DOJ Fights to Reinstitute Travel Mask Mandate

CLAY: Buck, you remember one of the big wins that we got, for those of us who are on the Covid Sanity Team, was on April 18th. Judge Mizelle, I believe it was, brave woman down in Florida, a district court judge, decided the federal mask mandate on airplanes, on trains, it could end. And so since then the TSA has taken down all of their plexiglass. They allow to you walk through airports basically without wearing masks at all.

We saw all of the celebratory reactions as each airline came out and announced, many of them mid-flight, “Hey, you can remove your mask! You no longer have to wear them,” and certainly, we haven’t heard of any mass issue on airplanes as a result of covid being removed, as we told you was likely the case. Because, again, we look at the facts, and the airline CEOs pointed out the air-filtration systems on the airplanes and everything else proved that the masks were not necessary.

On top of that, Buck, yesterday we talked about on the program that the New York Times had even acknowledged — and today it’s in the print edition of the paper — that mask mandates do not work. And they tried to say the reason mask mandates don’t work is people don’t wear masks correctly. Really, I believe it’s even if you wear a mask correctly, an average mask that people are walking around wearing, it does little to stop the spread of covid.

Okay. So as all of the consensus is pivoting towards mask mandates don’t work, they’re totally nonsensical, what does the Biden administration do, Buck? It really makes me feel like they’re tanking for the number one overall draft pick. They now are officially appealing the decision by that judge and seeking for the CDC to have the right to reinstitute the mask mandate, which I think would drive people absolutely bonkers. I know it would me, I’m betting it would you, if suddenly they flipped the script and said, “Hey, I know it’s been since April 18th going on two months that people have not had to wear masks, but it’s back, and you now have to wear them again!”

BUCK: There’s so many different emotions that this brings up, a lot of them involving four letters.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: (chuckles) A lot of profanity comes to mind when I think about how completely insane this is. I do believe that, in part, this is only possible because we now increasingly live in a media environment where no one is expected to defend their positions against the opposition anymore. So neither Fauci nor Walensky more Biden, no one’s going to stand forward and deal with more than maybe Doocy at Fox will get in one actual question about this before they move on to somebody else. It is indefensibly stupid to have a mask mandate on planes.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: There is no good-faith argument, there is no discussion worth having.

CLAY: No scientific basis.

BUCK: There’s no scientific basis, there’s no data to support this. You are living 99.9% of your life out there in the free air, breathing, it’s all fine, right? And for this one little thing where you’re actually safer than all other “congregate settings,” as Fauci calls them, which is on a plane where the air is actually filtered at such a high level that viruses are pulled out of the air, believe it or not. Pretty amazing technology, actually. Clay, so why do they do this, right? Now we have to get to the “why.”

CLAY: And, by the way, we should also mention, some people say, “I don’t know why you guys still talk about covid. It doesn’t exist where I live.” It’s ’cause they’re not gonna let it go, and this appeal just provides further evidence of that fact.

BUCK: And they’re not going to stop even after the election.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: If you want it to stop, I need everybody listening to this to vote. We see right now Dr. Oz and McCormick are still separated in Pennsylvania, and look, these are Republicans, so they’re both on Team Good Guy as far as I’m concerned. But they’re separated by a thousand votes. So when we say we need everybody in Nevada, everybody in Michigan, everybody in Wisconsin listening to us to mobilize and go vote and hold people accountable for their covid lunacy.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: It actually makes a difference. The people listening to this show right now can make the difference in some of those states in a close election, the likes of which we’re already seeing in this cycle. So on the one hand there has to be the political accountability for this. That’s why we keep talking about it, Clay. And we promised, right? We’re not gonna let this go. Until Fauci comes out and says, “I’m sorry, I’m the worst, I was wrong,” which he’s never gonna do, we have to stay on this and keep speaking the truth about this.

And then beyond that, why do they want to do this to people? And I just have to say, they want the power. They’re gonna say this is just about they have the right to do it. I’m not sure even if they win, they might get this decision they want, Clay, and then have the CDC say, “You know what? We think we’re in a period of low enough transmission where we’ll let you peasants breathe free fresh air for a while.”

Remember it’s planes, buses, and trains too. It’s not just planes. And, you know, anything that’s going over state lines. And then beyond it, this is compliance training. This is Democrats want the ability to tell you, “You do this because we say so,” whether it’s masks, taking your guns, you name it. “Because we say so” is their justification.

CLAY: You know, to be fair to Janet I don’t think she had any other options at this point, but she said, “Hey, we got it wrong.” Have you heard Fauci admit that he got anything wrong, Buck? Has anyone had any self-reflection at all to say, “Hey, in retrospect, shutting down schools was the wrong decision. In retrospect, requiring everybody to wear masks…”

Even (laughing), “In retrospect, putting crime scene tape on outdoor playgrounds, those stupid circles that they drew in all the New York City parks filling up the sand, filling up skate parks in California with sand.” He hasn’t said, “Hey, we were wrong to take down the basketball rims and the courts for tennis.” He hasn’t said anything.

BUCK: Clay, in New York State, there was a thing, there was a period where we had something called Cuomo Chips, because you were allowed… Remember, this is about epidemiology, this is about the science, #TheScience. Everybody needs to remember this. I know people in Texas and Tennessee and Florida are laughing at how stupid New York is and they should, by the way. But I’m here with my fellow New Yorkers; we’ve had to live through this nonsense. You were allowed to sit and drink at the bar as long as you ordered food because somehow that makes you less syllable to get covid?

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: And so then they just started giving people $1 worth of potato chips so you could sit there and have your drink at the bar, and Democrats thought this was intelligent! They thought this was normal. And on the Fauci point, the thing about him that drives me almost more insane than anything else is that, to your point about the circles and the parks, Clay, and the shutting down the playgrounds and the caution tape around the merry-go-round — really psychotic stuff.

This was psychosis. This was a mass psychosis. Fauci never has come out and said, “You know, guys, that’s a little too far. You know? We really need to actually just be adults here.” Children for our neurosis. We need to talk about that New York Times article that broke over the week and we mentioned on the show yesterday they just interviewed all these counselors who are saying that kids all across America — after the shutdowns, postcovid — are getting into fights, emotionally distant, suicidal ideation, at levels they have never seen in decades-long careers.

They have hurt millions of children. Fauci, Biden, Walensky, your annoying Democrat neighbor who triple masks and walks around with two bottles of hand sanitizer at all times, they have pushed for policies that have ruined the lives of millions of children with no attendant benefit. I think that’s worth voting against people just on that issue when you cast ballots.


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