
Dick Durbin Gives Away Democrats’ Amnesty Game

BUCK: We just talked to Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. We covered a whole bunch of things from NBA ratings to the immigration crisis at our southern border that continues, and then the Democrats’ mega budget, which is not only spending us into oblivion if they get their way, but they are trying to just slip through stuff in a budget bill that has nothing to do with the budget, and that’s just slimy and dishonest.

But we are talking about the Democrats here. It’s not a surprise.

But Dick Durbin, Senator Durbin, had a moment of honesty, I thought, about why it is the Democrats are doing, and this has been a thesis of mine all along. Not only are they untroubled by the fact that we’re setting an all-time report right now at the southern border for people entering the country illegally — all-time records are being hit.

Last month was the highest ever in one month since they’ve been tracking this. You’re looking at close to two million for this year by the end of the year illegal entry, and that’s just at the southern border. That doesn’t include visa overstays. That doesn’t include people coming and breaking immigration law in other ways. So Dick Durbin, though, kind of gives away the game here in a sense by talking about, well, the changing — the rapidly changing — demographics at this moment of a de facto open border.

DURBIN: (whispering) So, there’s no argument for changing election and voting laws based on fraud. There certainly isn’t the… There’s no argument when it comes to the outcome of the election. That was clear, and it has been to everyone except one former president for a long time. And yet the Republicans when in control of state legislatures are, by design, trying to make it more difficult for some people to vote. Why?

The answer is very simple. The demographics of America are not on the side of the Republican Party. The new voters in this country are moving away from them, away from Donald Trump, away from their party creed that they preach. Instead, they’re moving to be independents or even vote on the other side. To argue and fight against that, the Republicans in legislative settings are reducing and restricting the opportunity to vote. That’s what it’s all about.

BUCK: Uh, new voters, Clay. Like, what you’d have with a massive amnesty which they’re trying to get through in this bill of five million people, by the way.

CLAY: What’s fascinating about this, too, is he’s not even right. The reason why Trump lost support in the 2020 election was white people. He increased Hispanic support by 10%. He increased Asian support. He increased black support. Trump got way more votes in 2020, because overwhelmingly minority voters did not buy into the Democratic mantra of “everything is racist.”

We know this data, by the way, is out there and Pew Research, and he increased all of this minority support despite the fact that he was being bludgeoned over the head with covid. But if only he had held more white suburban support, this election would not have been remotely close, and so I don’t buy into the argument that he is even making.

I think the reason why these legislatures are taking action is because — and this is straightforward and transparent; it’s clear, but I think we need to keep repeating it. It is because the rules were changed because of covid in 2020. And what we’re now trying to do is make certain that we don’t codify those rule changes forever to allow more voter fraud through absentee ballot, through vote harvesting, all these different things which have been proven to be less reliable than people voting in person.


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