BUCK: Inflation oil, gas prices. Nancy Pelosi blames oil companies for gas prices. Play 20.
BUCK: What is she…? Does anyone think that makes any sense? “When the price of oil goes down, it doesn’t really go down. When it goes up, it doesn’t really go up.” She has absolutely no idea how to run a business or how the fossil fuel business runs. But she does — she does, in fact — understand the stock market, apparently, really well. I wonder why that is?
Could it be that she’s speaker of the House and has a good sense of legislation and also pork spending and other things in the legislation that could affect certain industries and even companies specifically and is also exempted from insider information laws about trading on that in the main? There’s some restrictions, but very, very few.
Or you can just believe that Nancy Pelosi is smarter than most Wall Street hedge fund managers somehow, and is really just amazing with her stock picks. Meanwhile, back in Reality Land… Maybe we should start calling this show, because that’s what it feels like. This is Reality Land, and then I have to deal with all the libs living in some other alternate universe. Rand Paul points out that the green movement in this country has made things dramatically worse for us, not just on the energy front, but on the national security front.
BUCK: The green movement. The green movement has made things worse for us. The green movement has made things more difficult for us on the national security front, on the energy policy front, on the what-you-pay-at-the-pump front, all of this, all together, right? What is in the benefit of it? Now, usually when Democrats do something, there’s some offsetting benefit, right?
Now I understand there’s an offsetting benefit ’cause Democrats get donations from green energy acolytes and the people that push this environmentalist stuff and all the rest of it. But the truth here is that there’s really no offsetting, no offsetting benefit to the American people of these policies, but it’s all rooted in — and I think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said just yesterday on one of the social media streams that gas companies shouldn’t allow the world to catch on fire.
Oh. Gas companies should not allow the world to watch on fire. If you believe that, I don’t know what to say. If you believe that, I don’t know what to tell you. But this is what we’re dealing with: An irrational sense of environmentalism and the Green New Deal, an irrational sense of all of the policies that affect fossil fuels.
And so this is why we can’t actually come to a better place, ’cause we’re not trying to accomplish the same things. Pelosi says that it’s not “market based,” and at some level, there’s some truth to it. But beyond that, it’s a situation where they have created an the existential mythology around green energy, and they can justify anything in their mind in order to achieve that.
BUCK: While on the one hand we are here and watching the situation play out with the Biden regime reacting to events in Ukraine, you have Nancy Pelosi who wants to convince you that this has just been all done incredibly well. It is fantastic. Listen to this.
PELOSI: President Biden has done a masterful job in managing (coughs) this situation in a way that is collaborative, not condescending or dictating but collaborative. The unity of the (sputtering) — of — of the, um, G6 — the — not only the G7 but the NATO alliance has been remarkable to behold. They are all unified with the — how to go forward, and how they are unified on how we go forward is that we are not going in to Ukraine. It is not an Article V situation.
There shouldn’t be… Not all of them. Not all the Democrats are this way, but a lot of them agree that there shouldn’t be U.S. troops. And that’s where the Biden administration so far has refrained. When I say “troops,” I also mean airmen, I mean the no-fly zone. But they can’t help themselves but somehow try to convince you that a war that never should have been launched in the first place and diplomacy could have averted, is actually a circumstance of Joe Biden’s diplomatic skills on display.
What amazing stuff he’s done! I also see people constantly lying about how Trump destroyed the NATO alliance. Clearly that didn’t happen, and in fact NATO allies were more armed up, in a better place — and Ukraine was more armed up and in a better place — because of Trump. Don’t forget that. That is a truth that is getting lost in all of this, as they try to pretend that it was Trump who was Putin’s stooge. Absurd.
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The Democrats are making fools of themselves and have no idea how to change it.
Miss Clay on Hannity? Watch it here.
Miss Buck on The Story with Martha MacCallum? Watch it here.