CLAY: What I thought stood out the most over this weekend, Democrats have stepped all over themselves in this January 6th, which is the default third impeachment trial for Donald Trump. But they are now coming for Joe Biden, and there were stories in the Washington Post, there were stories in Politico, there were stories in the New York Times that felt very organized.
It felt very intentional to basically let it be known that there are a lot of Democrats that are jumping off the Joe Biden Express — to the extent that that it expressed to anywhere other than disaster — and saying he cannot be the nominee in 2024. And I think that is only going grow as we are now five months away from what is going to be an all-time midterm shellacking. Are you surprised that it’s suddenly happening? To me, it’s is interesting because it’s going on right in the middle of Jan 6th and most of the discussion over the weekend was by Biden trying to get pushed out of the presidency.
BUCK: It’s remarkable when you hear how open they are, I guess, about it at this point. It’s also fascinating that we’re supposed to go completely enthralled with this January 6th. I watched the whole first one, right? It’s still going on right now as we’re on air, the second episode. So, we’ll be, as Clay said, rolling on or picking up important parts of it for you. But I’ve learned nothing new from any of it, and the background of this — let’s be clear — is they’re making a case that Donald Trump should be indicted for conspiracy to overthrow the United States government.
And there’s even been some more open discussion of that. You mentioned the case and people are talking about, the House committee on Sunday had a few of its members saying, Clay, they had “enough evidence for the Justice Department,” this is separate from Congress, “to consider a criminal indictment against Donald Trump for seeking to overturn his 2020 election defeat.” I find that utterly fascinating.
First of all, I don’t think that they have the gall to do it, but I think that they certainly are dishonest enough that they would do it, right? So it’s a question whether they’re willing to deal with the political consequences. They’re pushing on the one hand the prospect of maybe prosecuting a former president for nonsense, as we know.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: And, on the other hand, to your point about Joe Biden and all the undermining and all the behind-the-scenes cloak and dagger, in the smoke-filled rooms discussion about Democrats — probably vape filled rooms these days. Here is AOC when she was asked… Now, I think AOC is the spiritual leader of the Democratic Party, right? I think that she’s a figurehead for the Democrat left that has more power and sway in the party than anyone else, even though she’s just a member of Congress. Here she is on whether she would support Biden.
BUCK: Can I just…? Clay, this is something she says of the incumbent president of her party running again is, quote, “something we would entertain.” (laughing)
CLAY: And, by the way, we are still relatively early in his term, which is why when this onslaught happens, when this red storm arises — and we’re less than five months away from this occurring — I don’t think there’s any way… I’m increasingly of the opinion I don’t think there’s any way that they are going to put Joe Biden back on the ticket, Buck. And certainly listen to this from Bret Baier.
He said Biden’s recent media blitz… Remember, the argument — and this is not good for Biden — was, “Hey, the reason why he has so much low approval ratings is ’cause we haven’t gotten out enough and let Biden be Biden.” That was the argument that they were trying to make. “Hey, it’s not all the disastrous decisions.
It’s not the murder rate surging, the border being a collapse, stock market collapsing, all of a sudden interest rates soaring. It’s just that Joe Biden hasn’t gotten to get out and share his common touch with Americans.” Listen to Bret Baier say, actually the more Biden gets out and talks, the less likely Democrats are to want to support him. Listen to this.
BAIER: The whisper is now much louder in just the past few weeks, and the president’s public efforts, including the Jimmy Kimmel appearance, have not helped anything. In fact, they’ve only increased what has been happening. In Democratic circles. This is not… These are not, you know, Republicans. These are not conservatives, like, lobbing grenades rhetorically.
They are Democrats saying, we have a real issue, a major issue, in the words of David Axelrod. So I expect that to increase. And depending what happens in the midterms, if the election were tomorrow, it would be a massive red wave. There’s a lot of time before November, but there’s not a lot of time to steer the ship of state — the aircraft carrier — away from inflation and the problems that they’re facing.
