. I’m an honest guy. So I go scoot scooting into the place.
CLAY: You and the State Department dude having fun hanging out together.
BUCK: That’s right.
CLAY: You can ride scooters around —
BUCK: (laughing)
CLAY: — and talk about how inclusive you are.
BUCK: We put down our tiny macchiatos for a second to get our shots. I go in there and I sit down with this nurse. I can tell you… I don’t want to say that I know that she probably listened to us on radio in New York City on 710 WOR but I have a feeling she probably does. She sits down; she looks at me, and I’m like, I can’t believe I’m furious that I’m doing this. She goes, “Are you sure you want to do this? You do your research?”
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: I’m like, “What do you mean am I sure I want to do this?” I looked at her.
CLAY: Did you ask her if she had gotten the vaccine?
BUCK: Yeah, she said she was mandated to. I said, “Yeah? Well,” and I told her about the wedding and everything and she was like, “I know. Natural immunity, it’s so crazy, the city’s not taking that into account.” So she was totally on board, the woman about to give me the shot. She was like, “You sure you want the J&J?” She was like, “I don’t know. You might want to get…” “I thought the idea was supposed to be jab me as fast as possible?” She was very sweet and put a nice little Band-Aid on me and sent me on my merry way. I didn’t have any side-effects.
CLAY: What day did you do it?
BUCK: Right before the weekend.
CLAY: So you had no side effects, you had no issues?
BUCK: No issues, no nothing. My arm is a little sore the way it might be for a flu shot but I’ve had no issues.
CLAY: Right.
BUCK: Here’s the point I’m making, Clay. They’re making people that are adamant bend the knee. What choice, f you live in New York City, if you have rent or a mortgage to pay, if you have a job that depends on it…? The media companies now a lot of them have mandated everybody gets the vaccine.
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: What are we going to do? I would offer that part of the problem here is that we’ve been split, because in places where you’ve had greater freedom. My friends including my two brothers who had moved to Florida over the pandemic, they feel like this is a problem for other people.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: I’ve been trying to wave the flag, saying, “You don’t understand. These progressives, these leftist loons in the Biden administration — Dr. Fauci — they’re nuts. They’re never gonna leave you alone until we stand up to this together,” and so now I feel like we’re taking vaccine hits here and people are realizing, oh, this is actually coming for all of us.
CLAY: Yeah, and we need to talk about this booster element, too, because the big fear — if you listen to us when we’ve talked with Alex Berenson, by the way, his numbers continue to become more and more accurate based out of Israel — is, even if we had a hundred percent vaccination rate in the United States right now, covid’s not going away. We’re never going to be at Covid Zero and that’s important we need to talk about that.
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