Dems Can’t Win Battle of Ideas, So They Cling to Identity Politics
15 Jun 2022
BUCK: The Democrats could be in for a rude awakening in so many ways. Watch the latest video at
BUCK: Obviously, we’re talking about the midterms. Welcome back to Clay and Buck and how it’s just a question of how bad it’s gonna be for them, and it should be — if there is any political justice in this world, it should be — the biggest annihilation. They deserve the biggest political slapdown of my lifetime or at least of my adult lifetime. I don’t remember what it was like back in the Reagan era all that well, ’cause I was a little kid. But, Clay, the activist-versus-everyday Democrat voter separation is something I think we’re seeing play out in a number of ways that really do move the needle or really do affect the way the political trajectory is going.
As Marco Rubio just said, Senator from Florida, of course, that Hispanic activist groups don’t really represent… They’re identity politics groups that are very much acting the same way as others within the left wing of the Democrat base. Everyday Hispanic voters — a lot of them are obviously Democrats; Democrats have a big advantage in terms of registration of Hispanics — are saying, “What has Biden done for me lately?”
You even see this, I think, within members of the gay community lately who are saying — and I’ve talked to you about this too “Hold on a second. This trans activism for children in schools and through Disney is not,” speaking, obviously, first person. They’re speaking first person. “This is not my fight as a gay man or as a woman who’s in a same-sex marriage, et cetera, in America.” The activists have pushed the party so far left on a number of issues, I think they’re gonna realize the Democrat voter, not necessarily the Democrat vanguard, isn’t with them on some of these things.
CLAY: I think that is exactly what’s going on, and this is nothing less than an existential threat to the existence of the Democrat Party. I think this is big. Because their entire concept of existence has been, as America becomes more diverse — as there are more Hispanic, as there are a larger minority population — then our victory becomes inevitable. That’s the math that they’ve tried to put out there. Politics often doesn’t go as a mathematical equation you would expect because political leaders adjust the calculus along the way. And one of the biggest legacies of Trump, which is an incredible irony, is he probably has expanded the Republican base.
And he may have had led the Democrat Party to destroy itself because they have become so obsessed with identity politics that they think they can tell how you’re going to vote just by looking at you. And that works to a large extent in the black population — although for black men, I think it’s changing in a hurry. And what we should have in America is, if you look at a white guy, you have no idea how he votes. You look at a white woman; you have no idea how they vote. Increasingly it’s starting to look like that might be the case for Hispanic voters as well, and then what do you have to do? Compete on ideas as opposed to on identities, and that is where we are headed.
BUCK: That old question in politics, “Have you seen your life get better?” The answer, I think, unless you are somebody who is part of the hard-core Democrat fringe, unless you work for the ACLU, unless you’re a part of Planned Parenthood or —
CLAY: Or you’re Hunter Biden.
BUCK: — you’re Hunter Biden.
CLAY: Hunter Biden’s life has gotten better with Joe Biden in office.
BUCK: Hunter Biden’s been making that cash. But for everybody else listening to this, it just gets worse. I mean, I sit here, and I say, “Are we missing something?” Every day, Clay, I say, “What is this thing that the Democrats point to or could point to that we’re not talking about everything better?” and then you realize why there’s such an obsession with Trump —
CLAY: They don’t have anything else.
BUCK: — because the only thing they delivered on is “Joe Biden is not Donald Trump,” and that’s not enough for anybody who’s not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
CLAY: And it certainly wasn’t enough for everybody down in South Texas with, again, Mayra Flores. For those of you out there who are just starting to listen, this was, I believe, a seismic victory for sanity in this country.
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