BUCK: If Joe Biden were the person that Democrats pretended he was to get him elected, not only would he have taken an entirely different approach to his presidency but you would think at least at this point, his approach would be, “Guys, things are crazy with covid, let’s come together as a country. Let’s bring this one down the middle. Let’s all unify.” You know, to try to pose as Americans’ grandpa, essentially. Right?
‘Cause that was what we were offered when everyone was scared during covid. It’s gonna be normalcy, right? So instead of what you have — and we’ve been saying this a long time here — is Joe Biden is actually a nasty fellow. He takes really unfair not just potshots at Trump and other people on the Republican side in politics, but the whole pandemic of the unvaccinated.
He’s been really a vicious, nasty old man his entire presidency — and I would argue his entire political career. He just does the grinning and shaking hands thing for the cameras. But it’s gone beyond even people like you and me who do this for a living figuring how — and of course the American people are paying attention. I’m vaguely familiar with this guy. I know he’s super famous among everybody under 30. Jake Paul. You probably know more about him.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: He’s a YouTube star, and for people listening, Clay has kids; he always talks about this. The longest line I ever saw in New York City in person — and I am not kidding, the longest line I ever saw, including the opening of Star Wars movies, everything else — was actually to see a YouTube star who did makeup tutorials. Blocks and blocks and blocks. So these people have a lot of influence. Jake Paul has four million Twitter followers. He’s a young guy. I don’t know much about him. Here is his tweet from over the weekend:
BUCK: By the way, A+, 10 out of 10 for Jake Paul. He sees it. He gets it.
CLAY: I will tell you this. My kids get almost all of their information from YouTube. So if you are out there listening right now and you’ve got grandkids or you’ve got kids, the odds that they look up to a YouTube personality — this is somebody who’s not on CNN or MSNBC or Fox News or ESPN or Fox Sports or anything — they watch and trust these YouTube personalities like 50 years people watched and trusted Walter Cronkite.
And so it sounds funny when you’re pointing out this Jake Paul thing, but the Jake Paul audience, if Joe Biden is losing Instagram influencers and he’s losing the YouTube generation, which he is — I mean, this is reflective of the overall numbers — young people are abandoning Joe Biden at rates far faster than older people. And this is emblematic to me. I don’t even know.
Basically, Joe Biden’s only base at this point, Buck, is black people — who are 65% approving rate, which is way low for the black approval rate of a Democrat president, usually — and woke white people. That’s basically it: Super highly educated woke white people. That’s the only people that Joe Biden has a positive approval rating on right now. That’s it, in the entire country. They’ve lost everybody else.
BUCK: Now we get into: How do they play all of this? I mean, the truth, the obvious truth of the catastrophic Biden presidency so far is that as really obviously and weak and JV as these hearings are on Capitol Hill, is now the case — I don’t think anybody would really argue otherwise — that the American people focusing on anything other than when it comes to politics, the price of gas, the price of food, the price of rent, the economy, the stock market, crime in cities, et cetera, is better for Democrats. Your day-to-day reality is something that is going to drag down the Democrat Party into the depths of the biggest election loss that they have seen I would assume now, or I should say I would guess, in decades.
CLAY: Maybe ever.
BUCK: It could be.
CLAY: Maybe ever.
BUCK: It could be.
CLAY: I think we’re looking at potentially a historic day before it may not be… As we talked about, Buck, you may not get the total numbers because the Democrats lost seats in the 2020 election so you don’t necessarily have the same swing. But in terms of number of votes that could go to Republicans versus Democrats, I think it’s possible that 2022 is the biggest loss in the history of the Democrat Party.
CLAY: Yep.
BUCK: Do you think that they may actually try to bring up Donald Trump on charges? They think they have the gall?
CLAY: In the radio business, we’ll call this a tease and we will discuss whether we think Merrick Garland has the testicular fortitude to potentially pursue such a task.
BUCK: It would be a clear decision of politics, and everyone knows that. They’re so… It seems insane, right? They are so desperate, though. I know that this is something that they’re at least considering.
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